Hang Outs by NPC

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WIP NPC Hang Outs in Alphabetical order. Only includes pages Category:Favor/Hang Outs) where have been added.

Name Hang Outs

Assist Amutasa in preparing an order of hammers (5h).


Go with Amutasa into the dangerous parts of Rahu to shop for specialty tools (3h).


Help Arlan clean up the hot springs area (5 hours)


Brainstorm a business plan for Arlan's shop (2 hours)


Let Arlan reminisce about his dead wife (1 hour) [Comfortable]

Ashk the Answerer

Let Ashk evaluate your animal body for potential soothsaying knowledge (5h) [Comfortable] Hint


Help Ashk prepare animal guts for soothsaying (3h)


Let Ashk practice new soothsaying techniques on you (8h)


Be awkwardly intimate with Ashk (4h) [Soulmates] Hint


Sit quietly and ambush small game (4h)


Sit quietly and ambush small game again (4h)Repeatable


Sit quietly and ambush small game yet again (4h)

Bellema Deftwhisper

Practice shooting targets with crossbows (60m) [Comfortable]


Gossip over a few beers (3h)


Gossip over a few more beers (3h) - Complete "Gossip over a few beers"


Catch up with Bellema after she talks with Mox (3h) - Complete "Gossip over a few more beers"


Fill Bellema in on your Talk with Mox (3h?) - Complete "Talk about Nadile, Mox's old girlfriend" with Mox Warcut


Discuss geologic digging techniques (3 hours)


Explore rudimentary fire magic techniques (3 hours)


Talk about how the council needs to send more researchers to Serbule (60 minutes)


Repeatable Search for antique Human artifacts (4 hours) - Resets every 5 days


Repeatable Go hunting for Rubywall crystals (8 hours)


Skim the whey off the latest batch of Neufchatel (4 hours)


Experiment with new varieties of raclette cheese (4 hours)


Go with Braigon to milk cows (60 min)


Help Prepare basic whey (4 hours)


Let Braigon milk you [cow only] (15 min)

Brianna Willer

Weed the entire garden while Brianna watches and complains (3 hours) [Neutral]


Help Brianna prepare barley for beer (4 hours) [Comfortable] - Complete Earlier Hang Out'

Daisy (NPC)

Oh, um okay. We c-can hang out!


Help Daisy mix some chemicals (3h) [Comfortable]


Help Daisy brew and test a new batch of bounceweed (8h)


Help Daisy try new strains of bounceweed (8h) [Close Friends]


Help Daisy improve her bounceweed formula (8h)


Help Daisy brew an experimental batch of super-bounceweed (8h)- Requires a Deer

Daniel Murderdark

Teach Daniel Murderdark to summon ratkins skeletons (8 hours) - Complete A Secret Type of Skeleton

Durstin Tallow

*Help Durstin prepare tomorrow's food (60 minutes)


Hike to a remote meditation pillar(8h)


Hike to a remote meditation pillar (8h) (unlocked after the first one)


Explore new mind-altering compounds(4h)


Repeatable Meditate with Echur(60m)


Share some cranium powder and have a deep discussion(60m)


Practice reading each others' minds (2h)


Take Echur up on his intimate invitation(8h) (unlocked after "Practice reading each others' minds")


At [Comfortable] favor, Elahil begins to offer Hang Out opportunities.


Go bow-hunting for stags (4 hours)


Help restring old bows (60 minutes)


Test various arrowhead designs (2 hours) [Comfortable]

Eveline Rastin

Discuss the casino shops (2 hours)


Talk about Willem (Friends - 4 hours)


Collect Mushrooms for stew (8h)


Help clean up the inn (3h)


Cut deer carcasses for venison (2h)


Watch potatoes bake (4h)


Help butcher pigs to make steaks (60m)


Collect crabs by the river (60m)


Collect more crabs


Taste-test new vegetarian recipes (60m)


Watch Felmer make fae silk from mollusc slime (4h)


Organize Firaki's dye inventory (2h)


Let Firaki practice her sales pitches on you (60m)


What did you have in mind?


