Hang Outs by Region

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WIP NPC Hang Outs in Region order with towns and dungeons under them. Only includes pages Category:Favor/Hang Outs) has been added.

This page records all known available Hang Outs for NPCs, by populating lists with information from the page of each NPC.

Only NPCs with Hang Outs should be listed.

Anagoge Island

The NPCs of the starter island

Name Hang Outs

You're going to come back here later just to hang out with me? That's very sweet of you, but ... also kind of insane! But who am I to judge?

So what activity did you have in mind?

Sit around and be Lawara's pet (4 hours) [Neutral] - Requires a Beast Form.

There! You're all cleaned! Want to fetch the stick some more? No? Well, that's okay. I need to take a nap anyway, so I guess you can stop being my pet now and go do fun doggie things. Thanks for being such a good friend.

Werewolf form

There! You're all cleaned! Want to fetch the stick some more? No? Well, that's okay. I need to take a nap anyway, so I guess you can stop being my pet now and go graze or whatever. Thanks for being such a good friend.

Cow form

35 [favor] with Lawara
300 XP in your Beast Form

Help carve marionettes (4 hours) [Friends]

Thanks for visiting me. I appreciate the company, although I'm not sure why you bother. I hope you learned something vaguely useful about whittling!

35 [favor] with Lawara
300 Carpentry XP

Repeatable Check each other for lice (1 hour) [Neutral]

You're clean! No, keep the comb, I made it out of femurs just for you! You shouldn't share combs with other people, you know.

12 [favor] with Lawara

Share your experiences with amnesia (2 hours) [Comfortable]

Well it sounds like we both got mind-wiped pretty deep. I have a confession... I think I was a very dangerous person once. My hands know how to hurt people very badly. It's really scary. I mean, I can kill you right now without breaking a sweat. No, no, don't worry! I'm not that person anymore. I'm just going to stay in here and make some art. The outside world can go screw itself. But I can show you a choke-hold I just remembered. Here, stand still..."

20 [favor] with Lawara
300 Unarmed XP

Anagoge Records Facility


Name Hang Outs

Sit quietly and ambush small game (4h)

Ttk. You were too noisy. Next time, be more quiet. Food only tastes good if you catch it unaware.

  • 35 favor

Sit quietly and ambush small game again (4h)Repeatable

Again, the hunting was good. So many of your kind are afraid of simply sitting in perfect silence. It is hard to take them seriously.


Sit quietly and ambush small game yet again (4h)


What did you have in mind?

  • Scour the Woods Looking for Wounded Animals to Put Down (2h)

Well, we put one doe out of her misery, but that sickly wolf got away. Still, not that bad a job. Here, keep the deer parts, I don't want them.

20 favor with Fila
2 Vension

  • Hunt For Light Fey In The Woods and Nearby Hills (8h)

Nothing! I think I killed them all already, but you never know when one of those little milksops will come back! Thanks for helping me patrol. You can keep that collar in case you find one.

65 favor with Fila
1 Cold Iron Shackles

  • Discuss the Politics of Fey Courts (30min) [Neutral]

Are all dark fey "evil"? No! That's so racist!

Look, most dark fey just don't think the way you do, because they live forever in a dimension of pure hatred and pain. So it's hard to relate to you. But that doesn't make them evil!

I mean, compare them to mages who become undead so they can live forever. Would you call THEM evil?

What, really? I just don't get you.

5 Favor with Fila
25 Lore

  • Set Up Traps and Cull Excess Rabbits From the Forest (2h)

Thanks for your help, that would have really hurt to do on my own. The traps are made of cold iron, and they burn my flesh if I touch them! But since you set them for me, I guess I won't need these bandages. Maybe you can use them.

20 Favor with Fila
3 Simple First Aid Kits

  • Frolic in the Woods and Bury Gold for Mortals to Find (3h) - requires [Friends]
27 Favor with Fila
100 Coins


Explore nearby ruined tombs for ancient treasures (3 hours)

So... I owe you an apology for my reaction to that deer made of dark energy, or whatever the hell that was. I know my shrieking didn't make the fight any easier. But we got out alive! That's what counts, right?

27 favor with Ivyn
100 Unarmed XP

Talk about the Sampo legend over dinner (2 hours) [Friends]

20 Favor with Ivyn
25 Lore XP

Repeatable Help till the fields (8 hours)

It's pretty rare to find someone around town who's willing to work that hard! I'm impressed! Take these fresh vegetables as payment.

65 favor with Ivyn
200 Gardening XP

Repeatable Collect manure from the cow fields (4 hours) [Friends]

Quite a haul we got! Here's your share, thanks for the help!

37.8 Favor with Ivyn
50 Gardening XP

Have a beer and discuss how stupid the council is (60 minutes)

And that's not even the worst part! The worst part is that we no longer have any representation! It's practically a dictatorship! Ah, but listen to me. If those wizards were really dictators, I suppose I'd have been smote down for my complaints by now, eh?

12 favor with Ivyn
25 Lore XP

Serbule Keep

Name Hang Outs

Discuss geologic digging techniques (3 hours)

Right, I think you're on to something there: enchant the pick with Tsavorite somehow, and it'd dig up bigger hauls! Here, I have some spare Tsavorite. Now if we just knew an enchantment formula to use it! But anyway, good talking with you.

27 favor with Blanche
100 Geology XP
x 2

Explore rudimentary fire magic techniques (3 hours)

You're good at this! I fel kind of left out. But it was fun watching you cast fireballs! Here, keep this.

27 favor with Blanche
200 Fire Magic XP
x 3

Talk about how the council needs to send more researchers to Serbule (60 minutes)

12 favor with Blanche
10 Lore xp

Repeatable Search for antique Human artifacts (4 hours) - Resets every 5 days

Nothing but a mug and plate. Well, it was fun, even if it didn't net us many artifacts. Here's your share!

35 favor with Blanche
10 Lore XP

Repeatable Go hunting for Rubywall crystals (8 hours)

That was tedious, wasn't it? Well, we got some! That's what counts. Here's your share!

65 Favor with Blanche
100 Geology XP
x 10


Hike to a remote meditation pillar(8h)

The scenery was great, wasn't it? Even if the meditation was kind of a drag. Well, not every meditation session goes as planned, you know? But we just come back tomorrow and try again.

65 favor with Echur
300 Meditation XP

Hike to a remote meditation pillar (8h) (unlocked after the first one)

65 favor
450 Meditation XP

Explore new mind-altering compounds(4h)

That one was too hallucinogenic for me. I prefer ones that focus the mind, not distract it. You keep the rest.

35 favor with Echur
25 Mycology XP
4 Blusher Mushroom

Repeatable Meditate with Echur(60m)

Now we're ready to face the day! Come back next week and meditate with me again.

12 favor with Echur
100 Meditation XP

Share some cranium powder and have a deep discussion(60m)

I think I'm slowing down, so that's probably enough for me!

12 favor with Echur
50 Meditation XP
1 Cranium Powder

Practice reading each others' minds (2h)

20 favor
200 Meditation XP

Take Echur up on his intimate invitation(8h) (unlocked after "Practice reading each others' minds")

65 favor with Echur
400 Meditation XP
1 Ring of Telepathic Pestering (Level 30)
Recipe for Elven Infertility Cantrip


At [Comfortable] favor, Elahil begins to offer Hang Out opportunities.

Go bow-hunting for stags (4 hours)

35 favor
300 Archery XP

Help restring old bows (60 minutes)

Thanks! It's a lot easier to restring these with two people working on 'em.

12 favor
150 Archery XP

Test various arrowhead designs (2 hours) [Comfortable]

Most of these experimental arrows sucked, but the frog-crotch arrows were pretty good. Let me keep working on the design; I think it oculd be pretty useful against unarmored foes.

