Difference between revisions of "NPC Template"

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m (Rewards)
m (Training)
(42 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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<!--  see http://projectgorgon.com/wiki/Template:NPC_infobox for details on this info box (and easy copy/paste). If an NPC does not require all the attributes, you may delete them. For example, if the NPC is not a skilltrainer, than "|skilltrainer =" can be left blank. -->
See [[Template:NPC_infobox]] for details on the NPC infobox that goes on every page.<!-- Remember to remove this line before saving. Keep the NOTOC! -->
{{NPC infobox
{{NPC infobox
|title            = Marna
|title            = Marna
|image            = [[File:Marna (npc).png|300px]] <!-- Make sure to include an image, even if you do not have one ready to upload. It will show in [[Special:WantedFiles]]. -->
|image            = [[File:Marna (npc).png|300px]] <!-- Only include the image parameter if you have previously uploaded an image, or want to upload a png instead of a jpg. Otherwise, remove it. -->
|caption          = NPC Description here. <!-- This caption comes from the in-game text above the NPC's head -->
|caption          = She's selling an eclectic mix of things. <!-- This is the caption over the head of the NPC -->
|zone            = Serbule
|zone            = Serbule <!-- The zone the NPC is in. If they are in a town, also use the town parameter. If they are inside a dungeon, list the zone the primary entrance to the dungeon is in (Winter Nexus is in Sun Vale, not Fae Realm), and also use the dungeon parameter. -->
|location        = Her shop in [[Serbule Keep]]
|town = Serbule Keep
|beastspeak      = All <!-- animals that the npc is known to speak too, See the NPC Infobox page for more information. -->
|location        = Her shop near the well. <!-- A short description of where they are. If too wordy, include a break with br tag -->
|skilltrainer    = Archery, Lore
|anatomy = Elven <!-- Include the anatomy and species. The Anatomy should match one of the anatomy sub-skills. The species is usually whatever form the NPC visually is, however characters with Lycanthropy should list Lycanthrope as species. For characters turned into other things, make an educated guess. An Elven Druid in raven form is still Elven anatomy and Elf species, but a Human cursed to an Elf is Elven Anatomy and Elf species. -->
|vendor          = vendor
|species = Elf
|beastspeak      = No <!-- Answer this one with just Yes or No. If Yes, include the parameter beastlist. beastlist is set to either All, or describes any exceptions, such as "Wolves only" -->
|skilltrainer    = [[Archery]], [[Lore]]
|vendor          = Yes <!- Answer some questions about the NPC. Options are vendor, storage, consignment, barter, augmentation, and eventnpc. If Yes, write yes. If no, leave blank and do not include the parameter. -->
|storage = Yes
{{Quote|source=[[Marna]]| <!-- This quote should be something informative about the NPC, or express their personality. The quote can be from the NPC, or another NPC talking about them.-->
{{Quote| <!-- This quote should be something informative about the NPC, or express their personality. -->
Alchemy and shop keeping go hand and hand. I mean, you gotta buy the ingredients, and sell the results, so it just fits.
Alchemy and shop keeping go hand and hand. I mean, you gotta buy the ingredients, and sell the results, so it just fits.
[[Marna]] is a shopkeeper in the main town of Serbule. She is a special merchant NPC in that she will buy "almost anything at full value". As you raise favor with her, her money pool will increase so your weekly sales limit will increase. <!-- Add a brief description of the NPC -->
[[Marna]] is a shopkeeper in the main town of Serbule. She is a special merchant NPC in that she will buy "almost anything at full value". As you raise favor with her, her money pool will increase so your weekly sales limit will increase. <!-- Add a brief description of the NPC. -->
