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Revision as of 19:59, 10 January 2021 by Alleryn (talk | contribs) (Decomposition Xp)

Augmentation Overview

Augmentation is not a skill itself, but an important mechanic, with 4 different secondary Augmentation skills. It can be confusing at first; Augmentation as a mechanic involves breaking down Magic gear for materials, Extracting Treasure Effects from existing gear into Augments, and Applying these Augments to different pieces of gear in order to add the extracted mods. There are 4 different types of Augmentation: Weapon (which includes Gloves), Jewelry, Armor (Chest and Legs), and Ancillary-Armor (Helms and Boots). Each one is a skill with levels and experience that breaks down different gear types, and each is leveled independently.

While Transmutation lets you change the treasure effects (mods) on your gear, Augmentation lets you add one additional treasure effect (mod) to a piece of gear. With Transmutation you distill items into Phlogiston and use a transmutation table to make changes. With Augmentation you decompose items into beads (weapons and gloves), ornaments (jewelry), baubles (chest and legs), and contraptions (helms and boots), in order to extract a mod from one item and place it onto a different item.

Along with Transmutation and Shamanic Infusion, Augmentation forms the mechanism for enchanting gear in Project Gorgon.

In addition to its use in player-crafting, augments can also be found in monster loot and applied to equipment by NPCs.

For additional information, see the Lorebook icon_4006.png Augments for Everyone.

Learning Augmentation

Learning augmentation is a multi-step process. Visit Nightshade at the Kur Mountains Outpost to begin a series of quests that allow you to augment gear. There are four subcategories of augmentation taught by the following NPCs:

Training Augmentation

Weapon Augmentation - Main hand Augments, Glove Augments, and Off-Hand Augments
Learn from Malgath in the Wolf Cave. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Blacksmithing.
Jewelry Augmentation - Neck Augments and Ring Augments
Learn from Poe in the Myconian Cave. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Toolcrafting.
Armor Augmentation - Chest Augments and Leg Augments
Learn from Syndra in a barn in central Kur Mountains. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Leatherworking.
Ancillary-Armor Augmentation - Helm Augments and Boot Augments
Learn from Gribburn in the basement of Hogan's Keep. Requires 25 Alchemy, 25 Tailoring.

Some challenges must be completed before receiving skills from these sub-trainers. For example, Malgath is reached after defeating multiple Wolf Cave mobs; Poe is in an obscure corner of Myconian cave; Gribburn requires learning Goblinese and gaining favor with Hogan; and Syndra requires resolving a problem.

To learn Weapon Augmentation, for example, a player travels to Malgath in the Wolf Cave and gains his favor in order to train the first level skill called "Decompose Main Hand Weapon".

Using Augmentation


Decomposing Items

Decomposing Uncommon or higher rarity items breaks them down into beads, ornaments, baubles, or contraptions, depending on item type (e.g. decomposing Level 1-30 jewelry produces s or s). These constituent materials are then used when extracting or undoing augments. Decomposing may also yield Prisms, used in Transmutation. The type (size) and quantity of materials received depend on the level and rarity of the item being decomposed.

Decomposition Experience Points

The amount of experience received in the relevant Augmentation skill depends on the level range of item decomposed, but not the rarity. E.g. decomposing an Uncommon level 5 ring will yield the same amount of Jewelry Augmentation xp as a Legendary level 30 ring, but (substantially) less than an Uncommon level 35(-60) ring needs confirmation.

Level Range of Item XP
1-30 50

Item Decomposition Recipes

Recipe Skill Level Ingredients Trainer
Decompose Main-Hand Weapon Weapon Augmentation 1 Main-Hand Item x1 Malgath
Decompose Ring Jewelry Augmentation 1 Ring x1 Poe
Decompose Chest Armor Armor Augmentation 1 Chest Armor x1 Syndra
Decompose Helm Ancillary-Armor Augmentation 1 Head Armor x1 Gribburn
Decompose Off-Hand Weapon Weapon Augmentation 13 Off-Hand Item x1 Malgath
Decompose Necklace Jewelry Augmentation 13 Necklace x1 Poe
Decompose Leg Armor Armor Augmentation 13 Leg Armor x1 Syndra
Decompose Boots Ancillary-Armor Augmentation 13 Footwear x1 Gribburn
Decompose Gloves Weapon Augmentation 18 Gloves x1 Malgath

Extracting Augments

Augmentation skills also allow you to extract "mods" from that specific equipment type. As an example, Weapon Augmentation teaches the player to extract mods from weapons (and gloves). Extracting a specific mod effect requires materials gained during the Decompose process. This material is specific to the equipment type. Weapons, as an example, give beads, while jewelry gives ornaments. The exact material for each augment extraction is listed on the respective skill's wiki page. An extraction takes 20 of the required material (e.g. 20 beads).

