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(Repeating (and active) events: Added details on the Tele-Tour)
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{{Quote|source=A Volunteer Guide|All players are welcome to design and produce in-game events. To request administrative support or to be put on the login calendar,  email [email protected].}}
{{Quote|source=A Volunteer Guide|All players are welcome to design and produce in-game events. To request administrative support or to be put on the login calendar,  email [email protected].}}
Since Project Gorgon first became available to players, individuals and groups in the community have worked to create special events for others to enjoy. This page is not a comprehensive list.
Since Project Gorgon first became available to players, individuals and groups in the community have worked to create special events for others to enjoy. This page is not a comprehensive list.
== Repeating events ==
Information on events pre-planned by [[Developers]] can be found on the [[Seasonal Event]] page.
=== Poetry Jam ===
== Repeating (and active) events ==
==== Poetry Jam ====
Soon after the Poetry Podium for [[Poetry Appreciation]] and [[Oratory]] was introduced to the game, players began to figure out the best options for taking advantage of the review system poetry offered. A weekly, weekend event was created, spearheaded by the user '''Matzur''' and several others. Eventually, '''Teloch''' and the [[Guild:Priests of Arisetsu]] took over the responsibility of running the events. Organization of the event was passed to [[Guild:Rowen Trading]] in August 2019.
Soon after the Poetry Podium for [[Poetry Appreciation]] and [[Oratory]] was introduced to the game, players began to figure out the best options for taking advantage of the review system poetry offered. A weekly, weekend event was created, spearheaded by the user '''Matzur''' and several others. Eventually, '''Teloch''' and the [[Guild:Priests of Arisetsu]] took over the responsibility of running the events. Organization of the event was passed to [[Guild:Rowen Trading]] in August 2019.
=== Guild Garden Party ===
; Flipside Poetry Jam
A weekly Sunday event organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]]
Sometimes, players organize a '''Flipside Poetry Jam''' for players in the eastern hemisphere. When held, this event takes place about 10 hours before the regularly scheduled Poetry Jam.
=== Season's End ===
==== Povus-palooza ====
Organized by player ChompyNibblers, '''Povus-palooza''' is an event themed around clearing a [[Povus]] nightly invasion by throwing as many players at the problem as possible, while providing all participating players with as many buffs as possible. This event successfully resulted in the first successful full-clear of a Povus event.
{{Spoiler|Click to view an example of event details|
What: Povus-palooza is the premier Povus-defending party squad. (With free alcohol, food, buffs, drugs, etc.). This event is open to players of all levels and involves players overwhelming one of the highest-difficulty areas in the game. I expect the event to last 1-2 hours. (Varies depending on difficulty and average duration of quests)
+ See here for a short video from the first event!
+ If you're interested in helping host or willing to provide anything, please post here or reach out to me on Discord!
When: [Sunday 7/31] at 1:15PM ET (~23 [24-1] Hours After Poetry Jam)
- Officially, dance brews will be dropped when the in-game clock strikes 3PM - I highly advise you log in early as the first ~25 minutes of the event (party + free stuff) is synchronized to finish as the Povus night defense event starts.
Where: The event starts at Serbule Inn with a dance party, everyone is welcome to attend regardless of if you want to join for the Povus defense! After the party we will grab some buffs in Serbule and then portal to Povus for handing out the remainder of the free stuff/buffs.
Why? The goal is to fully clear a Povus night event mission and have fun going overboard with buffs. What better way to convince people to risk their lives fighting horrors in a disease infested swamp than with a party that has free booze, charcuterie, tonics, and drugs!
Anything else? - Yes I'm glad you asked!
I would love to hear your ideas for how we can improve the event.
We have the opportunity to strategize and organize ahead of time, feel free to post and discuss additional ideas here. I have some ideas already below.
* There's a small window of time where we can light lamps before monsters spawn at 8PM in-game time. * With enough players, in theory we could complete the lamp-lighting quest instantly.
* If we find ourselves in a ghost-heavy set of events, we may need extra stuns. Paralyzing traps (from Rahu Sewers) and the ability "stake to the heart" are good options for players who don't have skills with stuns.
* Be prepared to need to fix broken bones and/or to help fix the broken bones of our tanks
* If you're able to heal and/or tank I expect those roles will be in higher-demand but it would be helpful to have other sets of gear ready.
* Set party loot rules to allow anyone to loot corpses (this will give the lower-level players more to do as well!)
* Do bury things
* See here for a map of the zones of the town along with lantern locations for the first quest.
* Note that the southern and eastern edges/outskirts of the town have a more dangerous respawn location than the rest of the town.
; Event Dates
* October 24, 2021
* February 13, 2022
* July 31, 2022
==== Season's End ====
'''Seasons' End''' is a community event hosted by the guild [[Guild:Akhisa's Web|Akhisa's Web]]. The event is usually held around an equinox or solstice. During the event, members of the guild plus a few volunteers set up "death stations" around the Fel-Dasculan Ruins in  the [[Fae Realm]]. At each station, visitors drink a potion which puts them in PvP mode, then they are killed by the volunteer running that station. The volunteers use attacks on the visitors which grant specific types of [[Dying|death]] only obtainable through PVP combat.  
'''Seasons' End''' is a community event hosted by the guild [[Guild:Akhisa's Web|Akhisa's Web]]. The event is usually held around an equinox or solstice. During the event, members of the guild plus a few volunteers set up "death stations" around the Fel-Dasculan Ruins in  the [[Fae Realm]]. At each station, visitors drink a potion which puts them in PvP mode, then they are killed by the volunteer running that station. The volunteers use attacks on the visitors which grant specific types of [[Dying|death]] only obtainable through PVP combat.  
; Event Dates
; Event Dates
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* September 25, 2022.
* September 25, 2022.
* January 15, 2023.
* January 15, 2023.
=== Mushroom Teleportation Unlock Event ===
==== Mushroom Teleportation Unlock Event ====
The '''Mushroom Teleportation Unlock Event''' is a community event hosted by the guild [[Guild:Akhisa's Web|Akhisa's Web]]. Members of the guild help interested players to unlock a unique form of [[Teleportation]].
The '''Mushroom Teleportation Unlock Event''' is a community event hosted by the guild [[Guild:Akhisa's Web|Akhisa's Web]]. Members of the guild help interested players to unlock a unique form of [[Teleportation]].
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{{Spoiler|Click to view full event details|
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;Event Dates
;Event Dates
* ??? ??, 2020.
* September 5, 2020.
* November 8, 2020.
* November 8, 2020.
* February 21, 2021.
* February 21, 2021.
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* July 17, 2022.
* July 17, 2022.
<!-- Commented out because this is not yet a yearly event.
==== The Fancy Feast ====
=== Erachia: Elshana's Festival ===
'''The Fancy Feast''' is a community event organized by the [[Guild:Merchant Princes||Merchant Princes]] guild in [[Serbule Keep]]. During this event, participants consume meals to raise their [[Gourmand]] levels. During their first event, members of the organizing guild crafted 300 stacks of food representing 50 meals. Raffles were also held. Their second run of the event, titled "Hail Hydra(tion), focused on soups, stews, and drinks. The influence of an [[Developers|Admin]] caused the end of the second event to be attacked by [[Hippo]].  
A yearly multi-day event in honor of the [[Elshana]], Goddess of Creative Beauty, coordinated by the [[Guild:Rowen Trading]] including games, raffles, and trivia with help from many guilds and players worldwide. In the real world, this event coincides with Valentine's Day.
; Event Dates
* August 15, 2021.
* January 16, 2022.
==== Guild Garden Party ====
A weekly Sunday event organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]]
==== Tele-Tour ====
The Tele-Tour is a variation of the previous Teleportation Chain events. The event was held on July 22, 2023 by [[Guild:Asheron's Legacy]]. They guided participants to all 38 teleportation pads in the game at the time of the event.
{{Spoiler|Click to view full event details|
;What is it?
A tour of all 38 teleport pads in the game. This event will not include mushroom circles as those cannot be summoned for others to use.
;Where is it?
