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300px Skill in riding terrestrial mounts. Higher skill allows you to keep your mount calm even in terrifying situations. Earn XP by riding in many different and dangerous locations.
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Skill Type: | Other Skill
Max Level: | 80
Skill Trainers: |
“Skill in riding terrestrial mounts. Higher skill allows you to keep your mount calm even in terrifying situations. Earn XP by riding in many different and dangerous locations.
Riding Overview
Riding is a skill that helps prospective humanoid equestrians command their horses or animals use their special mount-forms. Although Riding is not a skill used for combat, it will override active combat bars when the ability is being used.
In-Game Description
Skill in riding terrestrial mounts. Higher skill allows you to keep your mount calm even in terrifying situations. Earn XP by riding in many different and dangerous locations.
Training Riding
- Mythander in Eltibule teaches Riding to humanoids for a fee or in exchange for doing a quest, and also sells a mount. He also unlocks levels 51-60 and teaches some high-level riding abilities (Gallop and Gentle Horse). The horse-based riding skill is available to all humanoids, as well as Giant Bats and Rabbits currently.
- Silvia in Sun Vale teaches mount-form to Deer players who are at least level 25, as well as a unique speed-up that reduces mount anxiety and increases jump ability.
- Raul in Animal Town teaches mount-form to Cow players who are at least level 25, as well as a speed-up that consumes grass.
- Norbert in Animal Town teaches mount-form to Pig players who are at least level 25, as well as a speed-up that increases both land and water speed temporarily.
- Legs in Animal Town teaches mount-form to Spider players who are at least level 25, as well as a Move Those Legs speed boost.
- Mittens in Kur teaches mount-form to Spirit Fox players who are at least level 25 and have [Friends] favor.
- Sanja in Kur teaches the wolf mount-form to Lycan players who are at least level 30 in Lycanthropy. Hunting Speed (1 through 3) are now Wolf mount abilities (they used to be sidebar abilities), and are activated in the usual way at the Altar of Norala each month at Full Moon.
Note: At present, all beast form mounts use and benefit from the same riding tack as is used for horses (shoes, reins, saddles, and saddlebags), and the mount equipment UI shows a horse even for the mount forms where one is not actually used.
Note: If you have purchased and activated a pledge package that includes a mount and riding skill, you can redeem that for a single character on your account. You will receive one free horse, free riding skill at level 40, and a special level 40 50-slot "Easy Deluxe" saddlebag. Horse breeding pairs will be released at a future date. Current horses are considered to be an initial prototype version (Gen 1) for game testing purposes.
Connected Skills
- N/A
Secondary Skills:
- Saddlery - Saddlery is a Leatherworking sub-skill used to create tack for horses, including saddles, saddlebags, and reins.
- Blacksmithing - Blacksmithing is used to create horseshoes.
Related Skills:
- Endurance - When Riding appears on a character's skill bar, stat boosts from combat skills are unavailable. Permanent stat increases from Endurance will remain active though.
Synergy Levels:
Bonus Synergy Levels for Riding can be obtained from the following skills and levels:
- Animal Handling
- Level 25, Level 75
- Druid
- Level 37
- Endurance
- Level 55, Level 75
- Meditation
- Level 35
Riding Complete Ability List
Icon | Level | Name | Description | Special | Effects | Stats | [Expand] Source |
Riding Mechanics
Learning Riding
When Riding is first learned, the ability Lope is automatically learned. A horse icon also appears on the right-side menu, between the social window and settings. This grants access to the Mount Window. You can also assign hot-keys to mount and unmount and to access saddlebag storage.
Acquiring Riding Experience
- How do I get better at Riding?
By riding of course! And I have a technique for getting better fast: you should ride in lots of different places, and always ride near dangerous monster.
- I should ride TOWARD dangerous monsters?
Just ride near enemies -- don't get so close that you get injured! Just get close enough for the horse to experience anxiety. Then you can practice overcoming that anxiety.
- So I should just ride around monsters? Like, in a loop?
No, no! You can't get better if you just stay in the same area. You have to ride near different monsters in many different places! Explore all types of terrain, and dodge monsters everywhere you go.
That's how you get better at riding: keep exploring! Keep fleeing!
- That sounds insane, but you're the riding expert.
The basic instructions for gaining XP in Riding are to ride near monsters and enemies, and you will gain Riding experience, which will increase both your health and armor while riding. Initially, this encourages a practice of quartering a zone map so that you try to cover as much of it as possible and keep riding near monsters and enemies. However, at level 30 in riding, you can equip player-crafted reins which include an XP checkmark to indicate whether you have gained riding XP in a particular area. Once you have done so, you should move on to a place where the checkmark disappears and then find another monster or enemy to ride near to gain XP again (and light up that checkmark).
There are some poorly understood mechanics about timers and first-in/first-out lists and how and when areas become available once more to gain riding XP, but they do happen over an extended period of time (a month or so?). In any case, even a fairly low-level character in terms of combat abilities can actually advance riding skills quite far, provided you avoid being dismounted in highly dangerous locations.
Mount Window
The Mount Window provides statistics for an active horse or for a beast-form players mount form, a button to mount or dismount, and slots to equip horse tack. (Beast forms at present use standard horse tack to improve their Riding stats.) It should be noted that mount equipment is tied to equipment loadouts, therefore you will need to equip your mount (or mount form) with your desired tack and save it for each loadout.
Horse Stats
Three categories of horse stats are available through the Mount Window. Additional information about a horse can be seen when it is in a stable.
- General Stats
- Saddlebag Size
- Mystic Saddlebag?
- Show Mount Speedometer?
- Show "Riding XP Earned" Checkmark?
- Mount Speed
- Top Speed (Land)
- Top speed (Shallow Water)
- Top Speed (When Swimming)
- Turning Speed (Land)
- Turning Radius (Shallow Water)
- Turning Radius (When Swimming)
- Acceleration (Land)
- Acceleration (Shallow Water)
- Acceleration (When Swimming)
- Jump Power
- Mount Anxiety
- Cur Mount Anxiety
- Max Mount Anxiety
- Anxiety Reduction Per Sec (Riding)
- Anxiety Reduction Per Sec (Stabled)
- Mount Resilience to Damage
- Stable Stats
- Name
- Level
- Bond Level
- Husbandry
- Tamed
- Stabled
- Ferocity
- Toughness
- Ruggedness
- Enthusiasm
- Friendliness
- Intelligence
- Fertility
Generation 1 Horse
The Generation 1 horse could be obtained from Mythander after the February 2, 2022 Game Update. It could also be unlocked by characters with appropriate pledge packages.
Gen 1 Horse Default Stats
See Saddlery and Blacksmithing.
Riding Maps
Click expand for each zone to see a player-created map of areas Riding XP can be earned in.
Serbule Riding Map
Serbule Hills Riding Map
Eltibule Riding Map
Sun Vale Riding Map
Kur Mountains Riding Map
Ilmari Riding Map
Rahu Riding Map
Gazluk Riding Map
Fae Realm Riding Map
Povus Riding Map
Riding Treasure Effects
See also: Riding/Treasure Effects:By Slot
See also: Riding/Treasure Effects:By Ability
Prefix | Suffix | Max-Level Version | Rarity | Slot | [Expand] Other Versions |
Riding Stat Bonuses
These bonuses will only be applied when this skill is active.
Level | Bonus | [Expand] Totals |
Riding Level Up Rewards
Level | [Expand] Reward |
Riding Experience Table
Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Riding
- Riding was introduced in February 2022! Mount forms for Cows, Deer, Pigs, and Werewolves were added in June 2022.