[[Marna]] was one of the elves that organized and led the refugees from [[Dwyndarre]] to [[Serbule]]. Most of the townsfolk respect her. <!-- Add other information about the NPC. Lore, relationships, ect. -->
[[Marna]] was one of the elves that organized and led the refugees from [[Dwyndarre]] to [[Serbule]]. Most of the townsfolk respect her. <!-- Add other information about the NPC. Lore, relationships, ect. -->
== Location ==
== Location ==
; [[Serbule]] <!-- List the Zone the npc is found in. -->
; [[Serbule]] <!-- List the Zone the NPCis found in. Be sure this matches the infobox! -->
: [[Marna]] is always seen inside her shop in [[Serbule Keep]].  <!-- This could be a town or location such as [[Serbule Keep]], [[Hogan's Keep]], or [[Amulna]]. You may also want to describe their location with more details.  -->
: [[Marna]] is always seen inside her shop in [[Serbule Keep]].  <!-- This could be a town or location such as [[Serbule Keep]], [[Hogan's Keep]], or [[Amulna]]. You may also want to describe their location with more details if they wander around.  -->
==Small Talk== <!-- Add an area displaying the favor categories the NPC claims to enjoy. -->
== Shopkeeper ==
* Loves Raw Fish
[[Marna]] sells a selection of basic adventuring supplies used in [[First Aid]] and [[Armor Patching]]. She also sells cures for some common illnesses. <!-- Add an introductory sentence or two briefly explains what this NPC merchant has to offer, if they are a shopkeeper. -->
* Likes Flowers {{Hint|Hints about good gifts can be added like so.}}
* Likes Wool {{Favor|Friends}}
{{Vendor items sold}} <!-- After you first create an NPC page, this line will create a link to a subpage. If the NPC does not sell any items in their New tab, remove this line. On that page, add the items the NPC has for sale. The vendor item row template is used to display items on the created subpage.-->
* Hates Swords
{{Vendor_purchase_info}} <!-- Add this template if and only if the NPC purchases items from the player and resells them in a Used tab.-->
<!-- If you have the info, please edit the resulting pages <vendorname>/Items_purchased and <vendorname>/Spending_limits. (Links to these will automatically be created when using the {{Vendor_purchase_info}} template.) -->
<!-- If you have the info, please edit the resulting pages <npcname>/Items_purchased, and <npcname>/Spending_limits. (Links to these will automatically be created when using the {{Vendor_purchase_info}} template.) -->
<!-- Remember that your max purchase value will be affected by buffs from random skills, open up Persona->Stats and adjust for your Max Purchase Cap %. -->
<!-- Remember that your max purchase value will be affected by buffs from random skills, open up Persona->Stats and adjust for your Max Purchase Cap %. -->
<!-- Money Pool *should* be affected (?), but atm it seems bugged. -->
== [[Marna]]'s Shop==
== Favor ==
<!-- Add an introductory sentence or two briefly explains what this merchant has to offer. -->
=== Small Talk [[{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk|<span style="font-size:50%"><sup>[view/edit]</sup></span>]]===
[[Marna]] sells a selection of basic adventuring supplies used in [[First Aid]] and [[Armor Patching]]. She also sells cures for some common illnesses.
{{:{{msg:BASEPAGENAME}}/Small_talk}}<!-- Add an area displaying the favor categories the NPC claims to enjoy. -->
<!-- Now, add the items the NPC has for sale. Make sure to spell the item names exactly as they appear in-game. The table for [[Velkort]] was used here to save space. -->
=== Favor Rewards === <!-- Add a section describing rewards from leveling favor -->
[[Marna]] rewards her friends with [[Storage]] space and items.
{{vendor item row
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Comfortable}}:|
| item = Basic Staff
:{{Item|Lembas Brick}} x2
| cost = 57
| favor = Neutral
{{vendor item row