20 favor
150 Archery XP


Collect Mushrooms for stew (8h)

65 favor with Fainor
200 Mycology XP
20 Parasol Mushrrom
10 Mycena Mushroom

Help clean up the inn (3h)

You do good work. Thanks. Here, dinner's on the house.

27 favor with Fainor
1 BBQ Ribs

Cut deer carcasses for venison (2h)

Gods they stink inside! I'll take rotten fish any day over the smell of deer guts. You did good, though. Thanks.

20 favor with Fainor
200 Butchering XP
1 Vension

Watch potatoes bake (4h)

See? Wasn't that fun? Take these with you so you can have fun on your own later!

35 favor with Fainor
100 Cooking XP
5 Potato

Help butcher pigs to make steaks (60m)

12 favor with Fainor
100 Butchering XP
1 Pork Shoulder

Collect crabs by the river (60m)

You know what is more fun than that? Almost anything. But hey, thanks for keeping me company! Keep some crabs!

12 favor with Fainor
100 Fishing XP
5 Crab

Collect more crabs

Well, that was still pretty dull, but I appreciate your company. I'm gonna make some crab rolls with this batch. Oh, you don't know how? Let me teach you.

20 favor with Fainor
5 Crab
Recipe for Crab Roll

Taste-test new vegetarian recipes (60m)

So you like lentils in the salad but hate lentil soup. Got it.

12 favor with Fainor
100 Gourmand XP


Milk the cows (30 minutes) [Neutral]

Thanks. With an extra pair of hands it goes a lot faster! I can groom them while you milk them. Hey, here, take this as thanks.

5 favor
Bottle of Milk

Help Gisli train a new animal (2 hours)

Well, that could have gone better. Blanche's new pet chicken is just not a smart bird. We can make her friendly to strangers, but Blanche wanted her to do tricks, and I just don't think that's happening. I'll break the news to Blanche -- don't worry about it. Thanks for your help today.

Must train Animal Handling
20 favor with Gisli
250 Animal Handling XP


Discuss the tax code(60m)

12 favor with Hulon
25 Lore XP

RepeatableCheck business receipts (4h)

These are dramatically low. Joeh's cheating the council again! He even admits it, says he doesn't have to pay the whole thing because the city doesn't have full council services. Well, they never will if he never pays his taxes! Why don't elves understand how important this is?

Well, you did well. Here's a fair wage.

35 favor with Hulon
400 Councils

RepeatableDouble-check the month's records (8h)

You found two errors! That's impressive. You know, the Council never finds any errors when I send the books in. Are they even overseeing me at all? Sometimes I wonder.

65 favor with Hulon
800 Councils


Talk about how stupid humans are(30m)

Ha ha, you know it! But that's enough slandering for a day. Back to work!

5 favor with Joeh

Participate in a leather party (8h) [Like Family]

Well, that was exhausting! And I had no idea you were so agile! Thank you for coming. Here's a token of my appreciation.

65 favor with Joeh
1 Joeh's Old Sword
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Elven Infertility Cantrip

Spar with padded swords(2h)

Quite a workout! Next time, I should show you my other sparring technique. It doesn't use swords. It uses... other pointy things. But until then, thank you.

20 favor with Joeh
200 Sword XP

Help refurbish some used swords(60m)

That tedium went by quicker than expected, eh?

12 favor with Joeh
100 Sword XP

Decorate for a leather party(60m)

12 favor with Joeh

Go hunt for pig together(3h)

Little oinky bastards never knew what hit 'em! Here's your share!

27 favor with Joeh


Help Larsan organize his inventory (2 hours)

No, no, the navel rings are stored back here, out of sight. Humans who come in are embarrassed and flustered by navel rings for some reason. Bad for business.

That was all of it. Thank you for your help! Here's some coin for your trouble.

20 [favor] with Larsan
250 coins

Help Larsan untangle knotted necklaces (3 hours)

These necklaces are such a mess, and it's my fault. When Dwyndarre was being bombarded, I grabbed all my jewelry and stuffed it in a sack. People were screaming and smoke was everywhere, but I couldn't leave my inventory! Then my tree fell, and everyone around me died, but somehow I survived. I wandered for days, shocked and wounded, until Marna found me. She brought a bunch of us survivors here -- she's sort of our spiritual mayor, even if that human is the real mayor. Oh, listen to me prattle on. Anyway, thank you for helping with these infernal knots! Take this!

27 [favor] with Larsan


Check Marna's spider traps (60 minutes)

Only 32 legs! Well, it sounds impressive when I say it that way. But what I mean is: only 4 spiders! But thanks for the company. Have a spider's-worth.

Fill out first aid kits (2 hours)

Whew! What a boring job! You really made the time fly, though. I thank you.

Take inventory of shop wares (4 hours) [Friends]

I'm so glad you helped me with this! I've been putting it off for months. So boring. But you really made the time fly by. Here, I want you to have these. We've got extras, so it's no big loss.

Research words of power

Hah, you found a nice one! Did I ever tell you about my favorite find? I found it years ago. It made my hair perpetually shiny and silky to the touch. Don't tell anybody! It drives Rita insane with jealousy.

Huh? Oh, no, I love Rita! It's just that she's beautiful enough without magic, you know? In fact, if I were a few hundred years younger, I'd be pawning all over Rita, but she just seems so... young. Oh no, am I getting old? Oh gods! Is this how it starts?!

Mushroom Jack

RepeatablePrepare for the inevitable Myconian invasion (5h)

Requires going through dialogue with Mushroom Jack to gain access to this Hangout.

That should do it! Keep this hat on at all times; it's my best one yet! And remember, if anyone says anything suspicious, stab them to see if they bleed.

42 favor with Mushroom Jack

Hunt for Myconians down in the ravine (4h)

Nothing! Not even a track! They have to be on to us! Otherwise we'd surely have at least seen footprints. I just don't know how we're going to catch them.

35 favor with Mushroom Jack
100 Myconic XP

Discuss optimal fungal growth cycles (2h)

No, your opinion is stupid, and you have no idea what you're talking about! Why am I even wasting my breath? Get out! But come back later, because I like yelling at idiots.

20 favor with Mushroom Jack

Catch fish in the river (4h)

Well... we didn't catch many fish, and that's my fault. I'm sorry about the false alarm. I swear I thought she was a myconian. It's okay, though, Rita will forgive us eventually.

35 favor with Mushroom Jack
50 Fishing XP

Experiment with mushroom-based infusion recipes (10h)

You remember anything? Nope, me neither. I guess that concoction caused memory loss! But look at all this junk you're carrying. I bet we had fun.

80 favor

Experiment with mushroom-based infusion recipes (8h) (unlocked after 10h "Experiment with...")

That was perfect. Things were fuzzy and pleasant but not terrifying, and no vomit or memory loss. Can you read the formula back to me? It was two Blusher mushrooms and what else...

What? No! No, *you* were supposed to be writing it down, not me! Yes, I know I said I would, but that was *subterfuge* because someone was reading my mind at the time. You should have seen through that! Gah. Now we have to start over! You moron!

65 favor
250 Mycology XP

Hunt under the influence of mushroom-based infusions (8h) (unlocked after 10h "Experiment with...")[Close Friends]

So that could have gone better. I'm pretty sure those weren't really rhinos we were fighting. I have huge gashes in my abdomen, like tiger cuts. Let's not do that again, okay? Oh, no, you can keep that hat. I've got a bunch of better ones.

60 favor

Experiment with mushroom-based infusion recipes (6h) (unlocked after 8h "Experiment with...")

You know, I think it actually made us immune to mushrooms. Wait... that's grade-A myconian defense lager, that is! Ha ha ha! We win!

50 favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5158.png Myconian Resistance Lager


Help Rita braid her hair (60 min)

Ow! No! You're doing it wrong! Okay... stop! Okay, you get an 'A' for effort, but let's call it a day.

