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Dungeons are where quests take place, bosses reside, and high level gear is obtained from. Dungeons are generally harder than most other content in the game and provide some of the best rewards.

No Instancing

As of the alpha dungeons are not instanced which really sets apart this game from current "modern" MMOs. Whether you are soloing or teaming up with fellow players, the experience is of one shared world which creates stronger social interactions between players.


Loot on all enemies (except Elites) is also not instanced, meaning once somebody loots a corpse the loot is gone. This can cause a little grief sometimes but keep in mind the loot is plentiful and enemies respawn very quickly!

Consider not burying corpses in dungeons. In theory leaving corpses behind should make them respawn a little slower, which can help when soloing. In a group, please remember that burying a corpse gets rid of the loot. If you don't want loot on a corpse, leave it so another player may loot it.


Veteran MMO players will remember the infamous trains from classic MMO EverQuest. A "train" happens when a player flees danger in a dungeon, and the enemies chasing the player come in sight of other unsuspecting players who are then attacked. This problem is fairly minimal at present in Project: Gorgon because the enemies don't pursue very far, but be aware that the mechanics allow for it. Don't be angry at other players! It is simply the mechanics of the game, and it could be argued it makes things a little more... interesting. As there is no experience penalty and also no loss of levels in the game (so far), a train will at worst cause your character to respawn in the entrance of the dungeon.

Dungeon Progression

Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: Unknown parameter 'nocategory' is ignored. Help: available parameters: <code> addfirstcategorydate category count hiddencategories mode namespace notcategory order ordermethod qualitypages redirects showcurid shownamespace stablepages suppresserrors allowcachedresults execandexit columns debug distinct escapelinks format inlinetext listseparators notnamespace offset oneresultfooter oneresultheader ordercollation noresultsfooter noresultsheader randomcount randomseed replaceintitle resultsfooter resultsheader rowcolformat rows rowsize scroll title title< title> titlemaxlength userdateformat addauthor addcategories addcontribution addeditdate addexternallink addlasteditor addpagecounter addpagesize addpagetoucheddate adduser categoriesminmax createdby dominantsection dplcache dplcacheperiod eliminate fixcategory headingcount headingmode hitemattr hlistattr ignorecase imagecontainer imageused include includematch includematchparsed includemaxlength includenotmatch includenotmatchparsed includepage includesubpages includetrim itemattr lastmodifiedby linksfrom linksto linkstoexternal listattr minoredits modifiedby multisecseparators notcreatedby notlastmodifiedby notlinksfrom notlinksto notmodifiedby notuses reset secseparators skipthispage table tablerow tablesortcol titlematch usedby uses allrevisionsbefore allrevisionssince articlecategory categorymatch categoryregexp firstrevisionsince lastrevisionbefore maxrevisions minrevisions notcategorymatch notcategoryregexp nottitlematch nottitleregexp openreferences titleregexp </code>.

{|class="sortable table" style="width:100%"

!Dungeon ! Level ! Connects to ! Bosses |- |Aktaari Cave |90-95 |Errruka's Cave |

    |- |Amaluk Valley Cave |60 - 70 |Gazluk, Fae Realm |

    |- |Anagoge Records Facility |05 - 10 |Anagoge, Serbule Hills Spider Cave |

        |- |Animal Nexus |30 - 35 |Eltibule |

        |- |Boarded up Basement |30 - 40 |Eltibule |

        |- |Borghild |40 - 45 |Serbule |

        |- |Brain Bug Cave |10 - 15 |Serbule |

        |- |Carpal Tunnels |25 - 35 |Serbule |

        |- |Crystal Cavern |15 - 20 |Serbule |

        |- |Dark Chapel |40 - 50 |Eltibule |

        |- |Dungeon Towns | | | |- |Dungeons by Area | | | |- |Eltibule Crypt |20 - 30 |Eltibule |

        |- |Elven Judgement |95 |Nightmare Caves |

            |- |Errruka's Cave |85-90 |Povus, Aktaari Cave, Forthragarian Caves |

            Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: No results.

            |- |Fish Bowl Cavern |35-40 |Sun Vale | There are no Boss monsters in the Fish Bowl Cavern.

            |- |Forthragarian Caves |90-95 |Errruka's Cave, Nightmare Caves |

            Extension:DynamicPageList (DPL), version 2.3.0 : Warning: No results.

            |- |Fungal Fortress |85 |Povus |

            |- |Gazluk Keep |70+ |Gazluk |

            |- |Goblin Dungeon |20 - 40 |Eltibule |

            |- |Hogan's Basement |30-35 |Eltibule |

            |- |Kur Tower |50 |Kur Mountains, Necromancer's Courtyard |

              |- |Labyrinth |55 - 65 |Ilmari |

              |- |Molybdenum Mine |30 - 40 |Sun Vale | There are no boss monsters in the Molybdenum Mine

              |- |Myconian Cave |25 - 35 |Serbule | |- |Necromancer's Courtyard |40 - 50 |Kur Tower |

                |- |New Prestonbule Cave |0 |Gazluk |

                • None

                |- |Nightmare Caves |90-95 |Forthragarian Caves, Elven Judgement |

                  |- |No-Name Cave |60 - 70 |Gazluk |

                  • None

                  |- |Rahu Sewer |60 |Rahu |

                  |- |Ranalon Den |15 - 20 |Serbule Hills |

                      |- |Sacred Grotto |0 |Kur Mountains | There are no hostile named creatures in the Sacred Grotto.

                      |- |Sacrificial Sea Cave |40-45 |Sun Vale |

                      |- |Serbule Crypt |15 - 30 |Serbule, Serbule Sewers |

                      |- |Serbule Hills Spider Cave |05 - 10 |Anagoge Records Facility, Serbule Hills |

                          |- |Serbule Sewers |05 - 10 |Serbule, Serbule Crypt |

                          |- |Snowblood Shadow Cave |60 - 70 |Gazluk |

                              |- |The Wintertide |80 |Fae Realm |

                                |- |War Caches |50 - 60 |Ilmari |

                                |- |Windy View Cave |60 - 70 |Gazluk |

                                  |- |Winter Nexus |40 - 50 |Sun Vale, Fae Realm |

                                    |- |Wolf Cave |40 - 50 |Kur Mountains |

                                    |- |Yeti Cave |35 - 50 |Kur Mountains |