It starts in Serbule Keep at the teleport pad by the north gate. From there, a visit to all the deadly, cold, wet, and beautiful teleport pads that can be summoned.
;When does it happen?
Saturday, July 22nd after the poetry jam. Unless something comes up. This event will take a little less than 3 hours, including the break midway through.
;Why is this happening?
If you think to yourself, “I need to be able to get around better, easier and faster” then this is the event for you. Even with a
teleportation skill at level 2, this event will advance it to at least level 20.
;Who can go?
Any toon that would like at least level 20 teleportation skill, who meets the requirements, with the proper materials, and can take instructions from the portal summoners and security providers.
*Bind Circle trained.
*Recall Circle trained.
*Amethyst, at least 16.
PEEPS, (scared, hungry, naked, young ones with low or no combat skills, mules loaded down and unable to even walk, basically anyone that wants to advance their teleportation skill)
Three salt to tie to the teleport pad in the Serbule keep north gate. If you’re already tied to this pad as your primary recall, you don’t need any salt.
Any toon planning to attend must have Recall circle trained as this is the only recipe we will be using.
Requirements for those simply running through the event, using the primary recall recipe only. Alternate bind/recall recipes are up to those players that have advanced skills, those materials won’t be listed here.
There will not be any boxes with materials for giveaways unless someone wishes to provide them. Please take responsibility for your own gaming and gather all the materials listed. If you’re unable to gather these materials on your own, you can petition your guild, invoke your beggar skills, find a sponsor, purchase them, or simply grind for them.
Any toon planning to attend must bring a minimum of 16 amethyst. Each time you use recall circle it has a 20% chance of using up the amethyst. If you’re feeling unlucky bring more amethyst.
No other requirements are needed from the peeps that will be running through this event. Indeed, you can be naked, starving, unable to run and with zero combat skills, as long as you meet the previously listed requirements, you’re welcome to come.
;How does this happen?
The teleportation skill gives 200 bonus XP for each new tele pad you either tie to OR recall from. This event will utilize the recall from option. Starting in the Serbule keep, everyone will need to tie to the tele pad at the north gate using the bind circle recipe, this is the ONLY pad you will be tied to. This tele pad is Home Base. Approximately every 3 minutes there will be a summoned portal directly in front of Home Base to a different pad located somewhere out in the big world of Alharth. You will need to take the portal within 2 minutes as that is how long summoned portals last. Once at your new destination, you have about 1 minute to use the recipe recall circle, which will take you back to Home Base. If it’s your first-time teleporting from that pad, you’ll get your 200 bonus XP for using a new tele pad plus your regular XP from the recall circle recipe. If you miss a summoned portal, it will not be re-summoned as the cool down for summoned portals is 1 hour.
;Some rules to teleport by
'''DO NOT LEAVE THE TELEPORT PAD YOU LAND ON.''' Once you take the summoned portal, several times you’ll land in areas that are very hostile, and the killers will not be clearing a large area, just the immediate area around the tele pad. Please wait for the ALL-CLEAR before entering the announced dangerous portals. If you explore and die, it’s on you.
'''DO NOT TIE TO ANY OF THE TELEPORT PADS YOU LAND ON.''' Tying to any pad other than Home Base will cause you to lose your ability to get back to Home Base. More advanced players may want to come along just to get a tie to a different tele pad, that’s up to each player, as summoned portals back to Serbule keep will not be provided.
When a summoned portal needs the killers to clear the area, a warning will be announced for killers to go first, then peeps, please wait for the ALL-CLEAR before taking these portals, so as to give the killers time to clear out the rabble. Hopefully, this process will take just a few seconds. If you jump in before the pad is cleared and die horribly, again it’s on you.
For cold areas, fires will be provided at the pad site.
For the underwater pad sites, when you take the summoned portal, immediately press your rise key, either “R” or whatever key you have designated for that use or the space bar. This action will allow you to rise to the surface quickly. You can then use the recall circle recipe from the surface, as long as you are directly over the teleport pad.
Some teleport pads are located in beautiful locations, please enjoy the view while remaining on the pad before returning to Home Base within the time allotted.
The last portal summoned will be Ratuk the Thinker in Kur. This NPC has teleportation skill recipes for sale with the proper amount of favor and cash. Please consult the Wiki for what you need for both favor and recipes as none of those items are listed here.
There are 38 teleport pads in the game, below is the list of portals as they will be summoned, Home Base in Serbule keep will be the only pad not summoned. If you don’t need a certain teleport pad, feel free to skip it in the list. Each portal will be summoned 1 minute after the previous portal has disappeared. An announcement of every upcoming portal will be made at 1 minute and again at 30 seconds before each portal is summoned along with all the warnings that go with it.
== Unique events ==
;Teleport Order:
*Serbule - The Keep - HOME BASE, (Not summoned)
*Starter Island
*Serbule Hills – Abandoned Keep
*Serbule Hills - NE corner
*Serbule Hills – Behind the Inn
*Serbule Hills - South
*Serbule - Mushroom Cave
*Serbule - Borghild
*Serbule - South on the hill
*Eltibule - Atop a small standalone mountain
*Eltibule - Gnasher hill
*Eltibule - Hogan's Keep
*Eltibule - Sie Anty’s Garden
*Eltibule - Underwater near the falls
*Eltibule - Eltibule Keep
*Sun Vale – Agrashab
*Sun Vale - Animal Town
*Sun Vale - Druid camp
*Sun Vale - Ranalon Island, underwater
*Red Wing Casino
*Halfway – Take a break, maybe refresh that drink or head to the lavatory.
*Sun Vale - Resort Island
*Sun Vale - Work order board
*Rahu - Center of the city
*Rahu - North of the city, by the prison
*Rahu – Near the council storage on the peaceful side
*Kur – Wolf Cave
*Kur - North Beach
*Kur - NPC Village
*Kur – Syndra
*Ilmari - Amulna
*Ilmari - Ruined village, Labs
*Gazluk – Prestonbule Ghost town
*Gazluk - Center, near Amaluk Valley/Tower View cave
*Gazluk - NE of Gazluk Keep, Foothills/Windy View cave
*Gazluk - Teleport Pillar inside the Windy View/Foothills cave
*Gazluk – West, near Gazluk Shadow/Snowblood Shadow cave
*Povus – Center
*Kur - Ratuk the Thinker
=== The Day of (Forever) Rest ===
== Unique (or inactive) Events ==
==== Dance Around Alharth ====
Organized by the guild [[Guild:Illegitimus|Illegitimus]], '''Dance Around Alharth''' was a community event where guild members helped participating players unlock twelve [[Interpretive Dance]] abilities. This event took place on April 30, 2022.
* Members of [[Guild:Rowen Trading]] organized a similar, smaller activity on September 18, 2021.
==== The Day of (Forever) Rest ====
Organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]]. During this event on June 21, 2020, players were invited to go to the PVP Arena to get a selection of unique PVP deaths.
Organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]]. During this event on June 21, 2020, players were invited to go to the PVP Arena to get a selection of unique PVP deaths.
{{Quote|source=Forum announcement by Banos|
{{Quote|source=Forum announcement by Banos|
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We plan to provide everyone with some unique PvP death and thus free dying experience! The goal is simply to come hungry for death (literally, to help us kill you and laugh about it).
We plan to provide everyone with some unique PvP death and thus free dying experience! The goal is simply to come hungry for death (literally, to help us kill you and laugh about it).
=== The Gluttonous Gourmand Gala ===
==== Akhisa's Web Anniversary ====
To celebrate their second anniversary, the guild [[Guild:Akhisa's Web|Akhisa's Web]] hosted a celebration in Serbule on March 28, 2021. Members of the guild distributed food, drinks, and organized raffles. An [[Developers|Admin]] stepped in and triggered a well-timed spider invasion towards the end of the event.
==== The Gluttonous Gourmand Gala ====
Organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]]. During this event on May 16, 2020, players were invited to taste food made from hard-to-find recipes. Players who answered an RSVP were allowed into the Party room of the [[Red Wing Casino]]. After the event, the room was temporarily opened up to all players to take the leftovers.
Organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]]. During this event on May 16, 2020, players were invited to taste food made from hard-to-find recipes. Players who answered an RSVP were allowed into the Party room of the [[Red Wing Casino]]. After the event, the room was temporarily opened up to all players to take the leftovers.