  • Scour the Woods Looking for Wounded Animals to Put Down (2h)

  • Hunt For Light Fey In The Woods and Nearby Hills (8h)

  • Discuss the Politics of Fey Courts (30min) [Neutral]

  • Set Up Traps and Cull Excess Rabbits From the Forest (2h)

  • Frolic in the Woods and Bury Gold for Mortals to Find (3h) - requires [Friends]

George Madler

Card cotton and talk about the weather (4 hours)


Card cotton and talk about George's dead family (4 hours)


Card cotton and talk about George's escape from slavery (4 hours)


Discuss Ranalon Culture (2h) [Neutral]


Help Gershok prepare a totemic infusion (1h) [Comfortable]


Milk the cows (30 minutes) [Neutral]


Help Gisli train a new animal (2 hours)


Compare phrenology notes (2h)


Compare more phrenology notes (2h)


Compare yet more phrenology notes (2h)

Gloria Stonecurl

Learn background information about Arisetsu (6h) (Must be a Priest)


Learn the basics of being a Priest of Arisetsu (6h) (Must be a Priest)


Learn advanced lifesaving Priest techniques (8h) (Must be a Priest)


Learn combat techniques for Priests (8h) (Must be a Priest)

Gretchen Salas

Gossip with Gretchen about the elves in Eltibule Keep (60 minutes) [Comfortable]


Help Gretchen prepare her famous potato vodka (4 hours) [Comfortable]

Helena Veilmoor

Sharpen swords (3 hr) [Comfortable]


Play Rage Deck with Hogan and Braigon (4 hours)


Discuss the mantis gang that Helena owes money to (1 hour) [Neutral]


Talk about Hogan (1 hour) [Comfortable]

Hemmit Magmagrip

Have a mushroom-joke competition (3 hours) [Neutral]


Explain how mushroom circles work (8 hours)

Hirochi the Booklord

The Hang Out options offered by Hirochi the Booklord are only accessible to characters with an active VIP subscription. The Hang Outs are used to give Autodidacticism levels to characters who have already learned more than the introductory books from Non-Fiction Writing can teach.


Take a course on autodidacticism (8h)


Take another course on autodidacticism (22h) - Complete "Take a course on autodidacticism"


Repeatable Take a more in-depth course on autodidacticism (1 day 22 hrs) - Complete "Take another course on autodidacticism"


At [Comfortable] Hogan offers to Hang Out:


  • Practice staff-fighting with Hogan (2h)

  • Let Hogan try his new Staff moves on you (2h)

  • Patrol around the fortress for dangerous monsters (2h)


Discuss the tax code(60m)


RepeatableCheck business receipts (4h)


RepeatableDouble-check the month's records (8h)

Ichin the Ice Master

Have a heated discussion about ice magic concepts


Volunteer your milk to help Ichin research ice cream [cow only] (4 hours)


Talk about fun potions (3h)


Cover for Irkima while he visits Tavilak for a mind-meld (6h) - Probing Tavilak's History completion required.


Explore nearby ruined tombs for ancient treasures (3 hours)


Talk about the Sampo legend over dinner (2 hours) [Friends]


Repeatable Help till the fields (8 hours)


Repeatable Collect manure from the cow fields (4 hours) [Friends]


Have a beer and discuss how stupid the council is (60 minutes)

Jace Soral

Clean and prepare wolfsbane (1h)


Chop firewood and clean the campsite (4h)


Play poker with Jace Soral and Sanja (4h)

Jake the Buckler

Trade badass warrior stories (4 hours)


Watch Jake work on his masterpiece buckle (2 hours)


Discuss vegetarian recipes (60 min)


Go searching for butterflies in the meadow (3 hr)


Talk about Sarina's condition (60 min)


Help prepare a special meal for Sarina (3 hr)


Go fishing (5 hr)


Talk about how stupid humans are(30m)


Participate in a leather party (8h) [Like Family]


Spar with padded swords(2h)


Help refurbish some used swords(60m)


