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Favor Rewards by NPC

WIP NPC Favor in Alphabetical order. Only includes pages Category:Favor/Rewards) has been added.
Mostly showing how they're inconsistent.

Name Hang Outs
Agrashab/Sun Vale

Agrashab rewards his friends with Storage and items.

Reward at [Friends].

Teaches Hammer.

Reward at [Close Friends].

(with random enchant).

Reward at [Best Friends].

(with random enchant).

Reward at [Like Family].

(with random enchant).

Reward at [Soul Mates].

(with random enchant).


Reward at [Friends]

Reward at [Best Friends]

Arianna Fangblade Arianna Fangblade rewards her friends with ....

Reward at [Comfortable].

Reward at [Friends].

Reward at [Best Friends].

Reward at [Like Family].

Reward at [Soul Mates].

Arlan Arlan will offer access to Training and his Shop after +100 favor is earned by killing The Geyser Slug.

Reward at [Comfortable]

+2 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Friends]

+4 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Close Friends]

+6 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Best Friends]

+8 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Like Family]

+10 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Baroness Marith Felgard Baroness Marith Felgard rewards her friends with Storage, beginning at [Comfortable] favor.

Reward at [Comfortable].

Enables Storage.

Reward at [Friends].

You're a surprising one (playername). I think you should stop by more often. I might even put the kettle on. Oh, and you can use a spare room here to store your items, if need be.

Additional Storage slots become available.

Bendith the Banished

Reward at [Like Family].

of red or random rarity

Reward at [Friends].

Can do favors for Chief Glortok


Reward at [Comfortable]

I like you. You know what, i'm going to teach you the secrets of my trade. On the house! Now, if you'd like to learn some recipes for specific cheeses, I may have to charge you a little bit...

Unlocks training.

Reward at [Close Friends]


Reward at [Best Friends]


Reward at [Like Family]


Brianna Willer

Reward at [Comfortable].

Brewing is available for Training.

Reward at [Friends].

Brugo the Wise Brugo the Wise rewards his friends with access to training, as well as the occasional item.

Reward at [Close Friends]:

(Level 85, Exceptional - Legendary rarity)

Charles Thompson Charles Thompson rewards his friends with additional Storage space.
Corey The Croaker
Daniel Murderdark Daniel Murderdark rewards his friends with Storage space.

Durstin Tallow Durstin Tallow rewards his friends with free meals.

Reward at [Comfortable].


Reward at [Friends].

Thanks. Hey, somebody left these potions in the bunkhouse a while back. Didn't pay their bar tab, so I confiscated 'em. You want 'em?


Reward at [Close Friends].

Thanks. You're singlehandedly keepin' the inn afloat! Let me give you a little something. Pity I sold all my wife's tapestries already. Oh, here. My wife swore by these when she was working in her garden.


Reward at [Like Family].

I don't know why you've been so good to me, but I'm forever in your debt. Here -- the rest of my wife's old potion collection. If they aren't useful to you, maybe you can find somebody that wants 'em.

Echur Echur rewards his close acquaintances with items and knowledge.

Reward at [Friends]:

Teaches Mentalism.

Reward at [Close Friends]:

Gives .

Reward at [Best Friends]:

Teaches recipe.

Eveline Rastin

Eveline Rastin rewards her friends with .... -You must do the Fae felt quest to make her training visible

Fainor Fainor rewards his [Friends] access to new recipes through Training.
Felmer Felmer rewards his [Friends] with access to additional Training.
Ferand Deftwhisper Ferand Deftwhisper rewards his friends with Equipment.

Reward at [Best Friends]:

(Level 75). This item can unlock the sidebar ability Dwarven Mettle.

Reward at [Like Family]:

(Level 80). This item can unlock the sidebar ability Dwarven Mettle.

Reward at [Soul Mates]:

(Level 85). This item can unlock the sidebar ability Dwarven Mettle.


Reward at [Comfortable]

You are a good shopper. I am appreciative! This is a gift on the house!


Reward at [Friends]

Flia Flia offers access to her shop and barter options at [Comfortable] favor.
Gerrux Gerrux rewards his friends with Weapons.

Reward at [Soul Mates]:

(Level 75)


Reward at [Comfortable]:

Teaches Shamanic Infusion.
(Beginner's Boar Foot Infusion is automatically learned upon unlocking Shamanic Infusion).