{{Spoiler|Click to view full event details|
:When: May 16th, 4pm server (Eastern) time.
:When: May 16th, 4pm server (Eastern) time.
:Where: Casino Party Room
:Where: Casino Party Room
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This will include 39 low level uncommon foods:
This will include 39 low level uncommon foods:
=== [[Erachia]], Festival of Elshana ===
==== [[Erachia]], Festival of Elshana ====
Organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]], [[Guild:Circle of Mystics]], and members from other guilds. This event took place between February 14 and 16, 2020. Over three days, a series of raffles, games, and parties were thrown for public participation.
Organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]], [[Guild:Circle of Mystics]], and members from other guilds. . Over three days, a series of raffles, games, and parties were thrown for public participation.
{{Spoiler|Click Expand to view event details|
Hello to you all, lovely Gorgon community!
Many of you may remember the epic 3-day event held by the Priests of Arisetsu around Ri-Shin in 2018. This year, we’re planning to keep the mega-event legacy alive. As this is around the feast that beings outside Alharth often dedicate to St. Valentine, we gift this event in the name of Elshana, our Muse.
Lore factoid: Elshana is Arisetsu’s first daughter -- see, the Priests live on!
Rowen Trading, and other guilds including the Circle of Mystics, will be celebrating with an event featuring plenty of games and prizes in Serbule from February 14 to 16. Along with a few Cauldron Parties, we will have games, raffles, and giveaways.
The games include "Drunk Deer Tag", "Hide and Seek", Trivia challenges, and more; with fabulous prizes for first, second, and third places.
"Drunk Deer Tag", also known as "what, where’d they go!?", will involve us chasing each other as deer, and "booping" others in place of saying "tag, you’re it" ("booping" in this case also includes opening trade.).
Other games will be announced before they start.
There will be raffles of all sorts of prizes, such as piles of councils, items to help you level tough skills, or adding to your stash of goodies. A few of them may include IOUs from our guild members! Some of my favorites are the Fire Magic 1-50 and 1-80 sets and the Jewelry Crafting starter kit.
***Prime events***
Friday, February 14, 2020
AUS primetime: 8pm AUS AEDT / 4am US EST / 10am EU CET
* Games!
EU primetime: 8pm EU CET / 2pm US EST / (Feb 15) 6am AUS AEDT
* Raffle: Large Cheesemaker set - 250 Stomachs
US primetime: 8pm US EST / (Feb 15) 2am EU CET / (Feb 15) 12pm AUS AEDT
* Raffle: Large Max Enchanter set - Glowy crystals, Vervadium, Winterprize
Saturday, February 15, 2020
AUS primetime: 8pm AUS AEDT / 4am US EST / 10am EU CET
* Raffle: Large Tailoring set - COTTON!
EU primetime: 8pm EU CET / 2pm US EST / (Feb 16) 6am AUS AEDT
* Poetry Jam + Large gem shop raffle
US primetime: 8pm US EST / (Feb 16) 2am EU CET / (Feb 16) 12pm AUS AEDT
* Raffle: Ice Magic level 1-80 set
Sunday, February 16, 2020
AUS primetime: 8pm AUS AEDT / 4am US EST / 10am EU CET
* Raffle: Fire magic level 1-80 set
EU primetime: 8pm EU CET / 2pm US EST / (Feb 17) 6am AUS AEDT
* Games!
US primetime: 8pm US EST / (Feb 17) 2am EU CET / (Feb 17) 12pm AUS AEDT
* Games!
Between these larger events, we’ll have some goodies for everyone: potentially dance parties, smaller raffles, pun-offs, and some impromptu fun. Who knows what we have up our sleeves! Watch for updates from the organizers!
All of this would not be possible without your participation. But what do you need to do? Only show up ready to have fun and get a little crazy. Teloch may even throw out his favorite butterfly chat art.
If you would like to help, find Seya, Teloch, or Tamiq.
From all of us, to all of you -- *BOOP* -- and may the Gods and Godlings be with you.
{{Spoiler|Click Expand to view Deer Tag Rules|
Drunken Deer Tag
Drunken deer tag involves a herd of drunk deer chasing a target deer for councils and entertainment! Access the drunken deerifyer box near the Serbule well to join in (there’s a matching box to un-deer after the chase).
There will be three catches for a round of tag. To catch the target deer, you need to successfully open trade with them. After a catch, the target deer gets a 10 second head start for the next round.
Note: we want the hunting deer to be feeling the effects of the alcohol so no Monger’s Boons, please. Anyone with a purple glow will not qualify for that prize.
;Event Dates
* February 14 - 16, 2020.
* April 23 - 25, 2021.
==== Towers' Treasure Trove ====
==== Towers' Treasure Trove ====
Organized by player Towers and [[Guild:Rowen Trading]], this was one of the games held during Erachia, Festival of Elshana. During this event, Project:Gorgon Admins spawned NPC versions of Rowen Trading members around the [[Serbule]] region. Interacting with these player models after picking up a book progressed the quest.
Organized by player Towers and [[Guild:Rowen Trading]], this was one of the games held during Erachia, Festival of Elshana. During this event, Project:Gorgon Admins spawned NPC versions of Rowen Trading members around the [[Serbule]] region. Interacting with these player models after picking up a book progressed the quest.
{{Quote|source = Written Event Book|
{{Spoiler|Click to view full event details|
Greetings! I need help finding my fellow Traders. They left me some hints of where they might be hiding. These all sound like they would be around Serbule.
Greetings! I need help finding my fellow Traders. They left me some hints of where they might be hiding. These all sound like they would be around Serbule.
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Good luck!
Good luck!
==== The Moovement ====
=== Teleportation Chain ===
Organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]], '''The Moovement''' was a player event on October 11, 2020. Participants partied (mostly in [[Cow]] form) on [[Brianna Willer]]'s farm in [[Serbule Hills]].  
Organized by [[Guild:Priests of Arisetsu]] and [[Guild:Asheron's Legacy]]. During this weekend event, members of both guilds linked [[Teleportation]] portals across Alharth, allowing a large group of players access to almost every teleport pad in the game, to gain binding experience.
==== Player Memorials ====
=== Teleportation Chain v2 ===
Organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]]. During this event on March 22 2020, members of Rowen Trading linked [[Teleportation]] portals across Alharth, allowing a large group of players access to almost every teleport pad in the game, to gain binding experience.
On March 27th, 2022 at 6pm EST, players held a memorial for the player behind the character ''Ebonne.'' The memorial was held in Eltibule, where players could leave candles at a memorial statue.
{{Quote|source=Forum Announcement by Space|
Rowen Trading is hosting a teleportation event in a week and wanted to give players time to accumulate amethysts and favor items before the event starts. Please bring 16 Amethysts, 48 salt, 3 parasol mushrooms. We will also be speaking to Ratuk the Thinker so bring in piles of lemons (i'm sorry Sims), Oranges, Tsavorites, Aquamarines, or Magic rings. If you have not already done his favor quests, please bring these items to complete them: Orcish Spell Pouches x5, Tundra Lichen x5.
On September 13, 2020, players held a memorial for the player behind the character ''Podg|BattleCattle.'' The event was held on the hills near the ocean in Northeast Serbule.
==== Teleportation Chain v2 ====
We will also be visiting Sem so if you have Myconic level 15 then please bring any of these items for favor: Heartshroom, Blue Gems, and Cranium Powder.
Organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]]. During this community event, members of Rowen Trading linked [[Teleportation]] portals across Alharth. The event allowed a large group of players access to almost every teleport pad in the game, granting them [[Teleportation]] experience from first-time binding.  
{{Spoiler| Click to view details for this event|
=== Teleportation Chain 3 ===
Organized by [[Guild:Rowen Trading]]. During this event on July 26, 2020, members of Rowen Trading again linked [[Teleportation]] portals across Alharth.
{{Quote|source=Forum Announcement|
[[Guild:Rowen Trading|Rowen Trading]] will be hosting a teleportation event on July 26th and we want to give players time to accumulate amethysts and favor items. For binding to teleport pads, please bring 22 Amethysts and 66 salt. We will also be speaking to [[Ratuk the Thinker]] so bring piles of Lemons, Oranges, Tsavorite, Aquamarines, or magic rings. If you have not already done his favor quests, please bring 5 [[Orcish Spell Pouch]] and 5 [[Tundra Lichen]].
[[Guild:Rowen Trading|Rowen Trading]] will be hosting a teleportation event on July 26th and we want to give players time to accumulate amethysts and favor items. For binding to teleport pads, please bring 22 Amethysts and 66 salt. We will also be speaking to [[Ratuk the Thinker]] so bring piles of Lemons, Oranges, Tsavorite, Aquamarines, or magic rings. If you have not already done his favor quests, please bring 5 [[Orcish Spell Pouch]] and 5 [[Tundra Lichen]].
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Check where portals go before jumping in