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Friends}}:|
| item = Salt
:{{Item|Flower Dainties}} (with random enchant).
| cost = 7
| favor = Neutral
{{vendor item row
| item = Lucky Belt of The War Wizard
| cost = 225
| favor = above Neutral
{{vendor item row
| item = Lucky Belt of The Master Exploder
| cost = 225
| favor = above Neutral
=== Hang Outs ===<!-- List NPC Hang Outs. The collapse function will work properly on individual pages, but not this template page.-->
<div class="block1">
{{Spoiler|Hike to a remote meditation pillar(8h)|
<!-- Add a short sentence describing the quests the NPC offers. -->
[[Echur]] offers some quests around the [[Serbule]] region.
<!-- Each quest should be linked, to be added as a separate page.
  {{Favor|requirement}} should be indicated. If the Quest requires a prior quest to be completed, also list it here.
  Make sure to add quest dialogue on the quest page!
  Consider using Template:Hint for spoiler-y material.
* [[Unusual Powder]] {{Favor|Neutral}} - Deliver powder to [[Azalak]] the Mantis.
{{Spoiler|Rewards for Unusual Powder|
He liked it? Great! He's going to refine that powder for me. Hopefully it works as well as he says it does!
Echur said, "The scenery was great, wasn't it? Even if the meditation was kind of a drag. Well, not every meditation session goes as planned, you know? But we just come back to it tomorrow and try it again."
* 50 [[favor]] with [[Echur]]
:65 favor with [[Echur]]
:300 Meditation XP
* [[Bloody Bandages]] {{Favor|Tolerated}} - Obtain a [[Good First Aid Kit]]
{{Spoiler|Hike to a remote meditation pillar (8h) (unlocked after the first one)|
{{Spoiler|Rewards for Bloody Bandages|
Thanks! This should do the job. Here, take these leftover simple bandages. Don't worry, they're not used!
Echur said, "That was great! Very relaxing!"
* 50 [[favor]] with [[Echur]]
:65 favor
* 5 x {{Item|Simple First Aid Kit}}
:450 Meditation XP
* [[Cranium Powder (quest)]] {{Favor|Comfortable}} - Obtain 1 [[Cranium Powder]]. {{Hint|Can be bought from Azalak, requires Favor.}}
{{Spoiler|Explore new mind-altering compounds(4h)|
{{Spoiler|Rewards for Cranium Powder|
Thanks! This will do for a little while. Echur inhales the powder. What? I have things under control. Cranium Powder's not that addictive as long as you know how to pace yourself. Anyway, let's spar! I'll teach you a new move.
Echur said, "That one was too hallucinogenic for me. I prefer ones that focus the mind, not distract it. You keep the rest."
* 100 [[favor]] with [[Echur]]
:35 favor with [[Echur]]
* 1000 XP in [[Unarmed]]
:25 [[Mycology]] XP
:4 x {{Item|Blusher Mushroom}}
* [[Cranium Cure: Brain Bug Lobes]] {{Favor|Comfortable}} - Obtain 3 [[Brain Bug Lobe]]s. {{Hint|You can find Brain Bugs around Serbule}}
:: Requirement: Complete [[Cranium Powder (quest)]].  
== Quests ==
{{Spoiler|Rewards for Cranium Cure: Brain Bug Lobes|
[[Amutasa]] offers some quests around the [[Rahu]] region. <!-- Add a short sentence describing the quests the NPC offers. -->
<!-- Each quest should be added as an individual page with proper categories. Quests may be added automatically to the wiki every few months, but can also be manually added by consulting the current json files if required or requested.  
Perfect! I think I'm narrowing it down... won't be long now. I hope.
Be aware that not every NPC's name in the quest json matches their in-game name!-->
* 75 [[favor]] with [[Echur]]
category = Quests/Amutasa
* Ability: PSI Health Wave
mode = unordered
columns = 1
include = #Prerequisites,#Requirements
==Favor Rewards==
<div class="block1">
[[Marna]] rewards her friends with [[Storage]] space and items.
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Comfortable}}.|
:{{Item|Lembas Brick}} x2
{{Spoiler|Reward at {{Favor|Friends}}.|
:{{Item|Flower Dainties}} (with random enchant).
== Training ==
== Training ==
[[Marna]] will only train Wiki Editing skills if you reach {{Favor|Best Friends}} with her. <!-- If needed, write a sentence about training requirements. -->