Reward at [Friends]:

Beginner's Rat Belt Recipe

Reward at [Close Friends]:

Novice's Rat Belt Recipe

Reward at [Best Friends]:

Shaman's Rat Belt Recipe

Reward at [Comfortable]

Glajur will teach the skill Phrenology.

Reward at [Friends]

You aren't so bad, you know? For a member of the Monstrous Races, I mean.

And I couldn't help but notice... the proportions of your head are very freakish, from a Phrenology point of view. I'd say your parents were into some very weird magic before you were born!

x 3

Reward at [Close Friends]

You keep surprising me with your generosity. Maybe some of the rumors about you people aren't true.

x 3

Reward at [Best Friends]

Why are you so kind to a goblin? I just don't understand. But I like it, sure.

x 3

Reward at [Like Family]

Thank you. For not killing me, and for being so nice. You don't suck that much at all! I mean, you smell, but other than that...

x 3

Reward at [Soul Mates]

Thank you. For not killing me, and for being so nice. You don't suck that much at all! I mean, you smell, but other than that...

x 5


Gorvessa gives the following rewards at transition to the indicated favor levels

Gretchen Salas

Reward at [Comfortable].

Enables Bartering.

As hinted in the Stuff to Do panel, becoming [Close Friends] with Hogan will allow you to visit the basement of the keep and meet his "guests." Exhausting Hogan's dialog options regarding his keep will get him to give you access.

Irkima Irkima rewards her friends with Red Wing Tokens.

Reward at [Comfortable].

Reward at [Friends].

Thank you (playername). If you will be staying at the casino longer, I hope that you will stop by to visit occasionally.


Reward at [Best Friends].

Reward at [Like Family].

Ivyn Ivyn grants his [Close Friends] access to a storage chest.
Jaime Fatholm

Jaime Fatholm rewards her friends with access to additional items in her shop, and Training of surveys for Geology and Mining.


Reward at [Friends]:

- Level 35, Enchanted

Reward at [Like Family]:

- Enchanted
Joeh Joeh rewards his friends with Storage space and access to additional Training.
Julius Patton

Reward at [Comfortable]:

Recipe for .

Reward at [Friends]:

Hey, you're a good kid. If you need any grapes, go ahead and them 'em off the vines out there. I don't use too many of 'em anymore. Oh, I thought of an important farming trick I can teach you, too.

Allows picking of Grapevines around his farm. After being picked, these vines take an hour for more grapes to ripen.

Reward at [Like Family]:

Recipe for .
Jumjab Jumjab rewards their friends with Items and a Skill.

Reward at [Friends]:

Jumjab will offer to teach Corpse Talking for 1000 Councils to anyone with Level 20+ Necromancy.


Reward at [Comfortable].

You did me a solid and I won't forget that. Hey, if you need to store anything in our tent, there's some room.

Enables Storage.
Kleave Kleave rewards her friends with access to additional Training and Tanning related items.
Lady Alethina

Reward at [Comfortable]:

Reward at [Friends]:

Reward at [Like Family]:

Reward at [Soul Mates]:

Laura Neth
Laura Neth offers Consignment at [Friends].
Laura Neth offers Hang Out opportunities at [Friends].
Laura Neth offers storage at [Friends].

Lawara rewards her friends with Storage space and items.

Reward at [Comfortable].

Thanks! Here, take this. It's an autopsy kit!

Use it to autopsy corpses and learn stuff about them. You may not have much use for it right now, but I bet knowing how to autopsy things will lead to other skills down the road.

That's how life works, you know; you learn one thing and it helps you learn another thing.


Reward at [Friends].

Thank you. Hey, I've got something for you. Take my spare whittling knife. You don't have to use it for whittling. You can use it to skin animals and stuff, too.


Reward at [Close Friends].

Thank you! I'm so glad you've been such a good friend. I didn't realize how lonely I'd become. Here, I want you to have this. It's what I was wearing when I first woke up here. I think it used to be pretty neat, but it's mostly ruined now. Still might be useful, though.


Reward at [Best Friends].

Hey, since you're here so much of the time, why don't you just stay here? Well anyway, you can leave some of your stuff here if you like. I've got lots of room.

18 slots of general Storage becomes available at [Best Friends].

