Difference between revisions of "Foraging"

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m (Update xp and source info for [[Cedar Wood])
Line 130: Line 130:
| {{Item|Perfect Maple Wood}} || 20 || 110 || [[Serbule Hills]], [[Eltibule]], [[Kur Mountains]]
| {{Item|Perfect Maple Wood}} || 20 || 110 || [[Serbule Hills]], [[Eltibule]], [[Kur Mountains]]
| {{Item|Cedar Wood}} || 40 || 190(log) / ?(fruit tree)|| [[Eltibule]], [[Kur Mountains]], [[Gazluk]], [[Lemon]] trees
| {{Item|Cedar Wood}} || 40 || 190(log) / 190(fruit tree)|| [[Eltibule]], [[Kur Mountains]], [[Gazluk]], [[Lemon]] trees, [[Banana]] trees
| {{Item|Perfect Cedar Wood}} || 40 / ?(fruit tree) || 190(log) / ?(fruit tree) || [[Eltibule]], [[Kur Mountains]], [[Gazluk]], [[Lemon]] trees
| {{Item|Perfect Cedar Wood}} || 40 / ?(fruit tree) || 190(log) / ?(fruit tree) || [[Eltibule]], [[Kur Mountains]], [[Gazluk]], [[Lemon]] trees

Revision as of 08:28, 30 October 2024

Button Cyan.png
Foraging (skill).jpg
The art of picking things up.
Skill Type:
Trade Skill
Max Level:
Skill Trainers:

The art of picking things up. Except mushrooms, those are special for some reason. Experts at Foraging are also experts at tracking down stationary items and locations (such as many Quest Objectives).

Foraging Overview

Foraging is a skill measuring a person's ability to gather useful resources, including fruits, flowers, and wild plants. It also governs the level of wood logs that can be harvested.

The skill eventually unlocks Seek Objective (level 5) and Objective Orienteering (level 15); both of which help with locating quest objectives.

In-Game Description

The art of picking things up. Except mushrooms, those are special for some reason. Experts at Foraging are also experts at tracking down stationary items and locations (such as many Quest Objectives).

Training Foraging

Connected Skills

  • None
Secondary Skills:
Related Skills:

Gardening - Foraging is one method used to collect flower seeds for Gardening. Cooking - Foraging provides a method to gather many useful fruits.

Synergy Levels:

Bonus Synergy Levels for Foraging can be obtained from the following skills and levels:

Level 20
Level 40
Level 22
Level 20, Level 50
Level 25
Level 26
Level 20, Level 37


Item Name Foraging Level Foraging XP Locations
0 50 Serbule, Serbule Hills, Eltibule
15 90 Serbule, Eltibule
25 130 Eltibule
30 150 Eltibule
35 170 Sun Vale
40 190 Sun Vale
45 210 Sun Vale
50 230 Sun Vale
50 230 Kur Mountains, Gazluk
55 XXX Ilmari
60 250 Fae Realm
65 250 Fae Realm
67 320 Fae Realm
70 250 Fae Realm
70 360 Fae Realm
Item Name Foraging Level Foraging XP Locations Notes
0 20 Anagoge, Serbule, Serbule Hills
5 40 Serbule, Serbule Hills
10 70 Serbule, Serbule Hills
20 110 Eltibule
30 160 Eltibule, Sun Vale
40 190 Sun Vale
50 XXX Ilmari
60 330 Fae Realm
65  ? Fae Realm harvesting has a small chance of yielding a instead
65 380 Fae Realm
70  ? Povus
 ?  ? Povus
Foraging wood requires a
Item Name Foraging Level Foraging XP Locations
0 20(log) / 20(fruit tree) Serbule, Serbule Hills, Eltibule, Orange trees
0 20 Serbule, Serbule Hills, Eltibule
20 110 Serbule Hills, Eltibule, Kur Mountains, Povus (3x)
20 110 Serbule Hills, Eltibule, Kur Mountains
40 190(log) / 190(fruit tree) Eltibule, Kur Mountains, Gazluk, Lemon trees, Banana trees
40 / ?(fruit tree) 190(log) / ?(fruit tree) Eltibule, Kur Mountains, Gazluk, Lemon trees
50 250(log) / 45(fruit tree) Gazluk, Povus, Pear trees, Peach trees
XX 250 Gazluk
Item Name Foraging Level Foraging XP Locations
 ? 1 Serbule Keep, anywhere chickens are
from Haystack  ? 20 various
0 90 Eltibule
30 150 Eltibule
35 170 Sun Vale, Rahu
30 150 Kur Mountains, Gazluk
37 170 Kur Mountains, Gazluk
50 230 Kur Mountains, Gazluk
 ?  ? Kur Mountains
55 240 Ilmari
Fairy Puff (for Fairy Puff Goo quest) 65  ? Fae Realm
70 400 Fae Realm
75  ? Fae Realm
78  ? Fae Realm

Foraging Complete Ability List

Icon Level Name Description Special Effects Stats Source
icon_2118.png 5 Seek Objective Instantly turn to face the next objective in your active quest. If it's within visual range, it will be marked with a pillar of light. Only works if your next objective is in the general vicinity. Power Cost: 10
Range: 0
Cooldown: 5
icon_2118.png 15 Objective Orienteering Intuit a path to the next objective in your active quest. Only works if the next objective is in the general vicinity. Power Cost: 10
Range: 0
Cooldown: 10

Recipe Lists

Foraging Complete Recipe List

Click "Expand" on the box below to view a complete list of Recipes for the Foraging skill.

