Damage Types
From Project: Gorgon Wiki
Damage Types
Error: Ability not found | Slashing is a common physical damage type, often used by both combat skill abilities and creatures. Sword and Knife Fighting have many abilities that deal Slashing damage. Canines, Felines, and Rodents tend to use Slashing attacks. |
Error: Ability not found | Piercing is a common physical damage type, often used by both combat skill abilities and creatures. Archery, Staff, and Knife Fighting have abilities that deal Piercing damage. Humanoid species like Rakshasa, and some Dinosaurs tend to use Piercing attacks. |
Error: Ability not found | Crushing is a common physical damage type, often used by both combat skill abilities and creatures. Staff, Hammer, Cow, and Unarmed have many abilities that deal Crushing damage. Canines, Giants, and Ruminants tend to deal Crushing damage. |
Error: Ability not found | Fire is a type of elemental damage commonly seen in combat skills, although some creatures posses Fire attacks. Fire Magic and Priest have abilities that deal Fire damage. Elementals,Crone-Kin, and humanoid mages tend to use Fire attacks. |
Error: Ability not found | Cold is a type of elemental damage uncommonly seen in combat skills. Creatures in colder regions or dungeons are more likely to have Cold attacks. Ice Magic and Fire Magic have abilities that deal Cold damage. Fungoids and Elementals tend to use Cold attacks. |
Error: Ability not found | Electricity is a type of elemental damage commonly seen in combat skills, and rarely seen in creatures. Hammer, Mentalism, Necromancy, and Warden have abilities that deal Electricity damage. Dinosaurs and Elementals sometimes use Electricity attacks. |
Error: Ability not found | Trauma is a common internal damage type, often used by both combat skill abilities and creatures. Sword, Bard, and Psychology have abilities that deal Trauma damage. Plants and Arthropods tend to use Trauma attacks. |
Error: Ability not found | Poison is a type of internal damage, more common to creature attacks than combat skill abilities. Battle Chemistry, Druid, and Knife Fighting have abilities that deal Poison damage. Aberrations, Arthropods, and Plants tend to use Poison attacks. |
Error: Ability not found | Psychic is a type of internal damage, often used by both combat skill abilities and creatures across Alharth. Psychology, Priest, and Mentalism have abilities that deal Psychic damage. Arthropods tend to use Psychic attacks. |
Error: Ability not found | Acid is an unusual type of damage. Battle Chemistry has abilities that deal Acid damage. Fungoids, Arthropods, Fish and Snails, and Aberrations tend to use Acid attacks. |
Error: Ability not found | Nature is a wild type of damage, tamed by only a few combat skills. Druid, Cow, and Giant Bat have abilities that deal Nature damage. Plants and Elementals tend to use Nature attacks. |
Error: Ability not found | Darkness is an unusual type of damage rarely seen in the light of day. Necromancy has abilities that deal Darkness damage. Crone-Kins and Incorporeal Creatures tend to use Darkness attacks. |
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Divine is not yet implemented in any attacks. |
Error: Ability not found | Demonic is not yet implemented in any attacks. |
Damage Types by Skill
The following table displays the damage types of each skill in Project Gorgon. Primary damage types are those that make up a bulk of the skill's damage, or are present on a large number of abilities. Other damage dealt by the skill's abilities is considered secondary. The primary and secondary labels are subjective. (TE) indicates the damage type is only accessible for that skill through a Treasure Effect. Last updated for v328.
Skill | Primary Damage Types | Secondary Damage Types |
Animal Handling | Varies with pet(a) | Psychic |
Archery | Piercing | Acid, Fire, Poison, Crushing |
Bard | Nature | Trauma, Psychic |
Battle Chemistry | Acid, Poison, Nature | Cold, Fire (TE), (b) |
Cow | Crushing | Nature, Trauma (TE) |
Deer | Crushing | Slashing, Psychic |
Druid | Nature | Poison, Trauma, Crushing |
Fire Magic | Fire | Cold, Crushing, Darkness (TE) |
Giant Bat | Nature | Piercing, Slashing, Darkness, Trauma (TE) |
Hammer | Crushing | Electricity |
Ice Magic | Cold | Trauma, Electricity |
Knife Fighting | Slashing, Piercing | Poison, Trauma |
Lycanthropy | Crushing, Slashing | Trauma |
Mentalism | Electricity | Psychic |
Necromancy | Darkness, (c) | Electricity, Psychic (TE) |
Pig | Crushing | Nature, Trauma |
Priest | Psychic, Fire | |
Psychology | Psychic | Trauma |
Rabbit | Slashing, Crushing | Psychic, Trauma, Cold (TE) |
Shield | Crushing | Fire |
Spider | Crushing, Poison | Acid, Piercing |
Staff | Crushing, Piercing | Slashing, Fire, Trauma |
Sword | Slashing | Piercing, Trauma, (d) |
Unarmed | Crushing | Trauma, Slashing, Fire (TE) |
Warden | Electricity | Fire, Acid |
(a): most common are Crushing, Slashing, and Poison
(b): does not include Golem damage
(c): does not include minion damage types
(d): can deal Nature damage to Undead only
Items Which Alter Damage Type
Some items have implicit modifiers which can alter an ability's damage type:
Item | Skill | Abilities Affected | New Damage Type |
Hammer | Pound, Pound to Slag, Leaping Smash, Rib Shatter, Reckless Slam, Seismic Impact | Piercing | |
Staff | Staff Abilities that deal Crushing Damage | Slashing | |
Staff | Staff Abilities that deal Crushing Damage | Slashing | |
Sword | Sword Slash, Riposte, Windstrike, Finishing Blow | Fire |