Sun Vale

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Sun Vale
Map of Sun Vale (click for larger size)
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File:Sun Vale.png
Also mistakenly known as "The Fae Lands"

Sun Vale is the name given to an island chain nestled between The Council Lands and the elven country of Verta. Unusual flora and fauna has found a new home here, migrating from the Fae Realm over hundreds of years. Winter Court Fairies are common here, wreaking havoc and causing mischief as they war with Ranalon and Druids.

It's this weird place, only accessible by boat. You're sailing down the coast and it's all rocks and nothingness, right? And then boom! There's this jungle growing out of nothing. Weirdest damned thing. Everybody loves the place. It's warm, and the natives are... look, it's actually a hellish death trap. You don't really want to go to Sun Vale. I was just trying to make some extra Councils, but now I feel bad about it. Happy?

— Boatman

Getting there

Talk to the Jurl the Boatman on the docks in northeast Serbule. The fee is 200 councils.

Points of Interest

Druid Camp and the Great Tree

At the northern end of Sun Vale's largest island, a Druid encampment has been established to watch over the region and hold back the warring Ranalon and invasive Winter Court.

A small band of refugee fairies have made their home on platforms around an unusually giant tree.

A mushroom circle lies between the two.

A small band of refugee fairies have made their home on platforms around an unusually giant tree.


A large viaduct splits the wild Troll inhabited region of Sun Vale's largest island from the Winter Court controlled south. An avatar of the God of Trolls can be found here.

Winter Court and Winter Nexus

To the south end of the main island, an ancient Fae Realms portal sits in the ground. Through this magical cavern, Winter Court fairies arrive and fight for control of the region. The Thorn of Decay is summoned through interacting with a white crystal found in ruins guarded by many fairies and conscripted trolls.

Animal Town

A group of sentient animals have constructed a makeshift village hidden along the eastern coast of Sun Vale's largest island. Non-Animals beware, deadly Summoned Guardians patrol the borders.

Viedesi's Work Order board

Along the western coast of the large island, Viedesi is waiting for people to pickup and turn in Work Orders. A dock can be found here that allows passage off the island.

Sacrificial Brazier

Towards the western edge of the main island, the remains of a once-great temple of Arisetsu can be explored. At the center of the ruin, guarded by Betra the Cold, an ancient brazier survives.

When the proper items are sacrificed, blessings are bestowed across all in the region.

Hopeful Inventory
You feel nice. Organizing your pack space seems a little less hopeless. +5 Max Inventory (area event).
Unlocked by sacrificing .

You feel the sun afresh upon your face. A distant woman's voice says, "My beloved child! So long as you give hope to the hopeless, I will be with you. May you always walk in warmth and peace.

Hope Against Oppressive Invaders
It's just a little bit warmer than usual, but the Winter Court fae find this heat intolerable! +15% direct damage vs. Winter Court fae (area event).
Unlocked by sacrificing .

Northeast Island

On the northeast island of Sun Vale, Ghosts roam at night, victims of a tragic attack by Ranalon. This island is also home to an elven building that used to be an inn or hostel.

Southeast Island

The southeast island of Sun Vale has become fortified by invading Ranalon, who war with both Druids and Winter Court fairies.

Old Statues

Twelve mysterious statues have been identified around the Sun Vale region. These statues, presumably built by Goblins long before the Druid Camp was established and the Fae invasion began, can be utilized through Treasure Cartography.

Teleportation Circles

There are 6 Council constructed Teleportation Circles in the Sun Vale region.

  • South of the dock leading back to Serbule.
  • Northwest of the Druid Camp.
  • Near Agrashab's ruins on the main island.
  • Underwater between the main island and the southeast island.
  • East edge of Animal Town.
  • Northern edge of northeast island.

There is a mushroom circle in Sun Vale between the Druid Camp and the Great Tree.

Meditation Pillars

There are 5 Meditation Pillars in the Sun Vale region. The provided Meditation Combos are:

  • Laggard Strike - Along the western shore of the northeast island.
  • Stunning Bruises - Near the center of the main island, halfway between the docks and Animal Town.
  • Toss and Barrage - At the docks on the main island near Viedesi.
  • Cobra of Life - Southwest shore of the main island, just past the Winter Nexus entrance.
  • Bruising Strike -At the east end of the southeast island.


Winter Nexus

The Winter Nexus is an entrance to a plane of existence made entirely of cave-like Nexuses. The shape of this realm changes over time, but the section accessed through Sun Vale is stable, forming a cavernous corridor between Alharth and the Fae Realm. This particular Nexus is being used by the Winter Court to search for and capture the Summer Court Fae based in Sun Vale, as well as an entry vector for an invasion. A group of Summer and Spring Court Fae are hiding out in the dungeon.

Fish Bowl Cavern

Fish Bowl Cavern is a small underwater cave found on the southwest coast of the Ranalon occupied island of Sun Vale. The layout of flora and fauna in the cavern suggests Ranalon are well-organized and capable of farming both.

Molybdenum Mine

Molybdenum Mine is an underwater cavern in the Sun Vale region. Ratkin Slaves work tirelessly to mine ores from the cave, cut off from the surface by shark-infested underwater passageways. An entrance to the Molybdenum Mine can be found around scattered underwater rocks in the far northwestern corner of the region.

Sacrificial Sea Cave

Sacrificial Sea Cave is an underwater cavern in the Sun Vale region. Ranalon guard the outside, while powerful creatures are raised inside to be used in a sacrificial ritual to contact the deity Enoyos.

Sun Vale Inhabitants

Friendly NPCs

Friendly Animal Town NPCs

Friendly Druid Camp and Great Tree NPCs

Event NPCs

      Friendly NPCs in Sun Vale Dungeons


        Special Foes





        (20) (30) (40)


        (35) (40) (40) (45) (50)


        (Broken Barrels) (Broken Barrels) (Orange Trees)



        Fishing Nets
        Ranalon placed nets that contain fish.
        Communal Storage
        Ranalon chests that can be looted for basic adventuring supplies and gear. Communal Storage chests can be looted every 23 hours.
        Sunken Treasure
        Chests found underwater that give equipment, recipe scrolls, unidentified poetry books, or supplies when looted. Once opened, these chests vanish and reappear elsewhere after 6 days, 23 hours.
        Small Seashell
        May be either:
        May be either:
        Large Seashell
        May be either:
        Large Oyster
        Found in Coral Reefs, Large Oysters can be pried open with Oyster Knives.
        can contain:


        Activity Quests




        The Fae Forest (SoundCloud) by Conor Brace