Lvl Name First-Time XP XP Ingredients Results Description Source
5 Emergency Warmth Fire (Foraging) 80 20 icon_5057.png Grass x3
icon_5073.png Spiderweb x1
icon_5278.png Flinty Rock x1
icon_5687.png Emergency Warmth Fire x1 This small fire is warm enough to keep you from freezing to death, but not good enough for much else. Lasts 60 seconds once deployed. Training: Spot
20 Basic Campfire (Foraging) 320 80 icon_5082.png Spider Leg x3
icon_5073.png Spiderweb x2
icon_5278.png Flinty Rock x1
icon_5687.png Basic Campfire x1 A fire pit, good for cooking in the field or for keeping warm in the cold. Lasts 3 minutes once deployed. Training: Spot

Foraging Mechanics

Leveling Guide

Put on your adventurer's cap and explore! Been there, done that?

Level 1
Apple in starting dungeon and in cart on way to town.
Level 1-10
Northwest of Sebule : Oak Wood. (Be sure to get a Handsaw.)
Level 10-14
Northwest area of Serbule : Grapes, Oak Wood, Wild Bluebells. You can level here easily until you are around level 25-30.
Level 15-19
Around Eltibule Keep : look for Cotton, Wild Bluebells, Wild Red Asters (you may want to use one of the targetting keyboard shortcuts as the cottons are not easy to see).
Level 20-30
Near the garden area in Eltibule keep, Maple Wood and Wild Cotton giving great exp.
Level 30-40
Near Hogan´s Keep are spawning many Oranges, Guavas, and Violets
Level 40+
In Sun Vale there's a huge amount of easily harvestable fruits and seeds.
Level 50+
Desert Roses, and Peppers can be harvested in the Ilmari Desert.

Objective Orienteering

The Objective Orienteering ability can be a bit quirky, especially when used underwater, where it can only be used if you swim all the way to the sea floor. Also, it may appear not to function if used while facing away from the objective, so make sure you orient yourself before orienteering!

Foraging Level Up Rewards

Level Reward
5 Gain Ability: Seek Objective
15 Gain Ability: Objective Orienteering
22 +1 to Fishing
25 +1 to Deer
26 +1 to Cow
28 +1 to Rabbit
30 +1 to Mycology
35 +1 to Pig
40 +1 to Surveying
45 +1 to Pig
47 +1 to Spirit Fox
50 +1 to Geology
55 +1 to Mycology
60 +1 to Endurance
65 +1 to Fishing

Foraging Experience Table

Click Expand to view the Experience Table for Foraging

Level Experience Total Experience
1 10 10
2 50 60
3 50 110
4 50 160
5 50 210
6 210 420
7 210 630
8 210 840
9 210 1050
10 210 1260
11 420 1680
12 420 2100
13 420 2520
14 420 2940
15 420 3360
16 700 4060
17 700 4760
18 700 5460
19 700 6160
20 700 6860
21 1100 7960
22 1100 9060
23 1100 10160
24 1100 11260
25 1100 12360
26 1600 13960
27 1600 15560
28 1600 17160
29 1600 18760
30 1600 20360
31 2100 22460
32 2100 24560
33 2100 26660
34 2100 28760
35 2100 30860
36 2700 33560
37 2700 36260
38 2700 38960
39 2700 41660
40 2700 44360
41 3500 47860
42 3500 51360
43 3500 54860
44 3500 58360
45 3500 61860
46 4200 66060
47 4200 70260
48 4200 74460
49 4200 78660
50 4200 82860
51 5000 87860
52 5000 92860
53 5000 97860
54 5000 102860
55 5000 107860
56 6000 113860
57 6000 119860
58 6000 125860
59 6000 131860
60 6000 137860
61 7500 145360
62 7500 152860
63 7500 160360
64 7500 167860
65 7500 175360
66 9000 184360
67 9000 193360
68 9000 202360
69 9000 211360
70 9000 220360
71 11000 231360
72 11000 242360
73 11000 253360
74 11000 264360
75 11000 275360
76 13500 288860
77 13500 302360
78 13500 315860
79 13500 329360
80 13500 342860
81 16000 358860
82 16000 374860
83 16000 390860
84 16000 406860
85 16000 422860
86 20000 442860
87 20000 462860
88 20000 482860
89 20000 502860
90 20000 522860
91 24000 546860
92 24000 570860
93 24000 594860
94 24000 618860
95 24000 642860
96 30000 672860
97 30000 702860
98 30000 732860
99 30000 762860
100 30000 792860