Check where portals go before jumping in
=== Sunday Funday ===
;Event Dates
Organized by [[Guild:Priests of Arisetsu]] and [[Guild:Asheron's Legacy]].
* March 22, 2020.
* July 26, 2020.
=== Priests' Anniversary ===
==== Silent Skillers Party ====
This community event was a public party on February 9, 2020 held in [[Serbule]] by the  guild Silent Skillers. 23 free raffles were held over the length of the party, which also featured poetry, music, dancing, gardening, and alcohol.
==== Manwar's Gourmand & PVP Party ====
Hosted by the player Manwar on December 1st, 2019, this unnamed event featured partying and semi-organized PVP challenges. Activities during this event were supported by the [[Developers|Admins]].
{{Spoiler|Click expand to view more event details|
Hello everyone! I just hit level 100 gourmand and want to throw a party!
There'll be games and contests and feats to keep the bards busy, I'm sure!
There'll be food and drink you get the mood started, and feel free to bring
out your musical instruments ... even if you still need practice! (we'll ask
for the usual courtesies of no aoe's and such, so as to disrupt others...
thank you in advance!
After that, we'll start the games off with "Let's Make a Squeal! You'll be able
to recognize your handsome host I'm sure. I'll be the pig with the top hat!
(feel free to let your inner pig out if you want! (but that won't help you win)
Contestants will be chosen out of the audience, by successfully being first
(and sometimes 2nd) to answer PG trivia questions! After that, the game
will continue as much like the game show on t.v. (whatever that is!).
Players will be able to win valuable prizes! Or, they could get
zonked! And we'll have to wait and see if the final winner will choose the
correct curtain for a prize of 100,000 councils!
Afterwards, we'll move from the party room, out to the arena, for a little
pvp fun! And I'm stating in advance, there could be 'issues' with this, so
final rulings will be based on my decisions, as fairly as I can determine, but
hopefully no issues will arise. We'll start out with some 'hit point/armor'
determined free for all's. This means that if you have 300/300 (hit points/
armor) or below, you can qualify for this event. It will be last man standing
who wins! We'll do a 500/500 round also, and finally an 'open' event.
Winners will receive 50k for 300, 125k for the 500 and 250k for the open
event! The winner of the open free for all will also receive a 'Tough Guy'
title, being provided by one of our favorite admins, Rumm... Jackn...
Next, I want to try some tag team matches... 5 man teams will compete
against each other... one at a time... As one member of the team goes
down, the next member will jump in and attempt to vanquish the killer
of their friend! And so on, until finally only 1 team is standing. That team
will receive 500,000 councils to divide amongst themselves! This will be
a 'Ladder event' so I'll need you to have someone from your team to get
with me an hour or so before hand (although if you can catch my attention
you can let me know anytime, up until the single events start... I'll be too
busy watching the matches after that!) Afterwards, if you guys want to
have some grudge matches, that'll be up to you
Finally, we'll wind down with statues and cauldrons to help kick things back
into normalcy!
Thank you all for you attention, and hope to see you there!}}
==== Teleportation Chain ====
Organized by [[Guild:Priests of Arisetsu]] and [[Guild:Asheron's Legacy]]. During this event on July 13, 2019, members of both guilds linked [[Teleportation]] portals across Alharth, allowing a large group of players access to almost every teleport pad in the game. This let players level [[Teleportation]] by gaining first-time binding experience.
==== Sunday Funday ====
Organized by [[Guild:Priests of Arisetsu]] and [[Guild:Asheron's Legacy]], the '''Sunday Funday''' events were parties in [[Serbule]] held on July 7, 2019 and July 28, 2019.
==== Death From Taxes Party ====
Organized by the guild Silent Skillers and supported by [[Guild:Priests of Arisetsu]], this party on April 20, 2019 featured copious quantities of free alcohol, poetry, and 44 raffles aimed at supplying lower level players with useful supplies.
==== Priests' Anniversary ====
Organized by [[Guild:Priests of Arisetsu]], this two-day event was filled with giveaways of rare items, raffles, and scavenger hunts.
Organized by [[Guild:Priests of Arisetsu]], this two-day event was filled with giveaways of rare items, raffles, and scavenger hunts.
=== Encyclopedic Records Recovery ===
==== Sims' Barfight ====
Organized by the player Sims (a year before they became a Volunteer Guide and eventually an [[Developers|Admin]]), this community event featured a mostly-naked zerg rush of a chosen dungeon. Members of the guilds [[Guild:Holy Order]], [[Guild:Asheron's Legacy]], DOM, AOF, and Guardians of Asgard contributed to this event.
; Event Dates
* July 2, 2017.
* July 8, 2017.
* July 15, 2017.
* More?
==== Encyclopedic Records Recovery ====
On April 1st, 2017, members of [[Guild:Chosen of Norala]] organized a scavenger hunt to recover the '''The Grand Encyclopedic Records of Alharth and Surrounding Regions,''' a player-created book hidden somewhere in the game (stolen by Goblins). Other players spent five hours searching for guild members with clues scattered across the land, ultimately discovering the missing book inside one of the towers of Eltibule Keep. To encourage participation, this wiki was partially unavailable until the book was recovered.
On April 1st, 2017, members of [[Guild:Chosen of Norala]] organized a scavenger hunt to recover the '''The Grand Encyclopedic Records of Alharth and Surrounding Regions,''' a player-created book hidden somewhere in the game (stolen by Goblins). Other players spent five hours searching for guild members with clues scattered across the land, ultimately discovering the missing book inside one of the towers of Eltibule Keep. To encourage participation, this wiki was partially unavailable until the book was recovered.
==== Aesop's Riddles ====
Aesop's Riddles were a series of clues to treasure left by [[Developers|Admin Silvonis]] in global chat starting in February 2016. The messages were usually posted between 3am and 6am server time (EST) and would appear in batches over a year. Ultimately, a prize smaller than the previously rumored treasure was found by a small group of players, without the aid of the book that supposedly existed to guide them.
{{Spoiler|Click expand to see the complete set of messages|
2/20/16: It was said long ago, a tale handed down generations from my father and his before and so on an and so forth. It is said that there is a treasure of unspeakable wealth and power within the borders of Serbule. The clues of which are said to be plainly before us. It will take a person of great knowledge and perception to uncover those clues and follow them to the treasure. Will that adventurer search alone or with a chosen few? Will they share what the find or horde it all to themselves? It has long been rumoured that the finder of the treasure will become the next Duke of an upcoming region. Are these the ramblings of a random old timer or inside information from a higher power? I suppose only time will tell.
2/21/16: Almost identical message to 2/20. '''REMOVED''': It has been long rumoured that the finder of the treasure will become the next Duke of an upcoming region. '''ADDED''': The signs are clear and in plain sight, yet even those with the best vision don't see them.
3/13/16: Twas a distant fall when the legend truly began. There are many legends that surround the fabled location of the map, but there are those who believe that it lay forgotten in a vast wasteland far from the prying eyes of the council.
3/15/16: Those who seek the answer shall be rewarded with the truth. Seek the hidden tome in the great desert of old for the legend has a beginning, but it to shall have an end.
6/3/16: If there is a timed treasure located somewhere in the Project: Gorgon world, but is not found before its timer expired - did it really exist to begin with?
1/8/17, 7:35PM EST: That which has been lost can certainly be found. An adventurer once found a lost text that lay light onto the list, but the adventurer knew not what he possessed and simply left it with other texts of great knowledge.
1/21/17: Silvonis: Some new person probably has the book lol. If only there was a place where books were stores for everyone to read... I don't understand why it is so hard... if I heard right... there is a book somewhere that explains all that. The real treasure is in your heard and the hearts of your friends. The time spent searching, those good ole times that you will always remember. That is the real treasure.
1/21/2017 (Aesop): ...Transmission Intercepted... "We run. We jump. We swim and play. We row and go on trips, but the things that last forever... Transmission Ends.
1/21/2017, 11:54PM EST (Aesop): If the book remains undiscovered, it may lay in the possession of one who has yet discovered its importance. This could truly spell the end for that once was and may never be again.
1/13/2017, 04:44AM EST (Aesop): The whispers of the wind have revealed that the treasure has reappeared. Will it be discovered?