Extracting a specific effect requires a "crystal" as well. Putting the wrong type of crystal (e.g. using a redwall crystal because they're more readily available) will result in the item and crystal being destroyed, and the player will receive a message stating that they used the wrong type of crystal.

Using the right type of crystal requires matching up a specific gem's primary and/or secondary effect with the effect of the item. These effects are notated on the gems page.

For instance, extracting a psychology effect from a sword, the player uses tourmaline as the crystal in the extract augment recipe. The weapon and crystal are both destroyed in the process, but create an augment that can be placed on another weapon.

Assuming everything went right, the player receives an augment which can be applied to a different main-hand weapon.

Augment Extraction Recipes

Recipe Skill Level Ingredients Results Trainer
Extract Main-Hand Augment (Level 0-30) Weapon Augmentation 8 icon_5804.png Small Main-Hand Bead x20
Main-Hand Item x1
Crystal x1
icon_5489.png Main-Hand Augment x1 Malgath
Extract Ring Augment (Level 0-30) Jewelry Augmentation 8 icon_5798.png Small Ring Ornament x20
Ring x1
Crystal x1
icon_5490.png Ring Augment x1 Poe
Extract Chest Augment (Level 0-30) (Level 0-30) Armor Augmentation 8 icon_5812.png Small Chest Bauble x20
Chest Armor x1
Crystal x1
icon_5483.png Chest Augment x1 Syndra
Extract Helm Augment (Level 0-30) Ancillary-Armor Augmentation 8 icon_5806.png Small Helm Contraption x20
Head Armor x1
Crystal x1
icon_5486.png Helm Augment x1 Gribburn
Extract Off-Hand Augment (Level 0-30) Weapon Augmentation 20 icon_5802.png Small Off-Hand Bead x20
Off-Hand Item x1
Crystal x1
icon_5488.png Off-Hand Augment x1 Malgath
Extract Necklace Augment (Level 0-30) Jewelry Augmentation 20 icon_5796.png Small Necklace Ornament x20
Necklace x1
Crystal x1
icon_5491.png Necklace Augment x1 Poe
Extract Leg Augment (Level 0-30) Armor Augmentation 20 icon_5810.png Small Leg Bauble x20
Leg Armor x1
Crystal x1
icon_5487.png Leg Augment x1 Syndra
Extract Boot Augment (Level 0-30) Ancillary-Armor Augmentation 20 icon_5808.png Small Shoe Contraption x20
Footwear x1
Crystal x1
icon_5484.png Shoe Augment x1 Gribburn
Extract Glove Augment (Level 0-30) Weapon Augmentation 25 icon_5800.png Small Glove Bead x20
Gloves x1
Crystal x1
icon_5485.png Glove Augment x1 Malgath
Extract Main-Hand Augment (Level 31-60) Weapon Augmentation 31 icon_5805.png Medium Main-Hand Bead x20
Main-Hand Item x1
Crystal x1
icon_5489.png Main-Hand Augment x1 Malgath
Extract Ring Augment (Level 31-60) Jewelry Augmentation 31 icon_5799.png Medium Ring Ornament x20
Ring x1
Crystal x1
icon_5490.png Ring Augment x1 Poe
Extract Chest Augment (Level 31-60) Armor Augmentation 31 icon_5813.png Medium Chest Bauble x20
Chest Armor x1
Crystal x1
icon_5483.png Chest Augment x1 Syndra
Extract Helm Augment (Level 31-60) Ancillary-Armor Augmentation 31 icon_5807.png Medium Helm Contraption x20
Head Armor x1
Crystal x1
icon_5486.png Helm Augment x1 Gribburn
Extract Off-Hand Augment (Level 31-60) Weapon Augmentation 45 icon_5803.png Medium Off-Hand Bead x20
Off-Hand Item x1
Crystal x1
icon_5488.png Off-Hand Augment x1 Malgath
Extract Necklace Augment (Level 31-60) Jewelry Augmentation 45 icon_5797.png Medium Necklace Ornament x20
Necklace x1
Crystal x1
icon_5491.png Necklace Augment x1 Poe
Extract Leg Augment (Level 31-60) Armor Augmentation 45 icon_5811.png Medium Leg Bauble x20
Leg Armor x1
Crystal x1
icon_5487.png Leg Augment x1 Syndra
Extract Boot Augment (Level 31-60) Ancillary-Armor Augmentation 45 icon_5809.png Medium Shoe Contraption x20
Footwear x1
Crystal x1
icon_5484.png Shoe Augment x1 Gribburn
Extract Glove Augment (Level 31-60) Weapon Augmentation 50 icon_5801.png Medium Glove Bead x20
Gloves x1
Crystal x1
icon_5485.png Glove Augment x1 Malgath
Extract Main-Hand Augment (Level 61-90) Weapon Augmentation 61 icon_5492.png Large Main-Hand Bead x20
Main-Hand Item x1
Crystal x1
icon_5489.png Main-Hand Augment x1 Malgath
Extract Ring Augment (Level 61-90) Jewelry Augmentation 61 icon_5499.png Large Ring Ornament x20
Ring x1
Crystal x1
icon_5490.png Ring Augment x1 Poe
Extract Chest Augment (Level 61-90 Armor Augmentation 61 icon_5495.png Large Chest Bauble x20
Chest Armor x1
Crystal x1
icon_5483.png Chest Augment x1 Syndra
Extract Helm Augment (Level 61-90) Ancillary-Armor Augmentation 61 icon_5497.png Large Helm Contraption x20
Head Armor x1
Crystal x1
icon_5486.png Helm Augment x1 Gribburn
Extract Off-Hand Augment (Level 61-90) Weapon Augmentation 65 icon_5493.png Large Off-Hand Bead x20
Off-Hand Item x1
Crystal x1
icon_5488.png Off-Hand Augment x1 Malgath
Extract Necklace Augment (Level 61-90) Jewelry Augmentation 65 icon_5500.png Large Necklace Ornament x20
Necklace x1
Crystal x1
icon_5491.png Necklace Augment x1 Poe
Extract Leg Augment (Level 61-90) Armor Augmentation 65 icon_5496.png Large Leg Bauble x20
Leg Armor x1
Crystal x1
icon_5487.png Leg Augment x1 Syndra
Extract Boot Augment (Level 61-90) Ancillary-Armor Augmentation 65 icon_5498.png Large Shoe Contraption x20
Footwear x1
Crystal x1
icon_5484.png Shoe Augment x1 Gribburn
Extract Glove Augment (Level 61-90) Weapon Augmentation 70 icon_5494.png Large Glove Bead x20
Gloves x1
Crystal x1
icon_5485.png Glove Augment x1 Malgath