12 [favor] with Rita
x 2

Help Rita make navel rings (4 hours)

35 [favor]
(Max Cleanliness +1)

Take a hike through the woods and then have sex (12 hr)

That was fun! You were pretty good! But practice what I showed you for next time, okay?

95 [favor] with Rita
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Elven Sexual Energy Cantrip

Spy on Marna to discover her hair secrets (8 hr)

She must have known we were watching her! That's why she used that creepy cantrip: to throw us off the trail. Elves wouldn't use that, it's slummy Human magic. We need to spy on her again later.

65 [favor] with Rita
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Human Hair-Cleaning Cantrip

Help Rita make soap (5 hr)

It's a lot of work, I know! But don't let other races know. Elves take pride in making beauty look easy"

42 [favor] with Rita
50 Alchemy XP
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5992.png Floral Soap

Play with the giant rats in town (2 hr)

Hah, did you see them eating flowers? Flowers! They eat anything! But we shouldn't overdo it. They might get sick or something, I dunno. Better keep these.

20 [favor] with Rita
x 3

Sir Coth

Patrol the town perimeter (4h)

Quiet as usual. Well, aside from those tigers that tried to ambush us. Stupid tigers. Thanks for staying up with me!

35 [favor] with Sir Coth
x 10
icon_4003.pngRecipe: Human Anti-Drowsy Cantrip

Help polish Sir Coth's armor

Oh, it's beautiful now. Just lovely. Thank you.

12 [favor] with Sir Coth
200 Armor Patching XP
x 3

Talk about how beautiful Rita is (60m)

No, you're wrong. Anything she says can't be trusted because she's a minx. A minx, I say. If only she were a real person, like a Human or even a Rakky... but I guess then I wouldn't love her the same, eh? Well, thanks for lending your ear.

12 [favor] with Sir Coth

Argue about whether elves have souls (2h)

Look, I have to rest my case: no animal in nature has two penises. Except some lizards. And snakes. Those don't have souls, either! It's really that simple: two dicks, no soul. No, no, you've said your piece. We'll have to agree to disagree.

20 [favor] with Sir Coth
25 Lore XP

Spy on the elves in town to see what they're planning (5h)

Did you tip them off? No? Well how did they know to shut up about all their sneaking and backstabbing, then? I don't get it. Harumph. Well anyways, keep those potions I gave you. I'm sure an emergency will arise eventually. Just not today.

40 [favor] with Sir Coth
x 3


Let Tadion model a new helmet design around your head (failure) (60 minutes)

Stand still. Stand still! It's not that hot, is it? Oh... oh dear.

Look I'm sorry I burned you. I was sure the metal was cool enough! I guess I just have really thick skin. But you'll heal! Don't worry!

12 [favor] with Tadion

Let Tadion model a new helmet design around your head (success) (60 minutes)

I made sure it's not too hot this time! Yep, it fits. And hey, you keep this, and let's call it even?

12 [favor] with Tadion

Help fix up the cow pasture outside of town (6 hours)

Nothing like a long hard day of work to build up a thirst, huh? Here. Drink!

50 [favor] with Tadion

Help Tadion make new horseshoes (2 hours)

Well, I can't say these are good horseshoes you've made here. But thanks for your help, I'll use these for decorations or something.

20 [favor] with Tadion
100 Blacksmithing XP


Help prepare Hard Cider (2 hours) [Close Friends] - Learn Brewing first.

This is applejack! Nelson Ballard taught me how to make it. He says lots of humans love it. Try it. You like it? Well, it's an 'acquired taste.' But you'll like it if you drink enough! I need to let this new stuff ferment, so I don't have a lot to share right now. But since you helped me, I'll teach you the recipes I use!

20 [favor] with Therese
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5722.png Applejack (Un-Aged)
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5722.png Applejack (Drinkable Cask)


Practice basic magic drills (3h) [Neutral]

No, no, no, the index finger goes up and down rhythmically while the middle finger goes side to side. This is not complicated! And the pinky rotates simultaneously... right.

Well, you at least understand the theory. Now just practice twenty thousand fireballs and you'll get the hang of it. Here. Velkort takes off his gloves. You need these more than I do. They'll smooth over all small errors in your prestidigitation.

27 favor with Velkort
50 Fire Magic XP

Help develop superior fire techniques (16h)

125 favor with Velkort
200 Fire Magic XP

Practice throwing and dodging fireballs (2h)

Hah! You're quite agile for a neophyte. I hope your eyebrows grow back quickly.

20 favor with Velkort
250 Fire Magic XP

Collect fire dust from the forest (4h)

A truly tedious task, I know. But your moderately tolerable company made it less annoying.

35 favor with Velkort
100 Fire Magic XP

Discuss magical theory (4h)

Well... you haven't convinced me that undead energy and elemental power come from the same source, but your theories are quite intriguing. Thank you for the discussion, it's far deeper than I had expected. Oh, no, take the leftover snacks with you. Otherwise I'd just feed them to Flamey.

35 favor with Velkort
50 Lore XP

Play with Velkort's sentient flame (60m)

No, I don't really know what he eats. He's not undead, and he's not really an Elemental. The reason I kept him around was because he was so mysterious... now, though, I keep him around because he's so cute. Aren't you, little guy? Yes you are! Ahem.

10 favor with Velkort
25 Lore XP



There are no NPCs in Borghild at this time.

Brain Bug Cave

There are no NPCs in the Brain Bug Cave at this time.

Crystal Cavern

There are no NPCs in the Crystal Cavern at this time.

Carpal Tunnels

Name Hang Outs

Experiment with toxic sludge recipes (60m)

Nothing. But we did get to play with slime. That's sort of a reward in itself.

12 [favor] with Zealo
50 Alchemy XP

Repeatable Help swap out mana sponges (30m)

Thanks! Here, keep a sponge for yourself.

5 [favor] with Zealo

Myconian Cave

Name Hang Outs

Sit quietly and try to absorb power from the soil! (2h)

I suppose it was too much to hope for. You are a meatling, and cannot get your nutrients from the soil. Thank you for trying, though. I guess I must accept that you're a violent murderer: it's just your nature.

20 [favor] with Mu

Share a cranium powder and talk about interspecies problems (1h) [Comfortable]

I disagree with that idea. Myconians aren't "vegan hippies", it's just that our version of "meat" is dirt. Don't you see? No? Well, another time then!

12 [favor] with Mu

Serbule Crypt

There are no NPCs using Hang Outs at this time (Sir Arif).

Serbule Sewers

There are no NPCs in the Serbule Sewers at this time.

Serbule Hills

Name Hang Outs
Brianna Willer

Weed the entire garden while Brianna watches and complains (3 hours) [Neutral]

You missed another one! There! No, smaller. See, under your thumb. Yes, it's small now, but in a few weeks it'd become a full-sized weed. You should take some pride in your work! Okay, fine! Thanks for your help. I'll do the rest later.

25 favor with Brianna Willer

Help Brianna prepare barley for beer (4 hours) [Comfortable] - Complete Earlier Hang Out'

How's the shucking coming along? Well, okay, that's enough for now. Hm? That barley over there? No, no, that's eatin' barley! I use the low-protein barley for brewing, and the high-protein barley for bread. I'm all out of bread or I'd let you taste some. But here: let me write down my recipe for you.

40 Favor
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5111.png Barley Bread


Discuss Ranalon Culture (2h) [Neutral]

You almost understand it... you see, when the male fertilizes the eggs, only some of the male's memories are included. But all of the female's memories are included into the egg. For instance, I was the thirtieth egg my mother laid. I still have her memories of laying the 29 eggs before me. They are... horrible memories. More pickled fish? Oh, please, take it with you! You'll no doubt want to eat it later.