Latest revision as of 12:19, 23 August 2023

All players are welcome to design and produce in-game events. To request administrative support or to be put on the login calendar, email [email protected].

— A Volunteer Guide

Since Project Gorgon first became available to players, individuals and groups in the community have worked to create special events for others to enjoy. This page is not a comprehensive list. Information on events pre-planned by Developers can be found on the Seasonal Event page.

Repeating (and active) events

Poetry Jam

Soon after the Poetry Podium for Poetry Appreciation and Oratory was introduced to the game, players began to figure out the best options for taking advantage of the review system poetry offered. A weekly, weekend event was created, spearheaded by the user Matzur and several others. Eventually, Teloch and the Guild:Priests of Arisetsu took over the responsibility of running the events. Organization of the event was passed to Guild:Rowen Trading in August 2019.

Flipside Poetry Jam

Sometimes, players organize a Flipside Poetry Jam for players in the eastern hemisphere. When held, this event takes place about 10 hours before the regularly scheduled Poetry Jam.


Organized by player ChompyNibblers, Povus-palooza is an event themed around clearing a Povus nightly invasion by throwing as many players at the problem as possible, while providing all participating players with as many buffs as possible. This event successfully resulted in the first successful full-clear of a Povus event.

Click to view an example of event details

What: Povus-palooza is the premier Povus-defending party squad. (With free alcohol, food, buffs, drugs, etc.). This event is open to players of all levels and involves players overwhelming one of the highest-difficulty areas in the game. I expect the event to last 1-2 hours. (Varies depending on difficulty and average duration of quests) + See here for a short video from the first event! + If you're interested in helping host or willing to provide anything, please post here or reach out to me on Discord!

When: [Sunday 7/31] at 1:15PM ET (~23 [24-1] Hours After Poetry Jam) - Officially, dance brews will be dropped when the in-game clock strikes 3PM - I highly advise you log in early as the first ~25 minutes of the event (party + free stuff) is synchronized to finish as the Povus night defense event starts.

Where: The event starts at Serbule Inn with a dance party, everyone is welcome to attend regardless of if you want to join for the Povus defense! After the party we will grab some buffs in Serbule and then portal to Povus for handing out the remainder of the free stuff/buffs.

Why? The goal is to fully clear a Povus night event mission and have fun going overboard with buffs. What better way to convince people to risk their lives fighting horrors in a disease infested swamp than with a party that has free booze, charcuterie, tonics, and drugs!

Anything else? - Yes I'm glad you asked! I would love to hear your ideas for how we can improve the event. We have the opportunity to strategize and organize ahead of time, feel free to post and discuss additional ideas here. I have some ideas already below.


  • There's a small window of time where we can light lamps before monsters spawn at 8PM in-game time. * With enough players, in theory we could complete the lamp-lighting quest instantly.
  • If we find ourselves in a ghost-heavy set of events, we may need extra stuns. Paralyzing traps (from Rahu Sewers) and the ability "stake to the heart" are good options for players who don't have skills with stuns.
  • Be prepared to need to fix broken bones and/or to help fix the broken bones of our tanks
  • If you're able to heal and/or tank I expect those roles will be in higher-demand but it would be helpful to have other sets of gear ready.
  • Set party loot rules to allow anyone to loot corpses (this will give the lower-level players more to do as well!)
  • Do bury things
  • See here for a map of the zones of the town along with lantern locations for the first quest.
  • Note that the southern and eastern edges/outskirts of the town have a more dangerous respawn location than the rest of the town.
Event Dates
  • October 24, 2021
  • February 13, 2022
  • July 31, 2022

Season's End

Seasons' End is a community event hosted by the guild Akhisa's Web. The event is usually held around an equinox or solstice. During the event, members of the guild plus a few volunteers set up "death stations" around the Fel-Dasculan Ruins in the Fae Realm. At each station, visitors drink a potion which puts them in PvP mode, then they are killed by the volunteer running that station. The volunteers use attacks on the visitors which grant specific types of death only obtainable through PVP combat.

Event Dates
  • March 21, 2021.
  • June 20, 2021.
  • September 25, 2022.
  • January 15, 2023.

Mushroom Teleportation Unlock Event

The Mushroom Teleportation Unlock Event is a community event hosted by the guild Akhisa's Web. Members of the guild help interested players to unlock a unique form of Teleportation.

Click to view full event details

We're back at it again! The love-able bunch of spiders and patient adherents of Akhisa are hosting another round of Musroom Teleportation unlock. This event involves rushing players through the unlock of mushroom teleportation.

Mushroom teleportation is an alternate form of teleportation that lets you bind to and teleport from mushroom circles throughout the game. There is a mushroom circle in all but ilmari, kur and casino so this can open up new fast travel capabilities and you get teleportation experience for using new mushroom circles/mushroom teleportation spells.

When: Sunday July 17th 2pm server time (event runs about 1 hour, but make sure you're there early so you don't miss a portal)

What you need: 3 parasol mushrooms and Level 15 Myconian language skill (different from mycology) - you get this sometimes from picking up mushrooms in elt/serb/serb hills.

We recommend doing some runs through Serbule sewers and picking all of the mushrooms there if you need some quick xp. Akhisa's Web will be providing some favor items to hand out and we'll do Sem's quests so everyone will walk away with basic mushroom teleportation, but if you want more recipes from Sem it might be worth bringing extra favor items: Sem - if you can get 10 black foot morels and 10 grommax mushrooms and haven't talked to Hemmit Magmagrip in New Prestonbule before its recommended you would bring those, but AW will also provide some.

What you'll walk away with: A new teleportation skill that lets you teleport to mushroom circles by using mushrooms, 5000-15000 councils, and a new alchemy recipe.

Full details:

We'll meet at Serbule well on Sunday July 17th starting around 1:00 and head out at 2pm server time. Be sure to be at the well 5 minutes early so you don't miss the portal. From there we'll open a portal to near New Prestonbule Caves in Gaz. Portal will be opened by Mushroom Jack's house - please arrive somewhat early so you don't miss it.

In New Prestonbule we'll pick up a quest from one of the npcs that involves finding a certain mushroom man. Hemmit also gives two quests for 10 of two different types of mushroom which we'll have dispensers for - he takes them as gifts but they're better served for quest items. Then another portal will be opened to somewhere else in Gaz will be opened and we'll walk to Sem's cave. We'll dole out some favor items to help you unlock the base skill when we get to Sem so if that's it for you, you can head from there, but if you stick around we'll do Sem's three quests and then return to New Prestonbule to turn in his quest for an additional 5000c. With 3 parasol mushrooms you can bind to Sem and come back at your convenience.