Applying Augments

The next step of augmentation is applying the extracted mod to another item. The attachment skills are learned from Nightshade once you have sufficient favor. The recipes for attaching items fall under the Lore skill-line.

Applying an augment to an item costs 100 Enhancement Points on the item, which is max points for normal loot items (120 for crafted). Therefore you can apply only one augment to an item. Other uses for Enhancement Points include Shamanic Infusion, the addition of Pockets to chest/leg armor (Tailoring for cloth and leather or Blacksmithing for metal and organic) and various other improvements such as additional armor through reinforcing (Blacksmithing) or additional damage of a particular element (Tailoring).

Note that applying an augment will bind the item to your account. Despite the item text reading that the item is bound to the character that augmented it, your other characters will be able to equip it. You can (currently) not augment an item that is bound to another character on your account. If you want to augment items without using the NPC install service you should make sure that all items are bound to the character that can apply augments, by using that character to transmute the item for the first time (other characters can then transmute the item without rebinding).

Augment Application Recipes

Recipe Skill Level Ingredients Trainer
Apply Beaker Augment Lore 2 Beaker x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Dagger Augment Lore 2 Dagger x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Fire Staff Augment Lore 2 Fire Staff x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Hammer Augment Lore 2 Hammer x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Katar Augment Lore 2 Unarmed Main-Hand Weapon x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Staff Augment Lore 2 Staff x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Sword Augment Lore 2 Sword x1
Weapon Augment x1
Apply Bow Augment Lore 3 Bow x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Claw Augment Lore 3 Claw x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Flask Augment Lore 3 Flask x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Orb Augment Lore 3 Orb x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Shield Augment Lore 3 Shield x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Chest Augment Lore 4 Chest Armor x1
Chest-Armor Augment x1
Apply Hands Augment Lore 4 Gloves x1
Gloves-Armor Augment x1
Apply Head Augment Lore 4 Helm x1
Helm Augment x1
Apply Legs Augment Lore 4 Leg Armor x1
Leg-Armor Augment x1
Apply Shoes Augment Lore 4 Shoes x1
Shoes Augment x1
Apply Crossbow Augment Lore 5 Crossbow x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Dirk Augment Lore 5 Dirk x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Horn Augment Lore 5 Horn x1
Off-Hand Augment x1
Apply Lute Augment Lore 5 Lute x1
Main-Hand Augment x1
Apply Necklace Augment Lore 5 Necklace x1
Necklace Augment x1
Apply Ring Augment Lore 5 Ring x1
Ring Augment x1
Apply Wand Augment Lore 5 Wand x1
Weapon Augment x1