20 [favor] with Gershok

Help Gershok prepare a totemic infusion (1h) [Comfortable]

Good. The tusks are in place. Now just say whatever words come to mind. The actual phrases are not important -- only that the words are sincere. On the other hand, if you mis-align even a single tusk, you are quite likely to explode and die.

Hmm... perhaps you are not yet ready for this recipe. I will teach it to you in time. For now, you may keep the leftover teeth. Practice!

12 [favor] with Gershok
x 2

Tapestry Inn

Name Hang Outs
Durstin Tallow

*Help Durstin prepare tomorrow's food (60 minutes)

Yep. Just scramble the eggs good. Now pepper 'em within an inch of their lives! Well, I guess technically they're already dead. 's just something the missus used to say. Anyway, thanks for your help.

15 Favor
Recipe for Scrambled Egg



Serbule Hills Spider Cave

There are no NPCs in Serbule Hills Spider Cave at this time.

Ranalon Den

Chirra does not use the favor system.

The Duchy of Eltibule

Name Hang Outs
Gretchen Salas

Gossip with Gretchen about the elves in Eltibule Keep (60 minutes) [Comfortable]

I mean I know there are some good elves out there! It's not that! Its just that these elves are such scum! I heard Oritania was banished from Dwyndarre for having too much sex, and that's why she didn't die with the others. Can you imagine how much sex that must be?! She's a freak! They all are! Oh, my rolls are done baking. Here, take one! You're a good listener.

Help Gretchen prepare her famous potato vodka (4 hours) [Comfortable]

Okay, that's enough potatoes! Now I need to go age them. Here, take a swig of the finished stuff. Good huh? Yeah! This is my favorite vodka recipe. It was Lord Eltibule's secret vice!


Discuss vegetarian recipes (60 min)

Anyway, that's the trick for getting the potato to roast just right. I just eat it plain after that! Butter is gross. Oh, but if you ever find sour cream, use that! It comes out of a cow too, but it's SO GOOD you have to try it.

12 [favor] with Jesina
100 Cooking XP
icon_4003.pngRecipe: icon_5022.png Perfectly Baked Potato

Go searching for butterflies in the meadow (3 hr)

Weird... when I go out there alone, I see a lot more butterflies. I think maybe you scared them away. But it's okay! It was fun talking with you about nature.

25 [favor] with Jesina
100 Arthropod Anatomy XP

Talk about Sarina's condition (60 min)

Yeah, I guess it'll take time. Her wings aren't permanently ruined, so that's the good news, I guess. But she still refuses to come out of the house...

12 [favor] with Jesina

Help prepare a special meal for Sarina (3 hr)

I think she'll really like this. It'll remind her of home in the fey, before the war started. But... um, well, you'd better not stay around for dinner. I'm really sorry, but she'll freak. But take some of the food with you, at least!

25 [favor] with Jesina
250 Cooking XP
x 2

Go fishing (5 hr)

Thanks for releasing all the fish. I just wouldn't feel right about killing them! But I enjoyed catching them with you. I hope you didn't mind my constant babbling about nature facts!

40 [favor] with Jesina
200 Fish and Snail Anatomy XP


Listen to Jumjab ramble about his life (2hr)

And when the chief said I was entitled to a free fairy slave, I was supposed to somehow know that he'd already picked his favorite. But nope, I picked his favorite slave! You can see where this is going, right? So I'm ripping off her wings and she's screaming, and the chief says, "Jumjab, you idiot!" and... hey. Hey, are you ok? You went pale there. Oh, don't worry! I only torture slaves. That's... what they're for... Oh, this is going to be an awkward cultural misunderstanding, isn't it? Hmm. Here! Take this gift and forget about everything.

20 [favor] with Jumjab
(gloves with necro gem embedded)

Help Jumjab sell his services to local humans (8hr)

65 [favor] with Jumjab
1200 Corpse Talking XP

Help Jumjab prepare fetish bags (2h)

That's right! You're getting the hang of it. Why don't you keep that batch as payment?

20 [favor] with Jumjab
200 Corpse Talking XP
x 5

Percy Evans

Stand in the lookout tower and watch bear movements (5 hr)

My wife named all of the green 'uns. Mangler, Mauler, Maimer, Mutilator... on and on. I killed most of 'em, and they'Ve given up on coming back, except for those two out there. They just never leave!

If you fight 'em, take these. They can maul you half to death in an instant, and you need something to fill you back up quick.

42 favor with Percy Evans

Check the perimeter (30 min)

Welp, all the bear traps are empty except that one. I guess most of the dumb ones have already been caught in my traps. So... I've culled all the stupid bears. When you put that way it sounds depressing.

5 favor with Percy Evans

Talk about Percy's dead wife in torturous detail (3 hr)

Lydia was a good woman and I miss her sorely. But what's worse is that I feel like part of her is still out there, anguished. And I don't know how to help her!

For a while I was trying these old Necromantic rituals I found in a book. Didn'T work worth a damn. Here, these are the leftover spell components I'd gathered. Maybe they're useful to you.

28.89 favor with Percy Evans

Sie Antry

RepeatableHelp weed the garden (6 hours)

Whew! Hard work always makes me feel better. How about you? Here, take this!

50 favor
4 Oregano
4 Carrot

Scour the perimeter of the homestead for rogue molluscs (5 hours)

Damn those snails! But we ran 'em off. Thanks for your help!

42 favor
1 Sie Antry's Bracelet or Sie Antry's Talisman

Help clean the house (60 minutes)

See? They make these piles of junk everywhere and they never clean up. Fairies are like no-good children, but you can't belt 'em. Frustratin' little fucks. Oh, don't give me that look, I like 'em fine. I'm just venting.

12 favor
2 Potato
28 councils

Talk about how to improve the trade routes (2 hours)

You're right. If we just got the orcs to fuck off for a few months, we could really get things under control. But barring that, I guess it'd take a massive army.... or an incredibly powerful magic spell...

20 favor
25 Lore XP
1 Mild Cheddar Cheese

Suspicious Cow

Chat and graze (1 hour) [Comfortable]

So Jenya -- my wizard -- she was a good elf. I mean, she gave me intellect and she was a pretty nice person. I do feel bad for putting her in a coma. It was an accident. But there's no jail for cows. I'd just be killed. Ah, sorry, I'll stop talking your ear off!

10 favor with Suspicious Cow
100 Cow XP

Chew cud and relax (2 hours) [Comfortable]

So then that little cat guy comes running out of the keep and he says 'I'll show you sturdy, Kleave!' and then he just starts punching a bull, you know? Just punching and punching. And this other cat person comes out and makes him stop. Those cat people have some serious rage issues. Not like us.

20 favor with Suspicious Cow
200 Cow xp

Nap and forage (3 hours) [Comfortable]

And he's all squeezing my udder and saying 'good cow, good cow'. I didn't want to pick him in the head because of what happened last tme. So I just said, 'I'm not really a cow, I'm a demon. If you don't stop touching my udders, I'll burn your flesh off.' And he runs, screaming. Haven't seen him since. A little worried about that...

25 favor with Suspicious Cow
200 Foraging XP



Eltibule Keep

Name Hang Outs

Skim the whey off the latest batch of Neufchatel (4 hours)

35 favor with Braigon

Experiment with new varieties of raclette cheese (4 hours)

Oh gods, it's like a smelly foot exploded! The stench is unbearable!

Let's call this batch a failure. But I learned something today. Did you?

35 favor with Braigon
500 Cheesemaking XP

Go with Braigon to milk cows (60 min)

12 favor with Braigon

Help Prepare basic whey (4 hours)

You know, the whey cheeses are some of the best cooking cheeses, and they're so simple to make! Let me show you how to make cream cheese, it's extremely versatile.

