Favor Rewards by NPC
WIP NPC Favor in Alphabetical order. Only includes pages Category:Favor/Rewards) has been added.
Mostly showing how they're inconsistent.
Name | Hang Outs |
Agrashab/Sun Vale |
Agrashab rewards his friends with Storage and items. Reward at [Close Friends].
Reward at [Best Friends].
Reward at [Like Family].
Reward at [Soul Mates].
Amutasa |
Reward at [Friends] Reward at [Close Friends] Reward at [Best Friends]
Reward at [Like Family] |
Arianna Fangblade | Arianna Fangblade rewards her friends with ....
Reward at [Comfortable]. Reward at [Friends]. Reward at [Close Friends]. Reward at [Best Friends]. Reward at [Like Family].
Reward at [Soul Mates].
Arlan | Arlan will offer access to Training and his Shop after +100 favor is earned by killing The Geyser Slug. |
Barnaby |
Reward at [Comfortable]
+2 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots
Reward at [Friends] +4 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots Reward at [Close Friends] +6 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots Reward at [Best Friends] +8 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots Reward at [Like Family] +10 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots |
Baroness Marith Felgard | Baroness Marith Felgard rewards her friends with Storage, beginning at [Comfortable] favor.
Reward at [Comfortable].
Reward at [Friends].
Bendith the Banished |
Reward at [Like Family].
Bogaku |
Reward at [Friends].
Braigon |
Reward at [Comfortable] Unlocks training. Reward at [Close Friends]
Reward at [Best Friends]
Reward at [Like Family]
Brianna Willer |
Reward at [Comfortable].
Reward at [Friends].
Brugo the Wise | Brugo the Wise rewards his friends with access to training, as well as the occasional item.
Reward at [Close Friends]:
Charles Thompson | Charles Thompson rewards his friends with additional Storage space. |
Corey The Croaker |
Reward at [Friends] Reward at [Close Friends] Reward at [Best Friends] |
Daniel Murderdark | Daniel Murderdark rewards his friends with Storage space. |
Dhakmar |
Reward at [Close Friends]: |
Durstin Tallow | Durstin Tallow rewards his friends with free meals.
Reward at [Comfortable].
Reward at [Friends].
Reward at [Close Friends].
Reward at [Best Friends]. Reward at [Like Family].
Echur | Echur rewards his close acquaintances with items and knowledge.
Reward at [Close Friends]:
Reward at [Best Friends]:
Eleme |
Reward at [Comfortable] Reward at [Friends] Reward at [Close Friends] Reward at [Like Family] Reward at [Soul Mates] |
Eveline Rastin |
Eveline Rastin rewards her friends with .... -You must do the Fae felt quest to make her training visible |
Fainor | Fainor rewards his [Friends] access to new recipes through Training. |
Fazzi |
Reward at [Friends] Reward at [Close Friends] Reward at [Best Friends] |
Felmer | Felmer rewards his [Friends] with access to additional Training. |
Ferand Deftwhisper | Ferand Deftwhisper rewards his friends with Equipment.
Reward at [Best Friends]:
Reward at [Like Family]:
Reward at [Soul Mates]:
Firaki |
Reward at [Comfortable] x1 Reward at [Friends] Reward at [Close Friends] Reward at [Best Friends] Reward at [Like Family] |
Flia | Flia offers access to her shop and barter options at [Comfortable] favor. |
Gerrux | Gerrux rewards his friends with Weapons.
Reward at [Soul Mates]:
Gershok |
Reward at [Comfortable]:
Reward at [Friends]:
Reward at [Close Friends]:
Reward at [Best Friends]:
Glajur |
Reward at [Comfortable]
Glajur will teach the skill Phrenology.
Reward at [Friends] x 3 Reward at [Close Friends] x 3 Reward at [Best Friends] x 3 Reward at [Like Family] x 3 Reward at [Soul Mates] x 5 |
Gorvessa |
Gorvessa gives the following rewards at transition to the indicated favor levels |
Gretchen Salas |
Reward at [Comfortable].
Hogan |
As hinted in the Stuff to Do panel, becoming [Close Friends] with Hogan will allow you to visit the basement of the keep and meet his "guests." Exhausting Hogan's dialog options regarding his keep will get him to give you access. |
Irkima | Irkima rewards her friends with Red Wing Tokens.
Reward at [Comfortable]. Reward at [Friends].
Reward at [Close Friends]. Reward at [Best Friends]. Reward at [Like Family].
