“I wanted to make sure the demo encompassed more than just the tutorial area, to really give demo users a feel for how the game plays. So the demo lets players explore Anagoge (the newbie island), Serbule, and Serbule Hills, as well as most of the dungeons in those areas. Demo characters can unlock new skills as usual, and they can raise any of their skills up to level 15. This gives demo'ers a broad sampling of the game's content to explore. Once they buy the actual game, demo characters automatically become "real" characters without any restrictions, so it's quick and painless to transition from the demo to the regular game.
On the November 15th 2018 Dev-blog the Demo of Project Gorgon was announced.
Demo users:
- CANNOT join a guild
- CANNOT trade with other players
- CANNOT send or receive money via /tip
- CANNOT pick up items dropped on the ground (except items they themselves dropped)
- CANNOT milk other players (or be milked, if they become a cow)
- CANNOT listen to poetry orations or recite poetry
- CAN unlock and use regular storage
- CAN sell items at vendors, but CANNOT buy other players' used items
- CANNOT buy consignment items or place their own consignments
- CANNOT purchase from player stores or open their own stores
- CANNOT play any instrument, but CAN listen to performances
- CANNOT place or complete player-work-orders
- CANNOT use deployed gadgeteering items such as vending machines and rafflers
- CAN add friends (it prompts the other player to confirm, as normal)
- CAN join hunting groups (and can chat in hunting group chat)
- CAN speak in Local chat, and in Group chat (when they're in a group)
- CAN speak in a new chat room called Demo
- CAN listen, but CANNOT speak, in all other chat rooms (including Global, Trade, and Help)
- CANNOT send private messages (PMs) unless both the sender and recipient are in the Demo chat room (see below)
If you want to help Demo players, simply join the Demo chat room. (Right-click a chat tab, choose Edit Chat Tab, and add "Demo" to the tab's channels. Or you can type /join Demo to quickly create a new chat tab for it.) While you're in the Demo chat room, you'll also be able to communicate via PMs with demo users. If you leave the Demo room (by closing the Demo chat tab), demo users will be unable to PM you further (and vice versa).
Demo users are still bound by the same code of conduct as regular players, and demo users that are abusive will be gagged or banned as usual. And you can always use /ignore to ignore obnoxious users. But since it's so easy to create new demo characters, we wanted this extra layer of abuse-protection for our community.
To sum up: If you're happy to help demo users, join the Demo chat room. If it becomes too distracting, just leave that chat room.
Demo Skill List
Click Expand to view a complete list of skills a Demo Character can unlock!