35 favor with Braigon
Recipe for Cream Cheese

Let Braigon milk you [cow only] (15 min)

5 favor with Braigon

George Madler

Card cotton and talk about the weather (4 hours)

  • 35 favor with George Malder
  • 500 Textile Creation XP
  • 5 Carded Cotton

Card cotton and talk about George's dead family (4 hours)

Isaac had the sweetest laugh. He would have grown up to be a tailor, I think. He liked playing with the cloth I made. Oh, I miss him even more than Lara.

...Is that bad? I can't believe I said that out loud, but it's true. I should miss them the same amount, right? What a thing to feel guilty about!

Anyway. Thanks for talking with me. You're a great listener!

  • 35 favor with George Malder
  • 500 Textile Creation XP
  • 5 Carded Cotton

Card cotton and talk about George's escape from slavery (4 hours)

  • 35 favor with George Malder
  • 500 Textile Creation XP
  • 5 Carded Cotton


Help clean skins (5 hours)

Did you enjoy that as much as I? No? Weird. Well... here, then. Take these.

Compare skinning techniques (4 hours)

You skin like a child, but I pity you. Let me show you the correct way to perforate the ...stop, not like that! Oh, this will take forever.

Discuss marital stress (3 hours)

No, no, it's not so bad. I use the age-old Rakshasa formula. Here, I'll teach it to you. Without this, I doubt there'd be many married Rakshasa couples left alive!


Taste-test new alchemical concoctions (1hr)

Good thing I had the antidote on hand! That could have been bad, huh. Well, win some and lose some, like Sirine always said. Here, drink this, you need to stay hydrated after all this vomiting.

12 favor with Yetta
100 Alchemy XP
1 Bottle of Water

Commiserate about Sirine (5 hours)

42 favor with Yetta
10 Weak Poisoned Knife

Help clean spider legs for use in potions (4 hours)

35 favor
Recipe for Memory Inhibitor (reduces combat XP by 50% for 1 hour)
3 Power Potion (If you learned Memory Inhibitor before hanging out, you will instead receive this)

Experiment with memory-erasing potions (60 minutes)

12 favor
Bestows Pounding Headache effect (-25 power) for 30 minutes

Experiment with memory-erasing potions (3 hours)

And so I told her that if the tiger goes with *her*, then bedroom toys should go with *me*, but she said no, that... hey, are you okay?

Oh gods! I think it worked! You don't remember anything from the last hour, do you? Perfect!

Wait... no, that's not right. It just wiped your short-term memory. Not your long-term! What a waste. Here, keep the formula.

27 favor
Recipe for Perfect Memory Inhibitor

Experiment with memory-erasing potions (4 hours)

And *then* Sirine said... and you won't believe this... she said it was *my* fault because I didn't let her know about my hobby before we were married! But I didn't even know myself! Crazy, right? And then... hey.

Hey, it kicked in! Did it work? Oh crap. Okay... okay, listen to me: you're going to be okay. But you probably won't remember much of what happens in the next few hours. Just take it easy, okay? Um, just walk it off. Yeah, walk it off! *Oh gods please be okay...*

35 favor
Bestows Memory Inhibitor effect (no combat xp earned) for 2 hours
Bestows Overclocked Mind effect (+1 power/sec) for 2 hours

Experiment with memory-erasing potions (8 hours)

65 favor
Memory Enhancer x2

Hogan's Keep

Name Hang Outs
Helena Veilmoor

Sharpen swords (3 hr) [Comfortable]

27 favor with Helena
1 Quality Sword

Play Rage Deck with Hogan and Braigon (4 hours)

35 favor with Helena
500 Psychology XP

Discuss the mantis gang that Helena owes money to (1 hour) [Neutral]

So yeah, there's four of these guys in this Red Wing Gang, all big dumb mantis people. I don't know mantis people from orcs, but they seemed pretty out of it. So I got them playing Rage Deck. I let them win a few then I did the double down a few times, where I bet them money I didn't have so I could keep playing expecting to clean them out. But they knew I was counting cards the whole time, because they could read my mind! They let me hang myself out to dry. I have never felt so humiliated. Or terrified. And now my pineal juice dealer wont talk to me because he says I "bring danger to his home." Whatever. I was trying to quit anyway.

12 favor with Helena
25 lore

Talk about Hogan (1 hour) [Comfortable]

And he just looks so muscular, working in the yard all day. Have you seen his arms? They're huge!

But yeah. Apparently he's not interested in me romantically at all. Life can be such bullcrap, you know?

12 favor with Helena


At [Comfortable] Hogan offers to Hang Out:

  • Practice staff-fighting with Hogan (2h)

Excellent! You're learning quickly. Some day soon I expect you will best me! But not today.

20 favor with Hogan
500 Staff XP

  • Let Hogan try his new Staff moves on you (2h)

I almost had it that time. One more try!

... are you okay? You're weaving dizzily. Did you not slap out like I Taught you? Or maybe I hit too hard. Let's call it a day, okay?

20 favor with Hogan
500 Staff XP

  • Patrol around the fortress for dangerous monsters (2h)

That was exhilarating in its own way. And the way you bravely stuck your face in that Gnasher's mouth to distract it -- a truly heroic tactic, but maybe next time you should try something else. If you do try that again, use this first.

20 favor with Hogan
1 Regeneration Potion


Discuss Yasinda's disappointment with her daughter's choice of profession (3h)

Human sages are wormy and bookish, preferring knowledge over power. It's obscene! Everyone knows that knowledge without use is immoral. A wise sage that can't even defend himself from monsters is... it's disgusting! How can humans tolerate such behavior?! And why would Sinda willingly learn from such a pathetic creature? What did I do wrong?

... My apologies. I got carried away. I know that humans ave their good points. In fact, I brought a human trinket with me as a placating gift. Hogan didn't want it, though. Do you?

27 favor with Yasinda


Animal Nexus

There are no NPCs in the Animal Nexus at this time.

Boarded up Basement

There are no NPCs in the Boarded up Basement at this time.

Dark Chapel

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: No results.

Eltibule Crypt

There are no NPCs in the Eltibule Crypt at this time.

Goblin Dungeon

Name Hang Outs

Rub Balms and Oils into Yalox's Exposed Flesh (60m)

Yesssss. It helps! Briefly! Do not mind those bits that fell off of me. You may keep them! A memento!

12 Favor with Yalox

Howl in commiseration (2hr)

Yes! Is your throat aching? Mine toooo. It is glorious! But there is a poultice to fix sore throats. Let me teach you.

20 favor with Yalox
200 First Aid XP

The harsh land of Kur Mountains

Name Hang Outs
Jace Soral

Clean and prepare wolfsbane (1h)

I hate working with this stuff. Being so vulnerable to it and all! Thanks for making it a little easier. Here. Take these. They're used in wolfsbane bombs.

24 favor
3 x
3 x

Chop firewood and clean the campsite (4h)

It feels good to do simple work like this, doesn't it? Thanks. Oh here, take this junk with you.

70 favor with Jace Soral
3 Power Potion Extreme

Play poker with Jace Soral and Sanja (4h)

Again?! How are you so good at this? Are you using mind magic on us? This is dumb. I'm out.

70 favor with Jace Soral
32 Red Game Chip
8 Green Game Chip


Collect lumber (2h)

Are your hands as full of splinters as mine are? Wow, that's a huge splinter... you win!

Hmm, I think your hand will get infected, actually. Here, let me help. Lamashu carefully removes your splinters. You have strong masculine hands. They would be sexy to some... but infections are never sexy.

20 favor with Lamashu

Help Lamashu build a cabinet (4h)

That's adequate workmanship! Now I have to haul this thing all the way to town. Thanks for your help.

35 favor with Lamashu
500 Carpentry XP

Hunt for werewolves (6h)

50 favor with Sanja
500 Lycanthropy XP

Hunt for more werewolves (7h) -- requires [Friends]

57 favor
750 Lycanthropy XP

Hunt for yet more werewolves (8h) -- requires [?]