One thing that worked well last time was to move out as a group, once we pick up the quests from Sem we're going to move out as a group only making right turns. One of the pain points of early iterations was that groups all split up and some people would struggle to get kill credits - so this time we're going to try only making right turns and moving as a blob. For reference here's the cave map.

We'll be starting at Sem and hugging the right wall as a group - even if we see a mob far away we'll get to it on the way round instead of breaking our path to get snag it. The hope is this will help people complete the quests all within a reasonable range of each other.

As we are an Akhisa themed guild (goddess of spiders and patience) there will be dispensers provided for free Spider and Un-Spider juice as well as a raffle for some spider themed items running from 1pm - 2pm server time. Hope to see you all there and as always praise Akhisa!

Event Dates
  • September 5, 2020.
  • November 8, 2020.
  • February 21, 2021.
  • May 23, 2021.
  • August 22, 2021.
  • February 27, 2022.
  • July 17, 2022.

The Fancy Feast

The Fancy Feast is a community event organized by the |Merchant Princes guild in Serbule Keep. During this event, participants consume meals to raise their Gourmand levels. During their first event, members of the organizing guild crafted 300 stacks of food representing 50 meals. Raffles were also held. Their second run of the event, titled "Hail Hydra(tion), focused on soups, stews, and drinks. The influence of an Admin caused the end of the second event to be attacked by Hippo.

Event Dates
  • August 15, 2021.
  • January 16, 2022.

Guild Garden Party

A weekly Sunday event organized by Guild:Rowen Trading


The Tele-Tour is a variation of the previous Teleportation Chain events. The event was held on July 22, 2023 by Guild:Asheron's Legacy. They guided participants to all 38 teleportation pads in the game at the time of the event.

Click to view full event details

What is it?

A tour of all 38 teleport pads in the game. This event will not include mushroom circles as those cannot be summoned for others to use.

Where is it?

It starts in Serbule Keep at the teleport pad by the north gate. From there, a visit to all the deadly, cold, wet, and beautiful teleport pads that can be summoned.

When does it happen?

Saturday, July 22nd after the poetry jam. Unless something comes up. This event will take a little less than 3 hours, including the break midway through.

Why is this happening?

If you think to yourself, “I need to be able to get around better, easier and faster” then this is the event for you. Even with a teleportation skill at level 2, this event will advance it to at least level 20.

Who can go?

Any toon that would like at least level 20 teleportation skill, who meets the requirements, with the proper materials, and can take instructions from the portal summoners and security providers.

  • Bind Circle trained.
  • Recall Circle trained.
  • Amethyst, at least 16.

PEEPS, (scared, hungry, naked, young ones with low or no combat skills, mules loaded down and unable to even walk, basically anyone that wants to advance their teleportation skill) Three salt to tie to the teleport pad in the Serbule keep north gate. If you’re already tied to this pad as your primary recall, you don’t need any salt. Any toon planning to attend must have Recall circle trained as this is the only recipe we will be using. Requirements for those simply running through the event, using the primary recall recipe only. Alternate bind/recall recipes are up to those players that have advanced skills, those materials won’t be listed here. There will not be any boxes with materials for giveaways unless someone wishes to provide them. Please take responsibility for your own gaming and gather all the materials listed. If you’re unable to gather these materials on your own, you can petition your guild, invoke your beggar skills, find a sponsor, purchase them, or simply grind for them.

Any toon planning to attend must bring a minimum of 16 amethyst. Each time you use recall circle it has a 20% chance of using up the amethyst. If you’re feeling unlucky bring more amethyst. No other requirements are needed from the peeps that will be running through this event. Indeed, you can be naked, starving, unable to run and with zero combat skills, as long as you meet the previously listed requirements, you’re welcome to come.

How does this happen?

The teleportation skill gives 200 bonus XP for each new tele pad you either tie to OR recall from. This event will utilize the recall from option. Starting in the Serbule keep, everyone will need to tie to the tele pad at the north gate using the bind circle recipe, this is the ONLY pad you will be tied to. This tele pad is Home Base. Approximately every 3 minutes there will be a summoned portal directly in front of Home Base to a different pad located somewhere out in the big world of Alharth. You will need to take the portal within 2 minutes as that is how long summoned portals last. Once at your new destination, you have about 1 minute to use the recipe recall circle, which will take you back to Home Base. If it’s your first-time teleporting from that pad, you’ll get your 200 bonus XP for using a new tele pad plus your regular XP from the recall circle recipe. If you miss a summoned portal, it will not be re-summoned as the cool down for summoned portals is 1 hour.

Some rules to teleport by

DO NOT LEAVE THE TELEPORT PAD YOU LAND ON. Once you take the summoned portal, several times you’ll land in areas that are very hostile, and the killers will not be clearing a large area, just the immediate area around the tele pad. Please wait for the ALL-CLEAR before entering the announced dangerous portals. If you explore and die, it’s on you.

DO NOT TIE TO ANY OF THE TELEPORT PADS YOU LAND ON. Tying to any pad other than Home Base will cause you to lose your ability to get back to Home Base. More advanced players may want to come along just to get a tie to a different tele pad, that’s up to each player, as summoned portals back to Serbule keep will not be provided.

When a summoned portal needs the killers to clear the area, a warning will be announced for killers to go first, then peeps, please wait for the ALL-CLEAR before taking these portals, so as to give the killers time to clear out the rabble. Hopefully, this process will take just a few seconds. If you jump in before the pad is cleared and die horribly, again it’s on you. For cold areas, fires will be provided at the pad site. For the underwater pad sites, when you take the summoned portal, immediately press your rise key, either “R” or whatever key you have designated for that use or the space bar. This action will allow you to rise to the surface quickly. You can then use the recall circle recipe from the surface, as long as you are directly over the teleport pad. Some teleport pads are located in beautiful locations, please enjoy the view while remaining on the pad before returning to Home Base within the time allotted. The last portal summoned will be Ratuk the Thinker in Kur. This NPC has teleportation skill recipes for sale with the proper amount of favor and cash. Please consult the Wiki for what you need for both favor and recipes as none of those items are listed here. There are 38 teleport pads in the game, below is the list of portals as they will be summoned, Home Base in Serbule keep will be the only pad not summoned. If you don’t need a certain teleport pad, feel free to skip it in the list. Each portal will be summoned 1 minute after the previous portal has disappeared. An announcement of every upcoming portal will be made at 1 minute and again at 30 seconds before each portal is summoned along with all the warnings that go with it.

Teleport Order
  • Serbule - The Keep - HOME BASE, (Not summoned)
  • Starter Island
  • Serbule Hills – Abandoned Keep
  • Serbule Hills - NE corner
  • Serbule Hills – Behind the Inn
  • Serbule Hills - South
  • Serbule - Mushroom Cave
  • Serbule - Borghild
  • Serbule - South on the hill
  • Eltibule - Atop a small standalone mountain
  • Eltibule - Gnasher hill
  • Eltibule - Hogan's Keep
  • Eltibule - Sie Anty’s Garden
  • Eltibule - Underwater near the falls
  • Eltibule - Eltibule Keep
  • Sun Vale – Agrashab
  • Sun Vale - Animal Town
  • Sun Vale - Druid camp
  • Sun Vale - Ranalon Island, underwater
  • Red Wing Casino
  • Halfway – Take a break, maybe refresh that drink or head to the lavatory.
  • Sun Vale - Resort Island
  • Sun Vale - Work order board
  • Rahu - Center of the city
  • Rahu - North of the city, by the prison
  • Rahu – Near the council storage on the peaceful side
  • Kur – Wolf Cave
  • Kur - North Beach
  • Kur - NPC Village
  • Kur – Syndra
  • Ilmari - Amulna
  • Ilmari - Ruined village, Labs
  • Gazluk – Prestonbule Ghost town
  • Gazluk - Center, near Amaluk Valley/Tower View cave
  • Gazluk - NE of Gazluk Keep, Foothills/Windy View cave
  • Gazluk - Teleport Pillar inside the Windy View/Foothills cave
  • Gazluk – West, near Gazluk Shadow/Snowblood Shadow cave
  • Povus – Center
  • Kur - Ratuk the Thinker

Unique (or inactive) Events

Dance Around Alharth

Organized by the guild Illegitimus, Dance Around Alharth was a community event where guild members helped participating players unlock twelve Interpretive Dance abilities. This event took place on April 30, 2022.