[[Marna]] will only train Wiki Editing skills if you reach {{Favor|Best Friends}} with her. <!-- If needed, write a sentence about training requirements. -->
<!-- List the abilities the NPC trains by skill. -->
<!-- List the abilities the NPC trains by skill. -->
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Shield]]  
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
{{NPC training unlock row
  |item=Shield{{pipe}}Unlock Shield Skill Levels 51-60
  |item=Shield{{pipe}}Unlock Shield Skill Levels 51-60
  |skilllevel = 50
  |skilllevel = 50
Line 133: Line 107:
{{NPC training row
||ability=Take The Lead 4
|skilllevel= 8
{{NPC training row
|ability=Emergency Bash 6
|skilllevel= 13
|favor=Best Friends
{{NPC training row
{{NPC training row
Line 153: Line 115:
; [[Foraging]]
:{| class = "sortable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
|+ style="white-space:nowrap;" | [[Foraging]]
! Unlock
! Skill Level
! Cost
! Favor
{{NPC training unlock row
{{NPC training unlock row
  |item=Foraging{{pipe}}Unlock Foraging Skill Levels 61-70
  |item=Tailoring{{pipe}}Unlock Tailoring Skill Levels 51-60
  |skilllevel = 60
  |skilllevel = 50
{{NPC training row
|recipe= Great Cloth Pants
|skilllevel= 60
|cost= 7800
|favor= Friends
{{NPC training row
|recipe= Great Cloth Pants (Max-Enchanted)
|skilllevel= 60
|cost= 7800
|favor= Friends
== Services == <!-- List some of the services offered by the NPC. Consignment, Storage, Bartering, or unique options. Rappanel plays music if paid, and Ashk the Answerer tells fortunes that grant buffs. -->
== Services == <!-- List some of the services offered by the NPC. Consignment, Stable Master, Storage, Augmentation, or unique options. Rappanel plays music if paid, and Ashk the Answerer tells fortunes that grant buffs. -->
==== Consignment ====
==== Consignment ====
;(NPC) offers [[Consignment]] at {{Favor|Friends}}.
; (NPC) offers [[Consignment]] at {{Favor|Friends}}.
: Mark-up fee of 10%, stocking fee of 100.
: Mark-up fee of 10%, stocking fee of 100 Councils.
: Max 3 items (Item categories).
==== [[Storage]] ====
==== [[Storage]] ====
: ''Equipment Only''
: 24 slots at {{Favor|Neutral}}
|npcname = Gurki
: 32 slots at {{Favor|Comfortable}}
|favorrestriction =Comfortable
: 40 slots at {{Favor|Friends}}
|itemrestriction =Fish Only
: 48 slots at {{Favor|Close Friends}}
|neutral =0
: 56 slots at {{Favor|Best Friends}}
|comfortable =10
: 64 slots at {{Favor|Like Family}}
|friends =15
: 72 slots at {{Favor|Soul Mates}}
|closefriends =20
|bestfriends =25
|likefamily =30
|soulmates =35
==== Bartering ==== <!-- If the NPC offers a bartering system, add a page for that. -->
==== Augmentation ====
NPC <!-- Wrap name in [[]] -->can install level X-X Augments for X Councils. You must be {{favor|Friends}} or better.
==== Bartering ==== <!-- If the NPC offers a bartering system, include that section here -->
At {{Favor|Friends}} Gretchen offers to barter with you:
{| class="wikitable"
| rowspan = "3" | {{Item|Fire Dust}} x1 || {{Item|Oak Wood}} x4
| {{Item|Matted Hair}} x3
| {{Item|Barley Seeds}} x7
Gretchen's offers also include trades of various equipment (of level 20<sup>needs confirmation</sup> and random rarity<sup>needs confirmation</sup>) for [[Matted Hair]] and [[Oak Wood]].
{| class="wikitable mw-collapsible mw-collapsed"
| rowspan = "14" | {{Item|Matted Hair}} x3<br> {{Item|Oak Wood}} x2 || {{Item|Sturdy Boots}}
| {{Item|Sturdy Pants}}
| {{Item|Sturdy Shirt}}
| {{Item|Sturdy Gloves}}
| {{Item|Sturdy Helm}}
| {{Item|Sturdy Shield}}
| {{Item|Sturdy Sword}}
| {{Item|Sturdy Staff}}
| {{Item|Dwarven Hammer}}
| {{Item|Acid Beaker}}
| {{Item|Amulet of Competent Swording}}
| {{Item|Amulet of Max Health +15}}
| {{Item|Ring of Arrows}}
| {{Item|Ring of Kicking Ass}}
== Hang Outs == <!-- List NPC Hang Outs. The collapse function will work properly on individual pages, but not this template page.-->
<div class="block1"> <!-- Remember to close the div after all the Hang Outs are listed -->