65 favor
1500 Lycanthropy XP
(Level 40)

Groom each other (2h) -- requires [Friends]

20 favor
100 Lycanthropy XP

Race each other (30m) -- requires finishing 'Groom each other' hang out

5 favor

Northwestern Outpost

Name Hang Outs
Gloria Stonecurl

Learn background information about Arisetsu (6h) (Must be a Priest)

Arisetsu was super angry and she said to Vol, "to protect Hope, I would end Death if I must. Do not doubt my conviction or my power," and so that started another fight, because Vol said... well, we're out of time and it doesn't matter what he said.

To sum up, there's been a lot of lover's spats over the centuries, but amazingly, Vol, the god of Death, is still Arisetsu's lover, eighteen thousand years later! That's really weird, right? Hope and Death as lovers? I know!

Have you ever heard the folk tale that says if your situation is truely hopeless and you pray to Arisetsu, you'll die in your sleep? Well, don't go spreading this around, but it's true! As a gift to Arisetsu, Vol changed reality so that you really will die peacefully in your sleep if your situation is truly hopeless. Arisetsu was pretty upset about that for a few hundred years, but she's gotten used to it.

They say Arisetsu has made Vol kinder, but I think Vol has rubbed off on Arisetsu a lot more. Arisetsu hates the undead... really seriously HATES them... and I think it's all because Vol hates them. If she didn't care for Vol I don't think she'd care about the undead either.

Okay.. that's enough for today. You did great!

50 favor with Gloria Stonecurl
500 Priest XP

Learn the basics of being a Priest of Arisetsu (6h) (Must be a Priest)

Gloria Stonecurl said, "Nope, you treat poison with the Remedy blessing, it works faster. Now don't get discouraged, you're learning really quickly! Just remember the acronyms I've taught you: W.A.R.M.T.H. for helping people, and B.U.R.N. for undead. Got it? Okay, that's enough for one lesson!"

53.5 favor with Gloria Stonecurl
600 Priest XP

Learn advanced lifesaving Priest techniques (8h) (Must be a Priest)

Gloria Stonecurl said, "...and it should go without saying that you NEVER use cauterizing heat on a patient without explicit permissions, unless they're unconscious and bleeding out.

Okay that's probably enough for today. I know it's overwhelming, but you're doing fine. You've got the basic ideas. Now you just need some hands-on experience triaging battlefields!"

69.55 favor with Gloria Stonecurl
800 Priest XP

Learn combat techniques for Priests (8h) (Must be a Priest)

Gloria Stonecurl said, "You've got the basics of admonishing and castigating. Now, when it comes to undead, you want to use Castigation every time. It's super effective against them! In fact, the only thing more deadly to undead is a Flamestrike. I don't know that technique, but I've seen it done before. Boom! Exploded undead everywhere. Maybe you can learn that technique somewhere, but for now, stick with Castigation. It's tried and true and it always works.

69.55 favor with Gloria Stonecurl
1000 Priest XP

Landri the Cold

Discuss Ice Magic basic concepts (2 hr) [Comfortable]

20 favor with Landri the Cold
300 Fire Magic XP

Practice Ice magic on Each other (2 hr) [Comfortable]

20 favor with Landri the Cold
300 Fire Magic XP

Help make alchemical concoctions (6 hr) [Friends]

Thank you for helping. Did you get the formula we were using? Good. It's not the most potent thing in the world, but it's the basis for more powerful versions.

50 favor with Landri the Cold
Recipe for Coldbite Potion

Help make complex alchemical concotions (12hr) [Close Friends]

Thank you for helping. I hope you learned something from all of that!

95 favor with Landri the Cold
Recipe for Coldgnaw Potion

Help make advanced alchemical concoctions (18hr) [Best Friends]

Thank you for helping. This Coldrend formula is the most potent I know, but they say there are much more powerful versions out there, lost in old books somewhere. Romantic thought, isn't it?

140 favor with Landri the Cold
Recipe for Coldrend Potion

Laura Neth

Help chop veggies and talk about the weather (60m)

Always snowy! I've been here two months and it's stopped snowing maybe once. Oh, but thanks for your help, dear! Looks like there's some onions we didn't get to, if you want them.

12 [favor] with Laura Neth
50 Cooking XP

Repeatable Talk about how terrible orcs are (2 hours)

And the smell! Oh gods I'll never forget the stench of their prison. You know what, let's stop talking about this. I thought it would be therapeutic, but I think it's just a little too much right now. Thank you for caring, though. Here, take a snack!

20 [favor] with Laura Neth

Help bake biscuits (4 hours)

These aren't my famous cheesy biscuits, but they're still a pretty good meal, aren't they? I love trying to combine bread and seafood, it's such a challenge! Let me write down the recipe for you. Thank you for your help!

35 [favor] with Laura Neth
Recipe for:

Talk about how terrible werewolves are (2 hours)

My father's a were. Which means, since I'm not, that means... I'm adopted. He never told me that's how it worked! I learned it from some boor who was making fun of me.

I just don't like 'em. Not as bad as orcs, but pretty bad, you know? Here, you should carry one of these just in case.

20 [favor] with Laura Neth

Repeatable Help prepare snacking cheese (8 hours)

Oh, you're so good at this! Thank you so much, I always have a hard time with the cheese making. The stench of the curds is what does it. And I pay Ukorga to get the sheep's milk for me -- imagine if you had to milk your own just to make some cheese!

Like the taste? it's my sister's recipe. A mild, simple cheese, perfect for snacking. Thanks for everything, but now I have to clean up!

65 [favor] with Laura Neth
Recipe for:

Help prepare next week's meals (8 hours)

80 [favor] with Laura Neth
Recipe for:


Repeatable Help butcher sheep for meals (3 hours)

We make quite a pair, you and I. You should come work for me. I'd pay you in meat. Like this! Think it over.

  • 27 favor with Ukorga
  • 300 Butchering XP
  • 1 Mutton

Repeatable Help shovel snow off the nearby road (4 hours) - Resets every ? (week maybe?)

Yep, that'll keep the road visible for another couple of days.

  • 35 favor with Ukorga

Repeatable Tan skins and discuss politics (4 hours) - Resets every week

And that's why it's unfair to make me pay taxes! Yes, the Council cleared this so-called 'road', but there's not been a guard through here in months! Oh here, thanks for the help! If you're still here in a week, come back and help again. I'd appreciate it!

  • 35 favor with Ukorga
  • 3 Decent Leather Rolls


Kur Tower

Name Hang Outs

Compare phrenology notes (2h)

I tell you, this area represents a love of praise. Not a love of cautiousness. That's ridiculous! Your hypothesis is stupid and you're stupid!

Okay. I was out of line there. I'm sorry. Let's call it a day, okay?

20 [favor] with Glajur
500 Human Phrenology XP

Compare more phrenology notes (2h)

You seriously think this whole section of the skull represents self-esteem? Stupid idea.

I don't have to refute your evidence! You have to refute mine! According to Phsyiognomy theory, big ears map to sexual frustration in Rakshasa, not self esteem. So there.

Okay, fine, I made that up. You're probably right. Happy? Asshole.

20 [favor] with Glajur
500 Rakshasa Phrenology or Goblin Phrenology XP

Compare yet more phrenology notes (2h)

That's bullshit! No, you said you thought it was a bump for 'Conscientiousness". You can't pretend you said "Cautiousness" now. That's bullshit! Argh!

Why can't you just let me win an argument? Can't you see how important this is to me? I have a huge 'Love of Approbation' nodule on my skull here. Science says you should let me win!

20 [favor] with Glajur
500 Goblin Phrenology XP

Necromancer's Courtyard

There are no NPCs in the Necromancer's Courtyard at this time.

Wolf Cave

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: No results.

Yeti Cave

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: No results.

The freezing region of Gazluk


Animal Camp

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: No results.