The Day of (Forever) Rest

Organized by Guild:Rowen Trading. During this event on June 21, 2020, players were invited to go to the PVP Arena to get a selection of unique PVP deaths.

When: June 21st, 2-4 pm server (Eastern) time.
Where: PvP Dungeon in Serbule.
On June 21st, we will be holding a Dying XP event!

We plan to provide everyone with some unique PvP death and thus free dying experience! The goal is simply to come hungry for death (literally, to help us kill you and laugh about it).

— Forum announcement by Banos

Akhisa's Web Anniversary

To celebrate their second anniversary, the guild Akhisa's Web hosted a celebration in Serbule on March 28, 2021. Members of the guild distributed food, drinks, and organized raffles. An Admin stepped in and triggered a well-timed spider invasion towards the end of the event.

The Gluttonous Gourmand Gala

Organized by Guild:Rowen Trading. During this event on May 16, 2020, players were invited to taste food made from hard-to-find recipes. Players who answered an RSVP were allowed into the Party room of the Red Wing Casino. After the event, the room was temporarily opened up to all players to take the leftovers.

Click to view full event details

When: May 16th, 4pm server (Eastern) time.
Where: Casino Party Room
On May 16th, we will be holding a Gourmand XP event!

We’re trying to get a list of interested people so we make about the right number of each dish. Those who RSVP will get an item to access the party room immediately at the start of the event. 3 hours later, the restriction will be lifted and the remaining food will be available to anyone who wants it.

If you’re interested, RSVP by filling out this form with the in-game name of the character you want to participate this week. Responses will close at midnight server time the night of the 9th. If you have already responded, you do not need to do so again.

Note that this is very experimental, and we may encounter problems!

This will include 39 low level uncommon foods:

Erachia, Festival of Elshana

Organized by Guild:Rowen Trading, Guild:Circle of Mystics, and members from other guilds. . Over three days, a series of raffles, games, and parties were thrown for public participation.

Click Expand to view event details

Hello to you all, lovely Gorgon community!

Many of you may remember the epic 3-day event held by the Priests of Arisetsu around Ri-Shin in 2018. This year, we’re planning to keep the mega-event legacy alive. As this is around the feast that beings outside Alharth often dedicate to St. Valentine, we gift this event in the name of Elshana, our Muse.

Lore factoid: Elshana is Arisetsu’s first daughter -- see, the Priests live on!

Rowen Trading, and other guilds including the Circle of Mystics, will be celebrating with an event featuring plenty of games and prizes in Serbule from February 14 to 16. Along with a few Cauldron Parties, we will have games, raffles, and giveaways.

The games include "Drunk Deer Tag", "Hide and Seek", Trivia challenges, and more; with fabulous prizes for first, second, and third places.

"Drunk Deer Tag", also known as "what, where’d they go!?", will involve us chasing each other as deer, and "booping" others in place of saying "tag, you’re it" ("booping" in this case also includes opening trade.).

Other games will be announced before they start.

There will be raffles of all sorts of prizes, such as piles of councils, items to help you level tough skills, or adding to your stash of goodies. A few of them may include IOUs from our guild members! Some of my favorites are the Fire Magic 1-50 and 1-80 sets and the Jewelry Crafting starter kit.

      • Prime events***

Friday, February 14, 2020 AUS primetime: 8pm AUS AEDT / 4am US EST / 10am EU CET

  • Games!

EU primetime: 8pm EU CET / 2pm US EST / (Feb 15) 6am AUS AEDT

  • Raffle: Large Cheesemaker set - 250 Stomachs

US primetime: 8pm US EST / (Feb 15) 2am EU CET / (Feb 15) 12pm AUS AEDT

  • Raffle: Large Max Enchanter set - Glowy crystals, Vervadium, Winterprize

Saturday, February 15, 2020 AUS primetime: 8pm AUS AEDT / 4am US EST / 10am EU CET

  • Raffle: Large Tailoring set - COTTON!

EU primetime: 8pm EU CET / 2pm US EST / (Feb 16) 6am AUS AEDT

  • Poetry Jam + Large gem shop raffle

US primetime: 8pm US EST / (Feb 16) 2am EU CET / (Feb 16) 12pm AUS AEDT

  • Raffle: Ice Magic level 1-80 set

Sunday, February 16, 2020 AUS primetime: 8pm AUS AEDT / 4am US EST / 10am EU CET

  • Raffle: Fire magic level 1-80 set

EU primetime: 8pm EU CET / 2pm US EST / (Feb 17) 6am AUS AEDT

  • Games!

US primetime: 8pm US EST / (Feb 17) 2am EU CET / (Feb 17) 12pm AUS AEDT

  • Games!

Between these larger events, we’ll have some goodies for everyone: potentially dance parties, smaller raffles, pun-offs, and some impromptu fun. Who knows what we have up our sleeves! Watch for updates from the organizers!

All of this would not be possible without your participation. But what do you need to do? Only show up ready to have fun and get a little crazy. Teloch may even throw out his favorite butterfly chat art. If you would like to help, find Seya, Teloch, or Tamiq.

From all of us, to all of you -- *BOOP* -- and may the Gods and Godlings be with you.

Click Expand to view Deer Tag Rules

Drunken Deer Tag

Drunken deer tag involves a herd of drunk deer chasing a target deer for councils and entertainment! Access the drunken deerifyer box near the Serbule well to join in (there’s a matching box to un-deer after the chase).

There will be three catches for a round of tag. To catch the target deer, you need to successfully open trade with them. After a catch, the target deer gets a 10 second head start for the next round.

Note: we want the hunting deer to be feeling the effects of the alcohol so no Monger’s Boons, please. Anyone with a purple glow will not qualify for that prize.

Event Dates
  • February 14 - 16, 2020.
  • April 23 - 25, 2021.

Towers' Treasure Trove

Organized by player Towers and Guild:Rowen Trading, this was one of the games held during Erachia, Festival of Elshana. During this event, Project:Gorgon Admins spawned NPC versions of Rowen Trading members around the Serbule region. Interacting with these player models after picking up a book progressed the quest.

Click to view full event details

Greetings! I need help finding my fellow Traders. They left me some hints of where they might be hiding. These all sound like they would be around Serbule.

I’m not patient! The first five players to find them all will get a bonus prize.

- Spiders and dinos and slimes, OH MY!
- An art gallery with a jumping puzzle.
- On top of the world!
- Where the Work Order deliveries arrive.
- Near an often overlooked scroll seller.
- Novice lamplighters tend to miss this spot.
- Kraken can often be seen spawning near here, this is a good place to be out of sight.
- Remember when the Geomancy Awl used to be useful? This is near an above-ground spot it came in handy.
- Near an exit-only door. You could say that those on the other side are fun guys. Kind of dark and damp here.
- South of the Keep, where it looks like someone wanted to add a canal.
- Outside Khyrulek's Lair.
- Trying a skill for the first time? This is where you might test your abilities.

Something also got lost in one of the caves - find that for a small prize.

Good luck!

The Moovement

Organized by Guild:Rowen Trading, The Moovement was a player event on October 11, 2020. Participants partied (mostly in Cow form) on Brianna Willer's farm in Serbule Hills.

Player Memorials


On March 27th, 2022 at 6pm EST, players held a memorial for the player behind the character Ebonne. The memorial was held in Eltibule, where players could leave candles at a memorial statue.


On September 13, 2020, players held a memorial for the player behind the character Podg|BattleCattle. The event was held on the hills near the ocean in Northeast Serbule.

Teleportation Chain v2

Organized by Guild:Rowen Trading. During this community event, members of Rowen Trading linked Teleportation portals across Alharth. The event allowed a large group of players access to almost every teleport pad in the game, granting them Teleportation experience from first-time binding.