Reward at [Like Family].

Here, take this. When I woke up here I was clutching this. It was broken, but I fixed it. I don't know how to use it anymore, but I know it once meant the world to me, and I want you to have it.

Blitz Shot

Reward at [Soulmates].

Here, take this. When I woke up here I was clutching this. It was broken, but I fixed it. I don't know how to use it anymore, but I know it once meant the world to me, and I want you to have it.


Leonard Allenson Leonard Allenson will allow his (favor level) access to his Training options, once they complete his quests.

Reward at [Like Family]:

Reward at [Soul Mates]:

Mandibles Mandibles rewards her friends with storage space, cooking and cheesemaking recipes, consignment and a hot tip.

Marna rewards her friends with additional Storage space.

Merriana Merriana rewards her friends with the ability to train new recipes.
Midge the Apothecary

Reward at [Comfortable].

Reward at [Friends].

Reward at [Close Friends].

Reward at [Best Friends].

Reward at [Like Family].


Reward at [Comfortable]

+2 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Friends]

+4 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Close Friends]

+6 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Best Friends]

+8 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Like Family]

+10 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Mope Mope rewards his friends with Storage space.

Otis Otis offers storage at [Comfortable]
Pasha Pasha rewards her friends with access to training.

Reward at [Comfortable].

of red or higher rarity.

Reward at [Friends].

of red or higher rarity.

Reward at [Close Friends].

of red or higher rarity.

Reward at [Best Friends].

of red or higher rarity.

Reward at [Like Family].

Level 80 with red or higher rarity.


Ragabir Ragabir rewards their friends with additional Storage.

Raina offers storage at [Comfortable].


Reward at [Comfortable]:

Referral to Harry the Wolf as a friend, allows access to Lycanthropy via a quest.

Reward at [Friends]:

You've been such a good friend. Here, I wanted you to have this. It's brought me luck over the years.

Rugen Rugen rewards his friends with access to additional Training.

Reward at [Comfortable]

Reward at [Friends]


Reward at [Close Friends]


Reward at [Like Family]


Reward at [Soul Mates]


Sie Antry

Reward at [Comfortable].

What, we're friends now? Look, thanks for your help, but let's not move too fast. But since I can trust you, you're welcome to shop here.

Enables Shopping.

Reward at [Friends].

Yeah, okay, you know what, we're friends now. There. It's done. You can store stuff here if you want.

Enables Storage.


Reward at [Friends].

Solgribue Solgribue offers Consignment at [Best Friends].
Sugar (NPC)

Reward at [Comfortable]

+2 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Friends]

+4 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Close Friends]

+6 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Best Friends]

+8 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

Reward at [Like Family]

+10 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots



+2 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots


+4 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

[Close Friends]

+6 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slot

[Best Friends]

+8 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots

[Like Family]

+10 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots


Tavilak rewards his friends with Storage space and items.

Trasen Trasen rewards his friends with the ability to learn new recipes.
Tyler Green

Reward at [Comfortable]

Teaches Shield. Hint This hint is dubious: Talk page discussion

Reward at [Close Friends]

Teaches you some Armor Patching techniques: +2500 xp in Armor Patching.

Reward at [Like Family]

Gives you Tyler's Ring level 40 of green (or probably random) rarity.
Ufkar Ufkar rewards his friends with access to additional Training and sold items. As favor increases with Ufkar, it decreases with Kohan.
Ukorga offers Storage at [Comfortable].
Ukorga offers Consignment at [Friends].

Reward at [Close Friends]:

1,000 Councils

Reward at [Best Friends]:

2,000 Councils

Reward at [Soul Mates]:

2,000 Councils

Willem Fangblade Willem Fangblade rewards his friends with Storage.

Reward at [Comfortable]

You make me slightly happier to have come to this place. Here. It's a trinket I brought with me from Povus. Accept it as token.

At [?? (Comfortable to Close Friends)] Yetta offers to hang out:

Rewards at [Comfortable]

  • 1 Gardening Display #A

Rewards at [Friends]

  • 1 Marigold Bouquet

Rewards at [Close Friends]

  • 3 Elven Lily Seeds

Rewards at [Best Friends]

  • 1 Friendship Arrangement

Rewards at [Like Family]

  • 1 Friendship Arrangement