New Prestonbule Cave

Name Hang Outs
Bellema Deftwhisper

Practice shooting targets with crossbows (60m) [Comfortable]

See? Like that! The trick to aiming with the sight is to keep the damned thing still when you fire, so you don't get black eyes. And hey... I'm sorry about your black eye. Is your head feeling better yet? Keep this, practice later when you feel better!

10 favor
Gives you a Pounding Headache (debuff): -25 Max Power for one hour.

Gossip over a few beers (3h)

I mean, what would Rick see in a rakkie anyway? They have all that body hair... don't humans hate body hair? No, that's elves. I guess rakkies have fur, not hair. Still sounds uncomfortable. I bet rakkies' clothes pinch all the time!

Wait, I just had a thought. I bet when Sona comes in out of the snow, she smells like a wet dog! No, I haven't sniffed her, but I bet that's what wet rakkies smell like! *Gasp* And that's why rakkies love the desert! Holy crap, I think I had a revelation!

Or... it could be the stout talking. Anyway, I should get back to work. Thanks for chatting and drinking with me!

30 favor
You consume an alcoholic beverage. (Warning: This is a high level alcohol. It can easily result in death upon finishing the hangout if alcohol tolerance is low.)

Gossip over a few more beers (3h) - Complete "Gossip over a few beers"

oh, no, don't be silly. Mox didn't "love" Nadile. She was just a floozie he was living with.

... I guess she was his childhood friend... and he did follow her all the way to Kem Taruhr so he could be in the same university as her... and they fought in the goblin wars together... and then they started living together... oh crap! What have I done? He was IN LOVE with that naugrim!

I ... don't know how to feel. Hey, I'm going to break out the strong stuff and get REALLY hammered! ... No. I can't keep running from this. I'm gonna have to talk to Mox about Nadile. Here. Take this shite whisky so I'm not tempted.

30 favor

Catch up with Bellema after she talks with Mox (3h) - Complete "Gossip over a few more beers"

So I asked Mox straight out if he loved Nadile, and that was his reply: "yes, of course I loved her, do you think I'd just sleep with a woman I didn't love?" He was OFFENDED that I even asked! And rightly so. I'm a horrible monster. I should have let him out of the wedding arrangement. Maybe there's a clause... if we'd both agreed, we could have figured something out! But I thought he wanted this. And he's... well, just look at him, I know I wanted this... He said he wanted to marry me! Oh, why wouldn't he have told me?!

You're a good friend. Can you help me with this? I need to know how Mox really feels. He's angry at me right now and he's acting defensive. But he'll open up to you. Just hang out with him, get him to talk about Nadine. And about me. Will you do that please?

30 favor
Unlocks Hang Out with Mox Warcut "Talk about Nadile, Mox's old girlfriend"

Fill Bellema in on your Talk with Mox (3h?) - Complete "Talk about Nadile, Mox's old girlfriend" with Mox Warcut

He said WHAT about my rack?! I knew he was peeking at night, that pervert!

Thank you. You've helped put my mind at ease. I still don't know how I feel about taking him away from Nadile, but knowing that he's not sitting over there secretly broken-hearted -- that's a good thing! Cheers! And here. This is ... something embarrassing from my past that I don't want anymore.

27 favor
Hemmit Magmagrip

Have a mushroom-joke competition (3 hours) [Neutral]

"Hahaha! Wait, damn it all! I laughed, but only because your joke was so awful! Mycelium museum doesn't even rhyme! Or make sense! Okay, my turn... we're both about out of material here... have I tried this one? Why did the two algae get married? They took a lichen to each other! ...nothing? Then the final score is 3 to 2, I win! No, I said that laugh didn't count!... Fine, it's a tie! Didja like the mushroom bites? Well, next time YOU make 'em, 'cuz they're a pain in the ass! Here's the recipe."

30 Favor with Hemmit Magmagrip
Recipe for Spicy Porcini Bites

Explain how mushroom circles work (8 hours)

The ability to learn more mushroom-grow boxes gets unlocked (i.e. Epic Crop Mushroom Box).

Mox Warcut

Compare explosion techniques (5h) [Comfortable]

That's impressive, but you need to be able to sustain your offense better! Any jackass can throw a few bombs -- not as deadly as yours, but still pretty nasty. The trick is being able to throw dozens of bombs in a fight.

Let me show you a trick I use to feed the alembic faster. Now this is a Mox Warcut special, so don't go sharing' it with anybody!

50 favor with Mox Warcut
15,000 Battle Chemistry XP

Talk about Nadile, Mox's old girlfriend (2h) - Complete "Catch up with Bellema after she talks with Mox" with Bellema Deftwhisper

You're not foolin' me, you know: I realize Bellema put you up to this. She's worried that she broke up 'true love' or something. But it's just like I told her went we got engaged: I loved Nadile, but we always knew it wasn't going to last. Nadile knew I would have to leave her before my 50th birthday because of my marriage contract. I waited until a month before the deadline. Then we said our goodbyes forever, and now I'm here with Bellema.

Tell Bellema she's a daft girl for worrying about me. It's sweet. But I'm okay. Not everything in life is fair, but that doesn't mean I have to be distraught like an elf every time something bad happens.

And besides, Bellema has a rack that'd put Nadile's to shame! Hahahaha!

20 favor
Unlocks Hang Out with Bellema Deftwhisper "Fill Bellema in on your talk with Mox"

Show Mox how you use First Aid (4h) - Requires a Beast Form

Hahaha! Amazing! You're a LOT more flexible than you look! But if you're gonna apply bandages with your mouth, you need to keep your mouth further away from the injury site. Mouths are full of diseasy stuff. Look: wrap it like this, then... right. Around the muzzle. See?

Okay, now show me how you splint a broken bone!

35 favor with Mox Warcut
15000 First Aid XP


Amaluk Valley Cave

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: No results.

Gazluk Keep

Name Hang Outs

Have gin and gur-horta with Melandria (2 hours)

? favor

Learn Orcish Grammar (4 hours)

45 favor with Melandria
1000 Orcish XP

Have tea with and talk about sex-slavery (2 hours)

It's just that orc women have an uncontrollable fertility cycle, like human women. They just ovulate and ovulate, month after month! Which can be messy. Plus, orcs refuse to learn infertility cantrips, so to avoid pregnancy they use these horrible sheep-skin things on their dicks. So they just use me when sex is too much work. *Sigh* Listen to my apologetics. I don't mean to say that I LIKE being a sex slave! But the sex is less terrible than cleaning the bathrooms or having to kill and clean the meat... I skinned my first deer as a slave here, and it was a VERY traumatic experience. ... Anyway, that's quite enough about me! Thanks for being a good listener. Want some fruit?

25 favor with Melandria

Have gur-horta and pear wine with Melandria (8 hours)

65 favor with Melandria
Bestows Auk Gur-Horta effect (Max Sidebar Slots +2) for 2 hours

No-Name Cave

There are no NPCs in No-Name Cave at this time.

Snowblood Shadow Cave

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: No results.

Windy View Cave

There are no NPCs in Windy View Cave at this time.

The island of Sun Vale

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Animal Town

Name Hang Outs
Daisy (NPC)

Oh, um okay. We c-can hang out!

Help Daisy mix some chemicals (3h) [Comfortable]

I-it's s-so h-hard to do alchemy w-with h-hooves! I e-envy h-humans so much! B-but y-you really helped. Thanks. Take t-this.

27 [favor] with Daisy

Help Daisy brew and test a new batch of bounceweed (8h)

Oh man, I think mine's wearing off. Is yours wearing off, too? Well, thank you so much for helping me make it!

Bounceweed helps me with my stuttering problem, that's why I take it. And I admit it's pretty fun, too! B-but it's addictive, s-so I t-try... d-damn it! I-it's back. Daisy sighs. G-g-goodbye for n-n-now.