Undoing Augments

Only one augment can be added to an item at any one time. If you want to undo an augment applied to a piece of gear, use the appropriate "undo" recipe, for example "Undo Augment on Helm" in Ancillary-Armor Augmentation/Recipes. These undo augment recipes can also be used to undo Shamanic Infusions.

Undoing an augment always uses small materials (e.g. ), regardless of the level of the mod being undone or the level of the item. Undoing an augment consumes 25 of the small material.

Augment Undoing Recipes

Recipe Skill Level Ingredients Trainer
Undo Augment on Ring Jewelry Augmentation 30 icon_5798.png  Small Ring Ornament x25
Ring x1
Undo Augment on Chest Armor Armor Augmentation 30 icon_5812.png  Small Chest Bauble x25
Chest Armor x1
Undo Augment on Helm Ancillary-Armor Augmentation 30 icon_5806.png  Small Helm Contraption x25
Head Armor x1
Undo Augment on Main-Hand Weapon Weapon Augmentation 38 icon_5804.png  Small Main-Hand Bead x25
Main-Hand Item x1
Undo Augment on Necklace Jewelry Augmentation 40 icon_5796.png  Small Necklace Ornament x25
Necklace x1
Undo Augment on Leg Armor Armor Augmentation 40 icon_5810.png  Small Leg Bauble x25
Leg Armor x1
Undo Augment on Boots Ancillary-Armor Augmentation 40 icon_5808.png  Small Shoe Contraption x25
Footwear x1
Undo Augment on Off-Hand Weapon Weapon Augmentation 42 icon_5802.png  Small Off-Hand Bead x25
Off-Hand Item x1
Undo Augment on Gloves Weapon Augmentation 50 icon_5800.png  Small Glove Bead x25
Gloves x1

Augmentation Loot

Augments can now be found in loot from monsters. Augments are much more likely to drop from animals (e.g. bears and wolves) than from sentient enemies such as goblins. The skills you have active will influence the types of Augments you find (e.g. you'll find more Ice Magic augments while using Ice Magic), but there is also a large randomness factor.

The goal of adding augments to loot is to make augments more available to low-level players. For this reason, augments are more likely to be found on low-level monsters than high-level monsters. (At higher level we expect player-augmenters to make up the difference; the plan is that when we eventually have level 125 monsters, they won't drop augments at all -- only player augmenters will be able to make max-level augments.)

March 9, 2020 Game Update

Augment-Installation Services

Some NPCs can now (since June 2018) install Augments for you! By using one of these NPCs, you do not need to have learned the various Augment Installation recipes from Nightshade. Learning Nightshade's recipes will eventually be a cost-savings for max-level players who do a lot of augment-installing, but at the current max level of 80, most players will find it cheaper to just use these NPCs. The following NPCs can install Augments for you:

NPC Name Zone Install Cost and Requirements.
Amutasa Rahu

Amutasa can install Level 0-60 Augments for 650 Councils. You must be [Friends] or better.

Joeh Serbule

Joeh can install level 0-20 Augments for 50 Councils. You must be [Comfortable] or higher.

Kalaba Eltibule

Kalaba can install Level 21-40 Augments for 250 Councils.

Kib the Unkillable Red Wing Casino

Kib the Unkillable can install Level 21-50 Augments for 350 Councils.

Nightshade Kur Mountains

Nightshade can install Level 0-100 Augments for 2000 Councils.

Preta Sun Vale

Preta can install Level 0-50 Augments for 350 Councils. You must be [Close Friends] or better.

Rick Snapley Gazluk

Rick Snapley can install Level 61-80 Augments for 1000 Councils.

Torgan Gazluk

Torgan can install Level 61-80 Augments for 900 Councils.

Tyler Green Serbule Hills

Tyler Green can install Level 0-25 Augments for 0 Councils. You must be [Friends] or better.

Urzab Ilmari

Urzab can install Level 41-60 Augments for 650 Councils.
