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Button Blue.png
Marna (npc).png
She's selling an eclectic mix of things.
Her shop near the well.
Beast Speak:
Skill Trainer:
Offers Storage

Alchemy and shopkeeping go hand and hand. I mean, you gotta buy the ingredients, and sell the results, so it just fits.

Marna is a shopkeeper in the town of Serbule Keep. After the destruction of Dwyndarre, Marna became the unofficial leader of the Elven refugees in the Serbule duchy. She maintains a shop that sells basic necessities including First Aid Kits and curatives for common diseases. Besides maintaining her shop, Marna focuses her efforts on improving the lives of her fellow refugees and improving relations with the humans of the region.

Marna provides inexperienced travelers with a rare service, a shop that is willing to purchase anything. She buys almost any item at full value, however is not willing to spend much buying items from people she is not friendly with. As her [Favor Level] level is raised, her weekly pool of Councils will grow.


Serbule Keep


Marna sells a selection of basic adventuring supplies used in First Aid and Armor Patching. She also sells cures for some common illnesses.

Items Sold[view/edit]

 22 councils   [Neutral] 
 75 councils   [Neutral] 
 150 councils   [Neutral] 
 15 councils   [Neutral] 
 30 councils   [Comfortable] 
 75 councils   [Friends] 
 10 councils   [Neutral] 
 15 councils   [Comfortable] 
 75 councils   [Friends] 
 22 councils   [Friends] 
 225 councils   [Close Friends] 
 225 councils   [Close Friends] 
 750 councils   [Best Friends] 
 750 councils   [Best Friends] 
 225 councils   [Comfortable] 
 225 councils   [Comfortable] 

Items Purchased [view/edit]

Limited pool - use as a last resort

  • Everything

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item [Expand] Weekly Pool
Neutral 500 2,000
Comfortable 500 2,000
Friends 600 2,400
Close Friends 2,800
Best Friends 800 3,200
Like Family 900 3,600
Soul Mates 1,000 4,000


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Loves Rare Recipes Hint
  • Loves Vegetarian Food Hint
  • Hates Meat
  • Likes Animal Skins Hint
  • Loves Fire Staves Hint

Favor Rewards

Marna rewards her friends with additional Storage space.

Hang Outs


Check Marna's spider traps (60 minutes)


Fill out first aid kits (2 hours)


Take inventory of shop wares (4 hours) [Friends]


Research words of power



Marna is willing to teach Archers basic techniques for crafting Poison Arrows, an ability useful for hunting animals around the region. After having a conversation with Marna, she will also teach First Aid and Armor Patching skills.

Archery [Expand]
Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
icon_3301.png Poison Arrow  5    450 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_3301.png Poison Arrow 2  15    1,450 councils   [Friends] 
icon_3301.png Poison Arrow 3  25    2450 councils   [??] 
icon_3301.png Poison Arrow 4  35    4450 councils   [??] 
icon_3301.png Poison Arrow 5  45    6950 councils   [Close Friends] 
icon_3301.png Poison Arrow 6  55    9950 councils   [Like Family] 
icon_3301.png Poison Arrow 7  65    14950 councils   [Like Family] 
Lore [Expand]
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Word of Power  0    500 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_4003.png Word of Power Scroll  0    500 councils   [Best Friends] 



Marna offers storage at [Neutral] Favor.
12 slots at [Neutral].
16 slots at [Comfortable].
24 slots at [Friends].
32 slots at [Close Friends].
40 slots at [Best Friends].
48 slots at [Like Family].
56 slots at [Soul Mates].


Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor - x10
[Like Family] Favor - x10





After visiting Serbule Crypt



Small Talk


Variation 1


Variation 2


Variation 3


Variation 4


  • Presumably, Marna is in Serbule to smooth the experience for new players, however new players will quickly run her available Councils dry, and then will have to wait seven days before her money regenerates. It is recommended that you sell only things to her which you really couldn't sell elsewhere, so that you make the most of her weekly gold amount. See the Merchants guide.


Marna is located inside her Serbule Keep shop. Note the potions sign.