{{Spoiler|Hike to a remote meditation pillar(8h)|
Echur said, "The scenery was great, wasn't it? Even if the meditation was kind of a drag. Well, not every meditation session goes as planned, you know? But we just come back to it tomorrow and try it again."
:65 favor with [[Echur]]
:300 Meditation XP
{{Spoiler|Hike to a remote meditation pillar (8h) (unlocked after the first one)|
Echur said, "That was great! Very relaxing!"
:65 favor
:450 Meditation XP
{{Spoiler|Explore new mind-altering compounds(4h)|
Echur said, "That one was too hallucinogenic for me. I prefer ones that focus the mind, not distract it. You keep the rest."
:35 favor with [[Echur]]
:25 [[Mycology]] XP
:4 x {{Item|Blusher Mushroom}}
{{Spoiler|{{repeatable}} Meditate with Echur(60m)|
Echur said, "Now we're ready to face the day! Come back next week and meditate with me again."
:12 favor with [[Echur]]
:100 [[Meditation]] XP
== Events ==
== Events ==
<!-- If the NPC participates in an event, add that info here. See Norbert and Norbert/Strange Pig for an example -->
<!-- Add the following text to allow for Holiday gifts to be mentioned.
If the NPC does not use favor or is part of a non-winter temporary event, do not add the Winter Celebration box. Instead, add the category [[Category:NoRiShin]] at the bottom of the page! -->
<!-- If the NPC participates in an event, add that info here before the Winter Celebration box. See Norbert and Norbert/Strange Pig for an example -->
* [[Norbert/Strange Pig|Strange Pig]] - Sometimes, [[Norbert]] travels to other regions to spread awareness of the plights of sentient animals.
* [[Norbert/Strange Pig|Strange Pig]] - Sometimes, [[Norbert]] travels to other regions to spread awareness of the plights of sentient animals.
== Conversations ==  <!-- List any long and potentially important conversations the NPC may have -->
===== Winter Celebration =====
|RiShin Friends = {{Item|Lemon}}
|RiShin Family = {{Item|Fire Dust}} x5
== Conversations ==  <!-- List any long and potentially important conversations the NPC may have. Even if there are none, you must include this header. -->
== Tips ==<!-- An optional header for short messages offering guidance. -->
* Presumably, [[Marna]] is in [[Serbule]] to smooth the experience for new players, however new players will quickly run her available Councils dry, and then will have to wait seven days before her money regenerates. It is recommended that you sell only things to her which you really couldn't sell elsewhere, so that you make the most of her weekly gold amount. See the [[Merchants]] guide.
== Gallery == <!-- An optional header used if additional images need to be displayed. -->
<!-- Now, add the NPC Category [[Category:NPCs]].
Additional categories are usually handled by the infobox (location, anatomy, services offered), however some NPCs may require special tags when new mechanics are introduced.
Be sure to remove the Template guides category below, and all of these comments before you publish a new NPC page!-->
Now, add the NPC Category [[Category:NPCs]]. Also add the proper category for the NPC's location. [[Category: Serbule NPCs]], [[Category: South Serbule NPCs]], [[Category: Eltibule NPCs]], ect.
If the NPC is also in a location, add that tag too! [[Category: Serbule Keep NPCs]], [[Category: Hogan's Keep NPCs]], [[Category: Amulna NPCs]]
Also add an anatomy type for the NPC. [[Category: Human]], [[Category: Elven]], [[Category: Fae]] (Rakshasa, Goblin, Giant, Fungoid, Canine et al.).
If the NPC is a vendor (they buy or sell items), add [[Category: Vendor]].
If the NPC trains or teaches a skill, add [[Category: Skill Trainer]].
If they barter, [[Category: Bartering]].
If they offer consignment, [[Category: Consignment]].
If they offer storage, [[Category: Storage]].
If they talk to animals, [[Category: Talks to Animals]].
If the NPC is an event NPC, [[Category: Event NPCs]]-->
[[Category:Template guides]]
[[Category:Template guides]]