Click to view details for this event

Rowen Trading will be hosting a teleportation event on July 26th and we want to give players time to accumulate amethysts and favor items. For binding to teleport pads, please bring 22 Amethysts and 66 salt. We will also be speaking to Ratuk the Thinker so bring piles of Lemons, Oranges, Tsavorite, Aquamarines, or magic rings. If you have not already done his favor quests, please bring 5 Orcish Spell Pouch and 5 Tundra Lichen.

We will be starting at the altar east of Serbule Keep at 2PM Server Time (EDT). Come a few minutes before to group up so it’s easier to keep track of each other!

We’ll portal to the Casino, bind there, then head out into Rahu. We’ll run to the three teleportation pads there and portal to each location after that. At each teleport pad, use the ‘Bind Circle’ recipe for the XP and head to the next location.

Notes: We will be fighting in the south part of Rahu city instead of buying passes Check where portals go before jumping in

Event Dates
  • March 22, 2020.
  • July 26, 2020.

Silent Skillers Party

This community event was a public party on February 9, 2020 held in Serbule by the guild Silent Skillers. 23 free raffles were held over the length of the party, which also featured poetry, music, dancing, gardening, and alcohol.

Manwar's Gourmand & PVP Party

Hosted by the player Manwar on December 1st, 2019, this unnamed event featured partying and semi-organized PVP challenges. Activities during this event were supported by the Admins.

Click expand to view more event details

Hello everyone! I just hit level 100 gourmand and want to throw a party!

There'll be games and contests and feats to keep the bards busy, I'm sure! There'll be food and drink you get the mood started, and feel free to bring out your musical instruments ... even if you still need practice! (we'll ask for the usual courtesies of no aoe's and such, so as to disrupt others... thank you in advance!

After that, we'll start the games off with "Let's Make a Squeal! You'll be able to recognize your handsome host I'm sure. I'll be the pig with the top hat! (feel free to let your inner pig out if you want! (but that won't help you win) Contestants will be chosen out of the audience, by successfully being first (and sometimes 2nd) to answer PG trivia questions! After that, the game will continue as much like the game show on t.v. (whatever that is!). Players will be able to win valuable prizes! Or, they could get zonked! And we'll have to wait and see if the final winner will choose the correct curtain for a prize of 100,000 councils!

Afterwards, we'll move from the party room, out to the arena, for a little pvp fun! And I'm stating in advance, there could be 'issues' with this, so final rulings will be based on my decisions, as fairly as I can determine, but hopefully no issues will arise. We'll start out with some 'hit point/armor' determined free for all's. This means that if you have 300/300 (hit points/ armor) or below, you can qualify for this event. It will be last man standing who wins! We'll do a 500/500 round also, and finally an 'open' event. Winners will receive 50k for 300, 125k for the 500 and 250k for the open event! The winner of the open free for all will also receive a 'Tough Guy' title, being provided by one of our favorite admins, Rumm... Jackn... Turkenducken!

Next, I want to try some tag team matches... 5 man teams will compete against each other... one at a time... As one member of the team goes down, the next member will jump in and attempt to vanquish the killer of their friend! And so on, until finally only 1 team is standing. That team will receive 500,000 councils to divide amongst themselves! This will be a 'Ladder event' so I'll need you to have someone from your team to get with me an hour or so before hand (although if you can catch my attention you can let me know anytime, up until the single events start... I'll be too busy watching the matches after that!) Afterwards, if you guys want to have some grudge matches, that'll be up to you

Finally, we'll wind down with statues and cauldrons to help kick things back into normalcy!

Thank you all for you attention, and hope to see you there!

Teleportation Chain

Organized by Guild:Priests of Arisetsu and Guild:Asheron's Legacy. During this event on July 13, 2019, members of both guilds linked Teleportation portals across Alharth, allowing a large group of players access to almost every teleport pad in the game. This let players level Teleportation by gaining first-time binding experience.

Sunday Funday

Organized by Guild:Priests of Arisetsu and Guild:Asheron's Legacy, the Sunday Funday events were parties in Serbule held on July 7, 2019 and July 28, 2019.

Death From Taxes Party

Organized by the guild Silent Skillers and supported by Guild:Priests of Arisetsu, this party on April 20, 2019 featured copious quantities of free alcohol, poetry, and 44 raffles aimed at supplying lower level players with useful supplies.

Priests' Anniversary

Organized by Guild:Priests of Arisetsu, this two-day event was filled with giveaways of rare items, raffles, and scavenger hunts.

Sims' Barfight

Organized by the player Sims (a year before they became a Volunteer Guide and eventually an Admin), this community event featured a mostly-naked zerg rush of a chosen dungeon. Members of the guilds Guild:Holy Order, Guild:Asheron's Legacy, DOM, AOF, and Guardians of Asgard contributed to this event.

Event Dates
  • July 2, 2017.
  • July 8, 2017.
  • July 15, 2017.
  • More?

Encyclopedic Records Recovery

On April 1st, 2017, members of Guild:Chosen of Norala organized a scavenger hunt to recover the The Grand Encyclopedic Records of Alharth and Surrounding Regions, a player-created book hidden somewhere in the game (stolen by Goblins). Other players spent five hours searching for guild members with clues scattered across the land, ultimately discovering the missing book inside one of the towers of Eltibule Keep. To encourage participation, this wiki was partially unavailable until the book was recovered.

Aesop's Riddles

Aesop's Riddles were a series of clues to treasure left by Admin Silvonis in global chat starting in February 2016. The messages were usually posted between 3am and 6am server time (EST) and would appear in batches over a year. Ultimately, a prize smaller than the previously rumored treasure was found by a small group of players, without the aid of the book that supposedly existed to guide them.

Click expand to see the complete set of messages

2/20/16: It was said long ago, a tale handed down generations from my father and his before and so on an and so forth. It is said that there is a treasure of unspeakable wealth and power within the borders of Serbule. The clues of which are said to be plainly before us. It will take a person of great knowledge and perception to uncover those clues and follow them to the treasure. Will that adventurer search alone or with a chosen few? Will they share what the find or horde it all to themselves? It has long been rumoured that the finder of the treasure will become the next Duke of an upcoming region. Are these the ramblings of a random old timer or inside information from a higher power? I suppose only time will tell.

2/21/16: Almost identical message to 2/20. REMOVED: It has been long rumoured that the finder of the treasure will become the next Duke of an upcoming region. ADDED: The signs are clear and in plain sight, yet even those with the best vision don't see them.

3/13/16: Twas a distant fall when the legend truly began. There are many legends that surround the fabled location of the map, but there are those who believe that it lay forgotten in a vast wasteland far from the prying eyes of the council.

3/15/16: Those who seek the answer shall be rewarded with the truth. Seek the hidden tome in the great desert of old for the legend has a beginning, but it to shall have an end.

6/3/16: If there is a timed treasure located somewhere in the Project: Gorgon world, but is not found before its timer expired - did it really exist to begin with?

1/8/17, 7:35PM EST: That which has been lost can certainly be found. An adventurer once found a lost text that lay light onto the list, but the adventurer knew not what he possessed and simply left it with other texts of great knowledge.

1/21/17: Silvonis: Some new person probably has the book lol. If only there was a place where books were stores for everyone to read... I don't understand why it is so hard... if I heard right... there is a book somewhere that explains all that. The real treasure is in your heard and the hearts of your friends. The time spent searching, those good ole times that you will always remember. That is the real treasure.

1/21/2017 (Aesop): ...Transmission Intercepted... "We run. We jump. We swim and play. We row and go on trips, but the things that last forever... Transmission Ends.

1/21/2017, 11:54PM EST (Aesop): If the book remains undiscovered, it may lay in the possession of one who has yet discovered its importance. This could truly spell the end for that once was and may never be again.

1/13/2017, 04:44AM EST (Aesop): The whispers of the wind have revealed that the treasure has reappeared. Will it be discovered?