Ivyn | Ivyn grants his [Close Friends] access to a storage chest. |
Jaime Fatholm |
Jaime Fatholm rewards her friends with access to additional items in her shop, and Training of surveys for Geology and Mining. |
Jesina |
Reward at [Friends]:
Reward at [Like Family]:
Joeh | Joeh rewards his friends with Storage space and access to additional Training. |
Julius Patton |
Reward at [Comfortable]:
Reward at [Friends]:
Reward at [Like Family]:
Jumjab | Jumjab rewards their friends with Items and a Skill.
Reward at [Friends]:
Reward at [Close Friends]: Reward at [Best Friends]: Reward at [Like Family]: Reward at [Soul Mates]: |
Jumper |
Reward at [Comfortable].
Kleave | Kleave rewards her friends with access to additional Training and Tanning related items.
Reward at [Close Friends]:
Lady Alethina |
Reward at [Comfortable]:
Reward at [Friends]:
Reward at [Close Friends]:
Reward at [Like Family]:
Reward at [Soul Mates]:
Laura Neth |
Lawara |
Lawara rewards her friends with Storage space and items. Reward at [Comfortable].
Reward at [Friends].
Reward at [Close Friends].
Reward at [Best Friends].
Reward at [Like Family].
Reward at [Soulmates].
Leonard Allenson | Leonard Allenson will allow his (favor level) access to his Training options, once they complete his quests. |
Makara |
Reward at [Like Family]:
Reward at [Soul Mates]:
Mandibles | Mandibles rewards her friends with storage space, cooking and cheesemaking recipes, consignment and a hot tip. |
Marna | |
Merriana | Merriana rewards her friends with the ability to train new recipes. |
Midge the Apothecary |
Reward at [Comfortable].
Reward at [Friends].
Reward at [Close Friends].
Reward at [Best Friends].
Reward at [Like Family].
Milton |
Reward at [Comfortable]
+2 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots
Reward at [Friends] +4 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots Reward at [Close Friends] +6 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots Reward at [Best Friends] +8 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots Reward at [Like Family] +10 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots |
Mope | Mope rewards his friends with Storage space.
Otis | Otis offers storage at [Comfortable] |
Pasha | Pasha rewards her friends with access to training. |
Pegast |
Reward at [Comfortable].
Reward at [Friends].
Reward at [Close Friends].
Reward at [Best Friends].
Reward at [Like Family].
Qatik |
Reward at [Like Family]: Reward at [Soulmates]: |
Ragabir | Ragabir rewards their friends with additional Storage. |
Raina |
Raina offers storage at [Comfortable]. |
Rita |
Reward at [Comfortable]: Referral to Harry the Wolf as a friend, allows access to Lycanthropy via a quest. Reward at [Friends]:
Rugen | Rugen rewards his friends with access to additional Training. |
Selaxi |
Rewards at [Friends] Rewards at [Close Friends] Rewards at [Best Friends] Rewards at [Like Family] |
Shirogin |
Reward at [Comfortable]
Reward at [Friends]
Reward at [Close Friends]
Reward at [Best Friends]
Reward at [Like Family]
Reward at [Soul Mates]
Sie Antry |
Reward at [Comfortable].
Reward at [Friends].
Sirine |
Reward at [Comfortable]. Reward at [Friends]. Reward at [Close Friends]. Reward at [Best Friends]. Reward at [Like Family]. Reward at [Soul Mates]. |
Solgribue | Solgribue offers Consignment at [Best Friends]. |
Sugar (NPC) |
Reward at [Comfortable]
+2 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots
Reward at [Friends] +4 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots Reward at [Close Friends] +6 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots Reward at [Best Friends] +8 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots Reward at [Like Family] +10 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots |
Tangle |
+2 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots
+4 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots
+6 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slot
+8 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots
+10 Warden Points, +3 Warden Storage Slots |
Tavilak | |
Trasen | Trasen rewards his friends with the ability to learn new recipes. |
Tyler Green |
Reward at [Comfortable]
Reward at [Close Friends]
Reward at [Best Friends] Reward at [Like Family]
Ufkar | Ufkar rewards his friends with access to additional Training and sold items. As favor increases with Ufkar, it decreases with Kohan. |
Ukorga |
Urzab |
Reward at [Close Friends]:
Reward at [Best Friends]:
Reward at [Soul Mates]:
Velkort | |
Willem Fangblade | Willem Fangblade rewards his friends with Storage. |
Yagreet |
Reward at [Best Friends]. |
Yasinda |
Reward at [Comfortable]
Yetta |
Zhao |
Rewards at [Comfortable]
Rewards at [Friends]
Rewards at [Close Friends]
Rewards at [Best Friends]
Rewards at [Like Family]