Decorate for a leather party(60m)


Go hunt for pig together(3h)


Listen to Jumjab ramble about his life (2hr)


Help Jumjab sell his services to local humans (8hr)


Help Jumjab prepare fetish bags (2h)


Have some bounceweed with Jumper (4h) - Requires a Deer


Try some of Jumper's special bounceweed (6h) - Requires a Deer


Bounce around Sun Valve(8h) - Requires a Deer


Test out a new strain of bounceweed (10h) - Requires a Deer

Kib the Unkillable

Discuss why Kib has come to the casino(4h)


Talk about psychic mantises(2h)


Help clean skins (5 hours)


Compare skinning techniques (4 hours)


Discuss marital stress (3 hours)


Collect lumber (2h)


Help Lamashu build a cabinet (4h)

Landri the Cold

Discuss Ice Magic basic concepts (2 hr) [Comfortable]


Practice Ice magic on Each other (2 hr) [Comfortable]


Help make alchemical concoctions (6 hr) [Friends]


Help make complex alchemical concotions (12hr) [Close Friends]


Help make advanced alchemical concoctions (18hr) [Best Friends]


Help Larsan organize his inventory (2 hours)


Help Larsan untangle knotted necklaces (3 hours)

Laura Neth

Help chop veggies and talk about the weather (60m)

Repeatable Talk about how terrible orcs are (2 hours)


Help bake biscuits (4 hours)


Talk about how terrible werewolves are (2 hours)


Repeatable Help prepare snacking cheese (8 hours)


Help prepare next week's meals (8 hours)


You're going to come back here later just to hang out with me? That's very sweet of you, but ... also kind of insane! But who am I to judge?

So what activity did you have in mind?


Sit around and be Lawara's pet (4 hours) [Neutral] - Requires a Beast Form.


Help carve marionettes (4 hours) [Friends]


Repeatable Check each other for lice (1 hour) [Neutral]


Share your experiences with amnesia (2 hours) [Comfortable]


Have a quiet tea break (30 minutes) [Neutral]


Get in-depth disenchanting lessons (4 hours) [Comfortable]


Help to transmute a difficult item (2 hours) [Neutral]


Help Mandibles prepare tomorrow's meals (Close Friends - 4 hours)


Check Marna's spider traps (60 minutes)


Fill out first aid kits (2 hours)


Take inventory of shop wares (4 hours) [Friends]


Research words of power


Have gin and gur-horta with Melandria (2 hours)


Learn Orcish Grammar (4 hours)


Have tea with and talk about sex-slavery (2 hours)


Have gur-horta and pear wine with Melandria (8 hours)

Mox Warcut

Compare explosion techniques (5h) [Comfortable]


Talk about Nadile, Mox's old girlfriend (2h) - Complete "Catch up with Bellema after she talks with Mox" with Bellema Deftwhisper


Show Mox how you use First Aid (4h) - Requires a Beast Form


Sit quietly and try to absorb power from the soil! (2h)


Share a cranium powder and talk about interspecies problems (1h) [Comfortable]

Mushroom Jack

RepeatablePrepare for the inevitable Myconian invasion (5h)


Hunt for Myconians down in the ravine (4h)


Discuss optimal fungal growth cycles (2h)


Catch fish in the river (4h)


Experiment with mushroom-based infusion recipes (10h)


Experiment with mushroom-based infusion recipes (8h) (unlocked after 10h "Experiment with...")


Hunt under the influence of mushroom-based infusions (8h) (unlocked after 10h "Experiment with...")[Close Friends]


Experiment with mushroom-based infusion recipes (6h) (unlocked after 8h "Experiment with...")


Help Nishika prepare the Generals meal (4h). [Friends]


Help Nishika prepare tomorrow's stew (2h). [Comfortable]


Do the dishes at Nishika's restaurant (4h). [Neutral]


Help Nishika process junk meat (6h). [Friends]


Help Nishika process tons of junk meat (8h).

