Cedar Wood Chips

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Cedar Wood Chips
Cedar chips for smoking fish and meat.
Value: 25

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes

Carpentry [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
28 Cedar Wood Chips icon_5141.png Cedar Wood x1 icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x2
28 Cedar Wood Chips (From Perfect) icon_5474.png Perfect Cedar Wood x1 icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x7

Obtaining through Bartering



This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Candle Making [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
36 Decent Woodland Candle icon_6364.png Crude Wick x1
icon_6372.png Crude Tallow x1
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_6377.png Decent Woodland Candle x1
56 Quality Woodland Candle icon_6365.png Nice Wick x1
icon_6373.png Nice Tallow x1
icon_5622.png Lemon x1
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_6377.png Quality Woodland Candle x1
Cooking [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
25 Grilled Shrimp Wrap icon_5103.png Cabbage x1
icon_6305.png Cleaned Shrimp x2
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5819.png Grilled Shrimp Wrap x1
25 Baked Flounder icon_5035.png Flounder Fillet x2
icon_5794.png Butter x1
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5132.png Baked Flounder x2
25 Orange Perch icon_5037.png Perch Fillet x2
icon_5138.png Orange x2
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5132.png Orange Perch x1
25 Grilled Chicken icon_5223.png Raw Chicken x2
icon_5017.png Oregano x1
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5134.png Carrot x1
icon_5225.png Grilled Chicken x2
30 Ur-Bacon icon_6206.png Pork Shoulder x1
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x2
icon_5055.png Femur x1
icon_5013.png Salt x1
icon_5069.png Ur-Bacon x1
30 Chicken and Broccoli icon_5223.png Raw Chicken x2
icon_5135.png Broccoli x1
icon_5041.png Flour x1
icon_5017.png Oregano x1
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5133.png Chicken and Broccoli x2
35 Mantis-Stuffed Mushroom icon_5075.png Giant Mantis Claw x2
icon_5004.png Field Mushroom x1
icon_5135.png Broccoli x1
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5075.png Mantis-Stuffed Mushroom x1
40 BBQ Ribs icon_6207.png Great Pork Shoulder x1
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5017.png Oregano x1
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5933.png BBQ Ribs x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
44 Perfectly Baked Turkey icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x1
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5332.png Peppercorns x1
icon_5017.png Oregano x1
icon_5013.png Salt x1
icon_5225.png Perfectly Baked Turkey x1
60 Cavefish Sticks icon_5034.png Cavefish Fillet x2
icon_5457.png Red Pepper x1
icon_5134.png Carrot x1
icon_5672.png Seaweed x1
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5308.png Cavefish Sticks x2
Flower Arrangement [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
49 Lumberjack's Arrangement #5 icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5943.png Flower Banding x1
icon_5283.png Daisy x2
icon_5284.png Pansy x1
icon_5285.png Marigold x1
icon_5611.png Lumberjack's Arrangement #5 x1
50 Lumberjack's Display #5 icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5566.png Mesh Grate x1
icon_5283.png Daisy x6
icon_5284.png Pansy x3
icon_5285.png Marigold x3
icon_5286.png Poppy x1
icon_5611.png Lumberjack's Display #5 x1
61 Lumberjack's Arrangement #6 icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5942.png Flower Wrap x1
icon_5943.png Flower Banding x1
icon_5285.png Marigold x1
icon_5286.png Poppy x1
icon_5287.png Red Rose x1
icon_5288.png Elven Lily x1
icon_5611.png Lumberjack's Arrangement #6 x1
62 Lumberjack's Display #6 icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5565.png Thin Mesh Grate x1
icon_5566.png Mesh Grate x1
icon_5285.png Marigold x3
icon_5286.png Poppy x3
icon_5287.png Red Rose x3
icon_5288.png Elven Lily x3
icon_5467.png Winterhue x1
icon_5611.png Lumberjack's Display #6 x1


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
Kohan Rahu City in Rahu Likes (Carpentry Items)
Ufkar Rahu City in Rahu Likes (Carpentry Items)
Nelson Ballard Serbule Keep in Serbule Likes (Carpentry Items)
Mandibles Red Wing Casino Likes (Cooking Ingredients)

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption


Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Keep the Kitchen Stocked 10 (Collect) One time only Ukorga Neutral The Outpost in Northwestern Kur
Work Order

Turn in 10x Cedar Wood Chips to Viedesi for 647 councils. Requires Industry Level 18.

Other Uses