Latest revision as of 14:17, 3 May 2022

See Template:NPC_infobox for details on the NPC infobox that goes on every page.

Button Blue.png
Marna (npc).png
She's selling an eclectic mix of things.
Her shop near the well.
Beast Speak:
Skill Trainer:
Offers Storage

Alchemy and shop keeping go hand and hand. I mean, you gotta buy the ingredients, and sell the results, so it just fits.


Marna is a shopkeeper in the main town of Serbule. She is a special merchant NPC in that she will buy "almost anything at full value". As you raise favor with her, her money pool will increase so your weekly sales limit will increase.

Marna was one of the elves that organized and led the refugees from Dwyndarre to Serbule. Most of the townsfolk respect her.


Marna is always seen inside her shop in Serbule Keep.


Marna sells a selection of basic adventuring supplies used in First Aid and Armor Patching. She also sells cures for some common illnesses.

Items Sold[view/edit]

 57 councils   [Neutral] 
 7 councils   [Neutral] 
 225 councils   [above Neutral] 
 225 councils   [above Neutral] 

Items Purchased [view/edit]

  • First category of items (e.g. food ingredients)
  • Second item
  • Etc.

Spending Limits [view/edit]

Favor Level Cap Per Item Weekly Pool
Close Friends
Best Friends
Like Family
Soul Mates


Small Talk [view/edit]

  • Loves Raw Fish
  • Likes Flowers Hint
  • Likes Wool [Friends]
  • Hates Swords

Favor Rewards

Marna rewards her friends with Storage space and items.

Reward at [Comfortable]:

Reward at [Friends]:

(with random enchant).

Hang Outs

Hike to a remote meditation pillar(8h)

Echur said, "The scenery was great, wasn't it? Even if the meditation was kind of a drag. Well, not every meditation session goes as planned, you know? But we just come back to it tomorrow and try it again."

65 favor with Echur
300 Meditation XP

Hike to a remote meditation pillar (8h) (unlocked after the first one)

Echur said, "That was great! Very relaxing!"

65 favor
450 Meditation XP

Explore new mind-altering compounds(4h)

Echur said, "That one was too hallucinogenic for me. I prefer ones that focus the mind, not distract it. You keep the rest."

35 favor with Echur
25 Mycology XP
4 x


Amutasa offers some quests around the Rahu region.


Marna will only train Wiki Editing skills if you reach [Best Friends] with her.

Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
 50    20000 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_3446.png Stunning Bash 6  65    9554 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_3640.png Finish It 5  54    9603 councils   [Comfortable] 
icon_2248.png Reinforce 6  20    11349 councils   [Like Family] 
Unlock Skill Level Cost Favor
 50    19400 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_11007.png Great Cloth Pants  60    7800 councils   [Friends] 
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_11007.png Great Cloth Pants (Max-Enchanted)  60    7800 councils   [Friends] 



(NPC) offers Consignment at [Friends].
Mark-up fee of 10%, stocking fee of 100 Councils.
Max 3 items (Item categories).


Gurki offers storage at [Comfortable] Favor.
Storage is limited to Fish Only.
0 slots at [Neutral].
10 slots at [Comfortable].
15 slots at [Friends].
20 slots at [Close Friends].
25 slots at [Best Friends].
30 slots at [Like Family].
35 slots at [Soul Mates].


NPC can install level X-X Augments for X Councils. You must be [Friends] or better.


At [Friends] Gretchen offers to barter with you:

Give Receive
x1 x4

Gretchen's offers also include trades of various equipment (of level 20needs confirmation and random rarityneeds confirmation) for Matted Hair and Oak Wood.

Give Receive


  • Strange Pig - Sometimes, Norbert travels to other regions to spread awareness of the plights of sentient animals.
Winter Celebration
[Friends] Favor -
[Like Family] Favor - x5



  • Presumably, Marna is in Serbule to smooth the experience for new players, however new players will quickly run her available Councils dry, and then will have to wait seven days before her money regenerates. It is recommended that you sell only things to her which you really couldn't sell elsewhere, so that you make the most of her weekly gold amount. See the Merchants guide.