Percy Evans

Stand in the lookout tower and watch bear movements (5 hr)


Check the perimeter (30 min)


Talk about Percy's dead wife in torturous detail (3 hr)


Have sex with Rappanel (4h)


Get to know Raul little better (3h) - Requires a Cow


Take a long walk on the beach (4h) - Requires a Cow (unlock after Get to know Raul little better)


Let Raul take you to his secret spot (8h) - Requires a Cow (unlock after Take a long walk on the beach)


Spend another evening with Raul (12h) - Requires a Cow (unlock after Let Raul take you to his secret spot)


Help Rita braid her hair (60 min)


Help Rita make navel rings (4 hours)


Take a hike through the woods and then have sex (12 hr)


Spy on Marna to discover her hair secrets (8 hr)


Help Rita make soap (5 hr)


Play with the giant rats in town (2 hr)


Hunt for werewolves (6h)


Hunt for more werewolves (7h) -- requires [Friends]


Hunt for yet more werewolves (8h) -- requires [?]


Groom each other (2h) -- requires [Friends]


Race each other (30m) -- requires finishing 'Groom each other' hang out


Prepare food for the dinner rush (60m) [Neutral]


Help Selaxi collect cactus juice (4h) [Comfortable]


Paste flyers for Selaxi's Shop around town (3h) [Comfortable]


Let Shirogin use you as a dummy to model clothing on (5 hours) Requires [Comfortable]


Help Shirogin prepare new textiles (8 hours) Requires [Best Friends]


Gossip with Shirogin about the generals of Rahu (5 hours) Requires [Close Friends]


Help cut cloth for a new shirt (2 hours) Requires [Comfortable]

Sie Antry

RepeatableHelp weed the garden (6 hours)


Scour the perimeter of the homestead for rogue molluscs (5 hours)


Help clean the house (60 minutes)


Talk about how to improve the trade routes (2 hours)

Sir Coth

Patrol the town perimeter (4h)


Help polish Sir Coth's armor


Talk about how beautiful Rita is (60m)


Argue about whether elves have souls (2h)


Spy on the elves in town to see what they're planning (5h)


Help Sirine clean the newest batch of furs (8h)


Let Sirine know what Yetta has been up to lately (3h)


Discuss Yetta's situation and consider Sirine's options (4h)


Consider Yetta and Sirine's situation now that you delivered Sirine's note (3h)


Help cure Sirine of her loneliness (7h)

Suspicious Cow

Chat and graze (1 hour) [Comfortable]


Chew cud and relax (2 hours) [Comfortable]


Nap and forage (3 hours) [Comfortable]


Let Tadion model a new helmet design around your head (failure) (60 minutes)


Let Tadion model a new helmet design around your head (success) (60 minutes)


Help fix up the cow pasture outside of town (6 hours)


Help Tadion make new horseshoes (2 hours)


Help prepare Hard Cider (2 hours) [Close Friends] - Learn Brewing first.


Repeatable Help butcher sheep for meals (3 hours)


Repeatable Help shovel snow off the nearby road (4 hours) - Resets every ? (week maybe?)


Repeatable Tan skins and discuss politics (4 hours) - Resets every week


Practice basic magic drills (3h) [Neutral]


Help develop superior fire techniques (16h)


Practice throwing and dodging fireballs (2h)


Collect fire dust from the forest (4h)


Discuss magical theory (4h)


Play with Velkort's sentient flame (60m)

Willem Fangblade

Help Willem in the shop late at night (4h) (Close Friends)


Rub Balms and Oils into Yalox's Exposed Flesh (60m)


Howl in commiseration (2hr)


Discuss Yasinda's disappointment with her daughter's choice of profession (3h)


Taste-test new alchemical concoctions (1hr)


Commiserate about Sirine (5 hours)


Help clean spider legs for use in potions (4 hours)


Experiment with memory-erasing potions (60 minutes)


Experiment with memory-erasing potions (3 hours)


Experiment with memory-erasing potions (4 hours)


Experiment with memory-erasing potions (8 hours)


Experiment with toxic sludge recipes (60m)


Repeatable Help swap out mana sponges (30m)