Requires completing Hang Out 'Help Daisy mix some chemicals'
65 [favor] with Daisy
x 4

Help Daisy try new strains of bounceweed (8h) [Close Friends]

I loved being Monte's familiar. He even secretly let me apprentice under him. Yeah, an apprentice deer! I focused on alchemy mainly. But one day Monte went catatonic. Maybe he backfired a spell... I don't know. I tried to counterspell it, but I was useless. I fled, leaving Spot behind to tent to his body. Because we all know what happens to familiars who outlive their wizards!

His lasting gift to me was the Awakening I cast on Jumper. He'd helped me prepare a version of the ritual I could cast. It was a one-time thing, but it worked! Jumper was my old crush back when I was just a normal deer. And now we're happy together! I g-guess t-that... oh d-d-damn. My st-stutter is b-back. W-well, I h-hope your dose lasts l-longer! I want to go check on Jumper.. g-goodbye!

Requires completing Hang Out 'Help Daisy brew and test a new batch of bounceweed'
65 [favor] with Daisy
Gain a 15 minute Bounceweed buff: All animal attacks deal +30 damage

Help Daisy improve her bounceweed formula (8h)

I don't agree with Raul on that. I mean, yes, normal animals can't give consent to be Awakened, but very few Awakened animals want to go back to being dumb! Mostly we just want to be allowed to live with other sentients. Oh, and not be slaves. And Jumper isn't my slave, because I didn't perform the ritual of Binding after I Awakened him. So he's not my apprentice -- he's just my loving husband.

Oh, look at the time. Thank you for your help today! I'm going to go talk these changes over with Yavazek before my bounceweed wears off. My next batch should be amazing!

Unknown requirements inlcuding completing the Hang Out 'Help Daisy try new strains of bounceweed'
65 [favor] with Daisy
x 2
Gain a 15 minute Bounceweed buff: All animal attacks deal +10 damage

Help Daisy brew an experimental batch of super-bounceweed (8h)- Requires a Deer

That feels good... is that your tongue? I think I'm in love. Ha ha! No, d-d-don't stop. ... wait, I think I'm c-coming down f-finally: my s-stutter is c-coming back. Seriously, is that your tongue o-or... oh no. What have we done? Stop it! Stop! Look at us! We... we had sex!

Oh no! Oh no! What will we do?! T-take the r-rest of this super b-bounceweed and g-go!

A p-p-please d-don't t-tell Jumper! I kn-know we have an 'o-open m-m-marriage' b-but he'll still b-be d-devastated. Please? He'll sm-smell me on your f-fur. Don't even t-talk to him! Just s-stay a-away from him for a d-day. Please! Oh, I'm so s-sorry!

Requires completing Hang Out 'Help Daisy brew and test a new batch of bounceweed'
80 [favor] with Daisy
x 3
Augmented Bounceweed buff
Post-Coital Bliss buff


Have some bounceweed with Jumper (4h) - Requires a Deer

Oh man! Ha ha! Are you hurt? You can't jump off of mountains, you aren't a bird! You've gold a mild concussion. Don't worry, though: another dose of bounceweed will fix you right up. There. Feel better?

If you think that stuff was good, some day maybe we can try this super special strain that Daisy made for me. It's supposed to be amazing!

40 (estimated) [favor] with Jumper
Bounceweed Buff

Try some of Jumper's special bounceweed (6h) - Requires a Deer

50 (estimated) [favor] with Jumper
Bounceweed Buff

Bounce around Sun Valve(8h) - Requires a Deer

You're getting better at keeping your feet tucked when you land. I think you're almost ready for the really good stuff: the ultimate bounceweed. It's a serious head trip, so think it over.

65 [favor] with Jumper
Bounceweed Buff

Test out a new strain of bounceweed (10h) - Requires a Deer

80 [favor] with Jumper


Get to know Raul little better (3h) - Requires a Cow

20 Favor

Take a long walk on the beach (4h) - Requires a Cow (unlock after Get to know Raul little better)

1000 Cow XP
35 Favor

Let Raul take you to his secret spot (8h) - Requires a Cow (unlock after Take a long walk on the beach)

Spend another evening with Raul (12h) - Requires a Cow (unlock after Let Raul take you to his secret spot)

103.55 Favor

Druid Camp

Name Hang Outs
Jake the Buckler

Trade badass warrior stories (4 hours)

That's a great story! Man, I don't know if I can top your amnesia island story, but I'll give it a shot.

One time I was fighting this wizard-priest, right? I was pretty young then and my catch phrase was 'I AM IMMORTAL!' So this priest hears my catch phrase and his eyes grow wide and he says some angry words right as I pound his skull in. Next thing I know. I'm surrounded by rose petals swirling all around, and I go flying into the sky.

This scary voice says 'YOU DARE DEFY DEATH? THEN TASTE WHAT YOUR HUBRIS HAS WROUGHT!' Something like that. And then, no shit, I was sent to some sort of hell dimension where nobody ages.

I was in there for, oh, 3000 years, maybe? Something like that. Met a lot of fun people. But mostly that time is a blur and I can barely remember anything. I don't think my brain was working right in there. Anyway, one day I found this huge bell floating in limbo and I hit it with my hammer, and apparently I destroyed the entire prison dimension and reappeared here!

A lot of the gods are different now and I guess they don't fuck with people as much anymore, or at least not so directly. Which is nice.

Oh yeah: I had to learn a new language, because my old homeland had been wiped off the map. And of course everybody I'd ever known was dead, which was pretty depressing. But besides that it's been mostly the same: hitting shit until it dies, making buckles, getting drunk. Oh, also I don't seem to age anymore, which is pretty great. Okay, your turn for a story!

Hear Jake the Buckler's Story
35 Favor
50 Lore XP

Watch Jake work on his masterpiece buckle (2 hours)

Next I'll add a tiny seagull in the corner. The seagull represents killing shit. And... look, can we stop? Your staring is making me nervous! I guess painting is supposed to be a solo thing.

25 favor
200 Buckle Artistry XP

Great Tree

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Fish Bowl Cavern

There are no NPCs in Fish Bowl Cavern at this time.

No-Name Cave

There are no NPCs in No-Name Cave at this time.

Sacrificial Sea Cave

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Winter Nexus

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The deserts of Ilmari

Name Hang Outs

Help Arlan clean up the hot springs area (5 hours)

Brainstorm a business plan for Arlan's shop (2 hours)

Let Arlan reminisce about his dead wife (1 hour) [Comfortable]


Have a quiet tea break (30 minutes) [Neutral]

I guess my parents are right: all the rakshasa born here are infected with empathy. Which means that even if we could go home to Ravana, the non-empathetic rakshasa would simply kill us to avoid spreading the contamination. I may dream of seeing our homeworld, but it can never be.

You're a good listener. Thank you for your visit.

Get in-depth disenchanting lessons (4 hours) [Comfortable]

And so, by turning the armor over counter-clockwise, we destabilize its phlogiston. Then you use the resonance hammer. Right! You've finally gotten the hang of it. Of course, never turn footwear counter-clockwise, only headwear.

Help to transmute a difficult item (2 hours) [Neutral]

No! Don't shake it... oh no! Are you okay? I told you not shake it while I aim the prism! The phlogiston climbed up the light beam and shattered the prism. Augh, I have bits of glass in my fur!

Look, I'm sure you're a fine transmuter, but it's just too difficult for two people to work on the same item. But I do appreciate your gesture. Here. Take this and go work on your own.


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There are no NPCs in Labyrinth at this time.

War Caches

There are no NPCs in the War Caches at this time.


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City of Rahu

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The Fae Realm

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Fel-Dasculan Ruins

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The Wintertide

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: No results.

The Nexuxs

See under Sun Vale.


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City of Povus

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: No results.


Fungal Fortress

There are no NPCs in Fungal Fortress at this time.

Mysterious Locale

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