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List of Belts

Revision as of 00:07, 13 July 2022 by Tekkra (talk | contribs) (Single-skill Belts)
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Dual-skill Belts

Dual-Skill Belts purchased from NPCs or found in loot raise 'Base Damage Multipliers by 7%.

Item-icon-belt.gif Belt First Skill Second Skill Vendor Misc.Notes
Battle Chemistry Mentalism Marna
Knife Fighting Animal Handling Marna
Hammer Shield Agrashab
Knife Fighting Unarmed Lisi
Knife Fighting Battle Chemistry  ???
Psychology Druid Agrashab
Necromancy Mentalism None Drops from Lomas. Also dropped from Mortimer (Halloween Event Boss).
Ice Magic Necromancy None Drops in the Yeti Dungeon.
Knife Fighting Psychology Lisi
Werewolf Psychology Harry the Wolf
Knife Fighting Necromancy Lisi
Staff Shield Hogan May require Friends.
Necromancy Fire Magic Azalak
Sword Animal Handling None Normally found in dungeon chests like the boss chests in Goblin Annex or Dark Chapel. Small world drop %.
Staff Druid Agrashab
Ice Magic Mentalism Ukorga Requires ???
Sword Psychology Joeh
Archery Sword Elahil
Archery Sword None +8% Base Damage. Complete a 3 hour favor for Sirine to receive.
Fire Magic Battle Chemistry Velkort
Psychology Mentalism Echur
Hammer Mentalism Agrashab
Unarmed Mentalism Echur
Mentalism Druid Agrashab
Werewolf Animal Handling Harry the Wolf
Archery Animal Handling Elahil
Fire Magic Shield None Normally found in dungeon chests like the boss chests in Goblin Annex or Dark Chapel. Small world drop %.
Knife Fighting Shield None Normally found in dungeon chests like the boss chests in Goblin Annex or Dark Chapel. Small world drop %.
Unarmed Psychology Echur
Sword Shield Joeh
Battle Chemistry Archery Marna
Ice Magic Fire Magic Ukorga Requires ???
Ice Magic Staff Ukorga Requires Friends
Necromancy Archery Azalak
Staff Animal Handling Hogan May require Friends.
Fire Magic Staff Velkort
Ice Magic Druid None Normally found in dungeon chests like the boss chests in Goblin Annex or Dark Chapel. Small world drop %.
Sword Mentalism None Normally found from certain dungeon chests, like the puzzle chest in Winter Nexus
Hammer Druid Agrashab
Unarmed Necromancy None Normally found in dungeon chests like the boss chests in Goblin Annex or Dark Chapel. Small world drop %.

Single-skill Belts

Single-Skill Belts purchased from NPCs or found in loot raise 'Base Damage Multiplier by 10%.

Item-icon-belt.gif Belt First Skill Vendor Misc.Notes
Animal Handling None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Spider Strange Spider
Archery None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Bard None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Battle Chemistry None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Giant Bat Harry the Wolf
Cow Suspicious Cow
Rabbit None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Druid None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Fire Magic None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Deer Suspicious Cow
Hammer None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Ice Magic None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Knife Fighting None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Mentalism None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Mentalism Ri-Shin gift from Echur. Mentalism Base Damage +10%, Mentalism Damage +3, Max Power +5.
Necromancy None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Pig Suspicious Cow
Priest None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Psychology None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Shield None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Spirit Fox None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Staff None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Sword None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Unarmed None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Warden None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.
Werewolf None The recipe can be purchased from Yogzi.

Lucky Belts

Lucky Belts impact the rarity of loot collected while a Lucky Belt is worn.

Item-icon-belt.gif Belt Vendor Misc.Notes
Ukorga 10% of the time when you would have found non-magical equipment ( Common loot), you'll find magical equipment instead.
None 2% of the time when you would have found non-magical equipment as loot ( Common loot), you'll find Rare equipment instead. Drops from certain high-level chests, like the boss chests in Goblin Annex or Dark Chapel.

Shamanic Belts

Shamanic Belts are crafted through Shamanic Infusion.

Item-icon-belt.gif Belt Reqs to Equip Misc.Notes
None Chance to Evade Projectiles +12%.
Endurance 10 Chance to Evade Projectiles +15%.
Endurance 20 Chance to Evade Projectiles +18%.
None Inventory Slots +3.
Endurance 10 Inventory Slots +5.
Endurance 20 Inventory Slots +8.

Toolcrafting Belts

Other than some single-skill belts, Toolcrafting also allows for crafting of belts which increase health or inventory slots.

Item-icon-belt.gif Belt Reqs to Equip Misc.Notes
Endurance 45 Chance to Ignore Knockbacks +20%
None Max Health +15.
Endurance 12 Max Health +30.
Endurance 24 Max Health +45.
Endurance 36 Max Health +60.
None Inventory Slots +3.
Endurance 12 Inventory Slots +4.
Endurance 24 Inventory Slots +5.
Endurance 36 Inventory Slots +6.
Spider 15 Allows Druid.
Spider 30 Allows Druid. Inventory Slots +4.
Spider 45 Allows Druid. Inventory Slots +6.
Spider 45 Allows Druid. Inventory Slots +8.
Spider 45 Allows Druid. Inventory Slots +10.

Other Belts

Non-skill belts can also be found in monster loot, received as rewards or gifts, and bartered for.

Item-icon-belt.gif Belt Source Misc.Notes
Bogaku Barter Core Attack Accuracy Boost +0.1, Nice Attack Accuracy Boost +0.1.
Bogaku Barter Signature Debuff Accuracy Boost +0.1, Signature Debuff Damage +10%.
Irkima Ri-Shin Gift Max Armor +25, Inventory Slots +2.
Loot - Ratkin Root-Tender Direct Poison Damage +9%, Inventory Slots +2.
Loot - Ratkin Fishtender Direct Poison Damage +6%, Inventory Slots +2.
Loot - Necro-Rat Handler Direct Darkness Damage +6%, Inventory Slots +2.
Loot - Ratkin Fishtender Chance to Evade Bursts +8%, Inventory Slots +2.

For a list of all belts, see Category:Items/Belt.