Perfect Oak Wood

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Perfect Oak Wood
Carpentry 20
This piece of oak is an exemplar of its type! There are a few uses for this type of lumber, but often there is no need for such high quality. In that case, you can turn this into several pieces of typical-quality oak wood.
Value: 40

How to Obtain

Producing with Recipes


Obtaining through Bartering



This item has not been submitted by an editor as loot, or may not exist as loot


Quest Rewards


Other Ways to Obtain


Using in Recipes

Carpentry [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
5 Oak Wood Chips (From Perfect) icon_5472.png Perfect Oak Wood x1 icon_5142.png Oak Wood Chips x6
Toolcrafting [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
60 Amazing Arachnid Harness (Enchanted) icon_5472.png Perfect Oak Wood x1
icon_5174.png Rawhide Sheet x1
icon_5080.png Trophy Tiger Skin x1
Trophy Skin or Hide x1
icon_20001.png Amazing Arachnid Harness x1
Whittling [Expand]
Lvl Name Ingredients Results
1 Very Simple Whittling Practice icon_6423.png Simple Whittling Knife x1 (!)
Wood x1
icon_6417.png Wooden Figurine of a Pig x1
11 Simple Whittling Practice icon_6423.png Simple Whittling Knife x1 (!)
Wood x1
icon_6420.png Wooden Figurine of a Bunny x1
21 Very Basic Whittling Practice icon_6423.png Basic Whittling Knife x1 (!)
Wood x1
icon_6418.png Wooden Figurine of a Buck x1
32 Basic Whittling Practice icon_6423.png Basic Whittling Knife x1 (!)
Wood x1
icon_6421.png Wooden Figurine of a Horned Owl x1
41 Decent Whittling Practice icon_6423.png Good Whittling Knife x1 (!)
Wood x1
icon_6424.png Wooden Figurine of a Rhino x1
51 Good Whittling Practice icon_6423.png Good Whittling Knife x1 (!)
Wood x1
icon_6425.png Wooden Figurine of a Camel x1
61 Semi-Expert's Whittling Practice icon_6423.png Expert's Whittling Knife x1 (!)
Wood x1
icon_6419.png Wooden Figurine of a Grizzly Bear x1
71 Expert's Whittling Practice icon_6423.png Expert's Whittling Knife x1 (!)
Wood x1
icon_6422.png Wooden Figurine of an Ermine x1
81 Semi-Master's Whittling Practice icon_6423.png Master Whittling Knife x1 (!)
Wood x1
icon_6426.png Wooden Figurine of a Mega-Crab x1


NPC Location [Expand] Preferences
The Wombat The Druid Camp in Sun Vale Loves (Wood : 100*)
Paul Vaughn A room near the Tapestry Inn in Serbule Hills Loves (Perfect Wood : 100*)
Brugo the Wise The Paleontologist Outpost in Povus Loves (Wood : 100*)
Kohan Rahu City in Rahu Likes (Carpentry Items)
Tavilak Red Wing Casino Likes (Perfect Wood : 100*)
Ufkar Rahu City in Rahu Likes (Carpentry Items)
Nelson Ballard Serbule Keep in Serbule Likes (Carpentry Items)
Qatik Red Wing Casino Likes (Perfect Wood : 100*)
Syndra A Barn in Central Kur Likes (Wood : 100*)
Lamashu Northern Kur Likes (Wood : 100*)

*Perfect Oak Wood has an effective value different from its base value (40) when gifted as a member of this item category.

Bartering Uses



Direct Consumption

Ability Consumption

Icon Name Consumes Skill Level Consume Chance [Expand] Stick Chance
icon_2234.png Stake The Heart Oak Wood Carpentry 15 Always Never

Quest Fulfillment

Quest Number Required Quest Cooldown
(if repeatable)
NPC Minimum Favor Location [Expand] Notes
Oak For A MasterPiece 2 (Collect) One time only Roshun the Traitor Neutral The Housing Complex in Northern Serbule
So... Cold... 10 (Collect any Wood) One time only Syndra Neutral A Barn in Central Kur
Work Order

Turn in 10x Perfect Oak Wood to Fitz the Boatman for 830 councils. Requires Industry Level 0.

Other Uses
