Council Lands

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The Council Lands are a civilization located on the continent of Alharth. Verta, an Elven country, shares a border with the Council Lands.



The Council Lands were created in Alharth after a group of thirteen wizards known as The Council of Thirteen" conquered the region over a thousand years ago. After displacing most of the native populations into neighboring countries through various wars, the Council Lands experienced centuries of peace. At some point during this time, five members of "The Council of Thirteen" were banished from Alharth and the Council Lands. "the Council of Thirteen" renamed itself "The Council of Eight."
Throughout One hundred and three years, "The Council of Eight" thrived and occasionally replaced members. After Torsager the Regent retired, the Council chose to end recruitment of replacement members. "The Council of Eight" became "The Council of Five."
In recent times, "The Council of Five" renamed themselves "The Council." Four members of the Council remain, although conflicting material suggests at least one former Council member is still alive. While the surviving wizards live in seclusion in the city of Statehelm, the Council Lands have thrived under the control of local leaders.



The town of Serbule was established in the far east of the Council Lands. The town was created as a refugee town for Elves after the Elven city of Dwyndarre was destroyed. While most of the population is Elven, some Humans remain to act on wishes of the Council. Retired Praetor Nelson Ballard watches over the residents from the fortress at the western end of the town. He works alongside Sir Coth, the town Sheriff.
Serbule itself is a typical Council town, mostly wooden buildings surrounded by a stone wall. The town is surrounded by a shallow moat which connects with a nearby lake. Six guard towers stand watch over the town, and a Council fortress takes up the Southern end of the town. Serbule has two gates, the main gate to the east, and a secondary gate to the north, by the town's stables.
The northern half of the town of Serbule is populated by merchants and craftsman, while the southern end is holds the town's famous windmill. Housing construction is expected to start in this part of town in the upcoming months.
The region around Serbule is lightly forested, with heavier forests to the north and south of the region. A few lakes are situated in the area around the town itself. The western edge of the region turns mountainous, as does the southern half. Council built cobblestone paths wind throughout the landscape of the region. Leaving through Serbule's north gate, travelers can reach Eltibule, or charter a ship to the island of Sun Vale.
Explorers traveling west of Serbule can find themselves at the old Serbule Crypt, which is rumored to be haunted. Another point of interest in the west are two large stone hands jutting up from the rocky hills. These are the remains of a large statue that once stood in the area, now buried.
- The Chortling Beaver Inn is a popular meeting place in town[1], the proprietor Fainor is an excellent chef.


Kur Mountains

Sun Vale

While the island Sun Vale resides on is still part of the Council Lands, you wouldn't know it looking at the area. A few roads and crumbling buildings are all that is left of the Council's presence. A few trolls have taken up residence in these ruins. Sun Vale itself is a fertile valley on an otherwise uninhabitable rocky island. The island is located between the Council Lands and the neighboring Elven nation of Verta. Ships from Serbule dock at the beaches to the southern end of the island.
- A large tree grows in Sun Vale, which provides a good landmark.

Raksasha Lands

- Not much is known of the Raksasha Lands. The areas is said to be a rocky and arid desert.
- The Raksasha city of Rahu is expected to be located in this area.

Other Lands

- Fallowglade is a town populated by Humans, Elves, and Rakshasa.
- Statehelm is a city serving as the seat of the Council.
- Halvue is a mid-sized town in the Council Lands.
- Sinoca is a poverty plagued town located near Halvue.
- Dwyndarre is a former Elven city, now destroyed.
- Rahu is the first constructed Rakshasa city.




- Humans are extremely social beings and feel loneliness more than other races.


- Elves are obsessively clean.
- Elves view most laws and rules created by the Council as barbaric.
- Elves have a longer lifespan than Humans.


Rakshasa come from another planet, Ravana, which has a dark sun that beats down with ultraviolet rays but little visible light, leaving the world dark and barren, and pivoting between extremes: blisteringly hot in the day and freezing cold at night.

On their home world, Rakshasa are shapeshifters, able to take on dozens of forms at will. They use different forms for different situations and times of day. This ability, combined with their incredible willpower, allowed them to survive on Ravana when most other life died.

Their cities on Ravana are vast structures that tower out of the desert, usually encircling a rare natural source of water.

Rakshasa on their homeworld are more advanced than any race here on Alharth. They have mastered planar travel and many now live on other worlds. They are ruthless, merciless, and can adapt to any environment. However, they are not particularly greedy, and so they don't spread to worlds that they don't need. Thus in terms of planar politics, they are considered a mid-ranged demonic threat (see Demons).

The Rakshasa who live here on Alharth arrived via a portal. Half a million colonizers arrived, and intended to create a permanent gate between the two worlds, but they were attacked almost as soon as they arrived. Their intricate devices were destroyed and their great thinkers slain.

The remaining Rakshasa lived out their lives trying in vain to return home. They created the city of Rahu, named after a horrific monster from their home world, and they had children and lived life, if not thrived.

All native-born Rakshasa seem stuck in a single form -- that of a bipedal cat creature. They do not know why they cannot change shape, but since the climate is much less volatile on Alharth, the cat form tends to serve them well. Players who choose to play a Rakshasa are third-generation natives of Alharth. They cannot change form.

