Quick Notes

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May 2016: Introduced a new camera, added new Guild mechanics including quests, and expanded the Labyrinth dungeon in Ilmari. The Pig skill was redesigned.

April 2016: Guild Vault Logs were added. Vendor Stalls were introduced in Serbule. Player Library mechanics were improved (book rankings).

March 2016: Nature Appreciation and Flower Arrangement skills added. A new type of Favor quest was tested. Rahu and South Serbule zones added to the game. Special Weekend Bonuses were introduced. New monster mechanics including Dense Armor and minor regeneration were added. Evasion was reduced to only a few types of monsters. Chickens lay eggs.

February 2016: Evasion was introduced. Guild storage, and a last-online list added. The first randomly assigned quest NPC was added in Serbule. Many skills were modified.

January 2016: Hotfix system tested, it worked. Sandstorms were added, and briefly appeared as deer. EULA/Code of Conduct introduced. Animal Town added in Sun Vale. Dispensers and Rafflers were added. Alt key able to be used in setting shortcuts.


December 2015: Buckle Artistry skill was introduced. Tutorial Cave replaced with a new island experience. Belt system was reworked.

November 2015: Combat Refresh system added, additional floors added to the Yeti Caves. Augment Brewing skills were redesigned into Augmentation. Transmutation skill was added. Bat skill added.

October 2015: Test server was used to test the upcoming Augmentation skills. September 2015: Skeletons can travel between zones. New patcher introduced. Work Orders added. Industry skill added. Labyrinth dungeon added in Ilmari. Character movement system rewritten. Guild system introduced.

August 2015: Serbule Sewers dungeon expanded. User-created chat rooms added. Help and Trade added to default chat tabs. Brain Bug Cave dungeon added in Serbule. More instruments added. Civic Pride skill added. Pigs can dance.

July 2015: Tutorial Cave modified to accommodate incoming new players from Kickstarter. Yeti Cave dungeon added in Kur Mountains. Day/Night cycle added, and some flower spawns were added tied to the time of day. Added Full-Moon content for Werewolves. Trade GUI introduced. Skill caps begin to raise to level 60. Ilmari Desert zone added.

June 2015: Cow curse removed from tutorial cave. Starting inventory increased. Special settings added. Upgrade to Unity 5 (new lighting model). Dyes resemble the intended colors. Group-loot options added.

May 2015: Wolf Cave dungeon expanded. Kur Tower dungeon expanded. Ice Magic skill added. Sun Vale quadrupled in size. Exceptional treasure tier added.

April 2015: Pet mechanics were modified. Music command removed and skills added. Performance Appreciation buff introduced, along with plants responsive to music. Augment Brewing skills added. Borghild dungeon (Deathtrap Dungeon) redesigned.

March 2015: Boss regeneration replaced with increased health. Lots of mob mechanics were changed, and treasure effects.

February 2015: A new launcher introduced. Moon phases now match the real moon. Dark Chapel dungeon expanded. Goblin Dungeon in Eltibule expanded.

January 2015: Battle Chemistry skill redesigned. Animal Nexus dungeon added in Eltibule. Dark Chapel dungeon added in Eltibule. Treasure Cartography and Corpse Talking skills added. Metabolism bar added. Racial Jewelry slot added.


December 2014: Bug fixes in preparation for a large patch.

November 2014: DirectX 11 support added. Lots of loot and crafting changes. Item craft point system introduced. Winter Nexus dungeon added in Sun Vale. Loot permissions modified. Vocabulary skill added.

October 2014: Halloween event. Treasure chests added to Serbule Crypt. New website and forums introduced. Added an anti-zerging timer. Gourmand skill recalculated. Toolcrafting skill added. Invite command added for group use.

September 2014: Sun Vale zone added. Hammer and Druid skills added. Elite monsters introduced. Goblin Dungeon in Eltibule expanded.