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Fall Harvest

Revision as of 09:49, 4 December 2023 by BetaNotus (talk | contribs) (Fall Harvest Seasonal Recipes (Excluding Pumpkin-Related))

The Fall Harvest is a reoccurring season in Alharth, celebrated by almost all races.

Seasonal Loot & Harvestables

Harvest Event Quests

The Harvest Event quests are a series of quests that can only be completed during the Fall Harvest. The Rakshasa Ricatu, found in the Old Town district of Povus, offers the first quest in this chain. Subsequent quests are given by Ricatu, Braigon, and Kelim.

Completing all quest will give Tofurkey title

Fall Harvest Seasonal Recipes (Excluding Pumpkin-Related)

Lvl Name Ingredients Results
8 Bland Baked Turkey icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x1
icon_5013.png Salt x2
icon_5225.png Bland Baked Turkey x1
9 Dried Cranberries icon_6297.png Cranberries x1
icon_5137.png Red Apple x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x1
icon_5142.png Oak Wood Chips x1
icon_5708.png Dried Cranberries x1
13 Leftover Turkey Sandwich icon_5225.png Bland Baked Turkey x1
icon_5126.png Flatbread x1
icon_6297.png Cranberries x1
icon_5128.png Leftover Turkey Sandwich x2
14 Cranberry-Barbecue Mutton icon_6209.png Mutton x1
icon_6297.png Cranberries x1
icon_5142.png Oak Wood Chips x1
icon_5818.png Cranberry-Barbecue Mutton x1
15 Basic Cranberry Sauce icon_6297.png Cranberries x3
icon_5468.png Sugar x1
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5127.png Basic Cranberry Sauce x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
15 Turkey Leg icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x1
icon_5041.png Flour x2
icon_5142.png Oak Wood Chips x1
icon_5013.png Salt x1
icon_5224.png Turkey Leg x1
15 Well-Baked Turkey icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x1
icon_5142.png Oak Wood Chips x1
icon_5024.png Onion x1
icon_5013.png Salt x2
icon_5225.png Well-Baked Turkey x1
15 Turkey Gravy icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x1
icon_5160.png Bottle of Milk x1
icon_5041.png Flour x2
icon_5013.png Salt x1
icon_5934.png Turkey Gravy x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
18 Turkey Peasant-Bake icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x1
icon_5022.png Potato x2
icon_5024.png Onion x1
icon_5013.png Salt x1
icon_5041.png Flour x1
icon_5768.png Turkey Peasant-Bake x1
20 Cranberry-Turkey Sandwich icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x1
icon_6297.png Cranberries x1
icon_5126.png Flatbread x1
icon_5128.png Cranberry-Turkey Sandwich x1
23 Simple Cranberry Tart icon_6297.png Cranberries x2
icon_5137.png Red Apple x2
icon_5041.png Flour x2
icon_5794.png Butter x1
icon_5120.png Simple Cranberry Tart x2
26 Tasty Cranberry Sauce icon_6297.png Cranberries x1
icon_5138.png Orange x1
icon_5406.png Cinnamon x1
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5127.png Tasty Cranberry Sauce x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
30 Cranberry-Barbecue Steak icon_6200.png Steak x1
icon_6297.png Cranberries x1
icon_5017.png Oregano x1
icon_5142.png Oak Wood Chips x1
icon_5818.png Cranberry-Barbecue Steak x1
44 Perfectly Baked Turkey icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x1
icon_5144.png Cedar Wood Chips x1
icon_5332.png Peppercorns x1
icon_5017.png Oregano x1
icon_5013.png Salt x1
icon_5225.png Perfectly Baked Turkey x1
45 Turkey Pot Pie icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x2
icon_5022.png Potato x2
icon_5134.png Carrot x2
icon_5041.png Flour x2
icon_5794.png Butter x1
icon_5768.png Turkey Pot Pie x2
50 Simple Autumn Gorp icon_5404.png Pumpkin x1
icon_5707.png Almonds x1
icon_6297.png Cranberries x1
icon_5708.png Simple Autumn Gorp x1
55 Amazing Cranberry Sauce icon_6297.png Cranberries x1
icon_5725.png Juniper Berries x1
icon_5707.png Almonds x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x1
icon_5010.png Bottle of Water x1
icon_5127.png Amazing Cranberry Sauce x1
icon_5009.png Empty Bottle x1
60 Cranberry-Almond Pie icon_6297.png Cranberries x2
icon_5707.png Almonds x2
icon_5728.png Green Apple x2
icon_5041.png Flour x2
icon_5794.png Butter x1
icon_5468.png Sugar x1
icon_5120.png Cranberry-Almond Pie x2
63 Fancy Turkey Pie icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x2
icon_5022.png Potato x1
icon_5134.png Carrot x1
icon_6285.png Peas x2
icon_5041.png Flour x1
icon_5794.png Butter x1
icon_5768.png Fancy Turkey Pie x2
65 Autumn Salad icon_6281.png Escarole x2
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_6297.png Cranberries x3
icon_5707.png Almonds x3
icon_5342.png Danablu Cheese x1 (!)
icon_5820.png Autumn Salad x3
77 Turkey Stir-Fry icon_5223.png Raw Turkey x1
icon_6224.png Dill x1
icon_5726.png Corn x1
icon_6285.png Peas x1
icon_5292.png Muntok Peppercorns x1
icon_5672.png Seaweed x1
icon_5130.png Turkey Stir-Fry x2

Turkey Hunt

During the Fall Harvest, usually towards the end of the season, the Turkey Hunt event begins. Three traveling Turkey Hunters travel to the Serbule region and solicit adventurers to help them guard the town from a pack of wild Battle Turkey and their leader.

Gobblejack the Rebuker and his flock of battle turkeys are gathering outside of Serbule Keep looking for some payback for the deaths of their cousins! These birds are very tough and they hit hard, so bring friends! Newer players should be extra cautious on the east side of Serbule Keep! Gobblejack will respawn 4 hours after being defeated. The Battle Turkeys will always start to spawn 1 hour before Gobblejack. Find the turkey hunters Bob, Rob, and Terk outside of the Serbule Keep east gate to get started. Also, be on guard for random turkey attacks on Serbule Keep and the Keeps of Eltibule.

— Alert Messages