Developer Blog October 18, 2014

- The Rakshasa are "old friends" of the demons serving Berelius. These demons do not want to alert the Rakshasa of their presence in the Council Lands.


Fairies can be burned by cold iron. [2]
Books can be enchanted to write themselves in the Fae Realm [3]


Kot Bhenul is a well known Dwarven artist.






The Myconian race has lived in the Council Lands for many years in secret. Myconians are mainly cave dwellers and keep to themselves in their local enclaves. Myconians absorb energy from glowing blue mushrooms called amanita gloria. Their bodies turn this energy into Myconian Jelly, which they excrete from their bodies. The excess Myconian Jelly is stored in large cylindrical mushrooms alongside Sporelings, the future generations of Myconians. In recent times, the Myconians of Serbule have mastered the art of taming Garden-Tenders. Myconians measure time in Moon cycles and seasons.
A being named General Lavorel traveled to the home of the pod of Myconians living in the Myconian Cave in Serbule 31 of their moon cycles ago, during his search for the being called Dalvos. This being taught the Myconians to use their hallucination spores to communicate with humans. Lavorel stayed with the Myconians and taught them about human society for five moon cycles before leaving.
The Myconian Cave Myconians accepted his teachings and began to worship General Lavorel as if he were a god. Before leaving, Lavorel enhanced the abilities of two Myconians, Tremor and Tidal. The Myconian Cave is currently in a conflict between Tidal's forces and the Myconians who support the peaceful methods practiced by Mu, Voo, Way, and Jaw.
The Myconians are trying to adapt to the human concepts of trade and ownership. Some are experiencing difficulty with the concepts.


The Manis species has only recently gained sentience. They have taken it upon themselves to learn the culture of the Council Lands. It seems that some Mantises have developed Psychic abilities, including the ability to wipe the minds of elves.

Indigenous Species

The Crone Council

The Crones are a race native to Alharth. When the Council took power and established the Council Lands, the Crones were expunged. In recent times, the Crones have returned to their homeland in hopes of reclaiming it. The "Crone Council" is the name given to the returning group.
- Crones are viewed as ugly and repulsive by most Elves and Humans.
- Crones dislike the consumption of raw meat.
- The demon Tok of the Eighth Pod suggested in a letter that the Crones could make good allies.


Residents of the Council Lands worship 37 deities. Each deity is associated with various natural phenomena. While some deities are thought to have created their associated phenomena, others perform more minor tasks. It is believed that the deities are sentient and can manifest themselves in physical forms.
- Tok of the Eighth Pod suggests that the deities are simply nature spirits.
Deity Association Actions
Norala Goddess of Hunts Spreads a specific magical disease.
Irhetsu God of the Winds Controls the Winds.



Gorgons is a mythological creature mentioned in folktales and old books.
One such book found in the town of Serbule, The Wasted Wishes, tells the story of a girl's encounter with a Gorgon. The Gorgon in the story grants three wishes to the girl, Leeka, before vanishing after filling the room with smoke. The Gorgon in The Wasted Wishes is sentient, and seems to enjoy playing with how wishes are fulfilled.

Autumn Felling

The Legend of the Autumn Felling tells of a day when over half the population of Elves in Alharth dropped dead. It is unknown whether or not this tragic tale actually occurred.

Garden Mystics

Garden Mystics are ancient elves who have mastered the art of growing unnatural vegetables. It is rumored they can grow Fey Potatoes.


The Council Lands are ruled by the Council, a group of five wizards. The Council members have not been seen in years, but reside in the city of Statehelm.

Council Decrees

Council representatives can issue Council Decrees after approval from Statehelm. As a result, the threat of a Council Decree carries weight among the populace of the Council Lands.
Examples of Council Decrees:
- Selenia Lovefoot was declared a Foe of Alharth and banished from the Council Lands. Her family was allowed to remain in the country, but their home and possessions were put up for auction in Serbule.
- Five members of "The Council of Thirteen" were banished from Alharth. The decree declared it illegal to speak the names of the banished out-loud.

Known Policies and Laws

- Statehelm has recently installed a sex-changing machine designed to deal with homosexuality, which seems to be looked down upon by the Council.
- Some Council Representatives charge non-humans taxes, such as in the city of Halvue.
- The Council has decreed that Elves are unable to feel emotions.


Council-Stamps (or just "Councils") are the basic currency issued by The Council. Walls are worth a tenth of a Council, and Screeds are worth 20 Councils. - "The Chortling Beaver's First Screed"
All known vendors accept Councils.


Science and Arcane Arts

Science and Magic run amuck in the Council Lands. Sometimes, the two are combined. One such example is the modern Stargazer device. The lenses used have been enchanted to allow viewing of the starts even during the day.



-Most residents of The Council Lands are unaware of other planes of existence and simply refer to anyone from one as a "Demon."



-Citizens of The Council Lands often mistake Alharth as being the name for the entire world.
- Alharth is the second largest of the nine continents.


  1. Lore item on the wall of the inn.
  2. Mentioned by Taidon in Small Talk
  3. Mentioned by Preta