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Revision as of 11:38, 7 September 2020

This page records all known available Hang Outs for NPCs, by populating lists with information from the page of each NPC.

Please note that some NPCs do not have any Hang Outs.

Anagoge Island

The NPCs of the starter island

Name Hang Outs

You're going to come back here later just to hang out with me? That's very sweet of you, but ... also kind of insane! But who am I to judge?

So what activity did you have in mind?

Sit around and be Lawara's pet (4 hours) [Neutral] - Requires a Beast Form.

There! You're all cleaned! Want to fetch the stick some more? No? Well, that's okay. I need to take a nap anyway, so I guess you can stop being my pet now and go do fun doggie things. Thanks for being such a good friend.

Werewolf form

There! You're all cleaned! Want to fetch the stick some more? No? Well, that's okay. I need to take a nap anyway, so I guess you can stop being my pet now and go graze or whatever. Thanks for being such a good friend.

Cow form

35 [favor] with Lawara
300 XP in your Beast Form

Help carve marionettes (4 hours) [Friends]

Thanks for visiting me. I appreciate the company, although I'm not sure why you bother. I hope you learned something vaguely useful about whittling!

35 [favor] with Lawara
300 Carpentry XP

Check each other for lice (1 hour) [Neutral]

You're clean! No, keep the comb, I made it out of femurs just for you! You shouldn't share combs with other people, you know.

12 [favor] with Lawara

Share your experiences with amnesia (2 hours) [Comfortable]

Well it sounds like we both got mind-wiped pretty deep. I have a confession... I think I was a very dangerous person once. My hands know how to hurt people very badly. It's really scary. I mean, I can kill you right now without breaking a sweat. No, no, don't worry! I'm not that person anymore. I'm just going to stay in here and make some art. The outside world can go screw itself. But I can show you a choke-hold I just remembered. Here, stand still..."

20 [favor] with Lawara
300 Unarmed XP

Records Golem A
Records Golem B
Records Golem C
Records Golem D

The Region of Serbule

Serbule Keep and surrounding area

Name Hang Outs
Akhisa's Herald

Sit quietly and ambush small game (4h)

Ttk. You were too noisy. Next time, be more quiet. Food only tastes good if you catch it unaware.

  • 35 favor

Sit quietly and ambush small game again (4h)Repeatable

Again, the hunting was good. So many of your kind are afraid of simply sitting in perfect silence. It is hard to take them seriously.


Sit quietly and ambush small game yet again (4h)


Discuss geologic digging techniques (3 hours)

Right, I think you're on to something there: enchant the pick with Tsavorite somehow, and it'd dig up bigger hauls! Here, I have some spare Tsavorite. Now if we just knew an enchantment formula to use it! But anyway, good talking with you.

27 favor with Blanche
100 Geology XP
x 2

Explore rudimentary fire magic techniques (3 hours)

You're good at this! I fel kind of left out. But it was fun watching you cast fireballs! Here, keep this.

27 favor with Blanche
200 Fire Magic XP
x 3

Talk about how the council needs to send more researchers to Serbule (60 minutes)

12 favor with Blanche
10 Lore xp

Repeatable Search for antique Human artifacts (4 hours) - Resets every 5 days

Nothing but a mug and plate. Well, it was fun, even if it didn't net us many artifacts. Here's your share!

35 favor with Blanche
10 Lore XP

Repeatable Go hunting for Rubywall crystals (8 hours)

That was tedious, wasn't it? Well, we got some! That's what counts. Here's your share!

65 Favor with Blanche
100 Geology XP
x 10

Charles Thompson

Does not offer any known Hang Outs.

Creepy Alchemist
Dye Monster

Hike to a remote meditation pillar(8h)

The scenery was great, wasn't it? Even if the meditation was kind of a drag. Well, not every meditation session goes as planned, you know? But we just come back tomorrow and try again.

65 favor with Echur
300 Meditation XP

Hike to a remote meditation pillar (8h) (unlocked after the first one)

65 favor
450 Meditation XP

Explore new mind-altering compounds(4h)

That one was too hallucinogenic for me. I prefer ones that focus the mind, not distract it. You keep the rest.

35 favor with Echur
25 Mycology XP
4 Blusher Mushroom

Repeatable Meditate with Echur(60m)

Now we're ready to face the day! Come back next week and meditate with me again.

12 favor with Echur
100 Meditation XP

Share some cranium powder and have a deep discussion(60m)

I think I'm slowing down, so that's probably enough for me!

12 favor with Echur
50 Meditation XP
1 Cranium Powder

Practice reading each others' minds (2h)

20 favor
200 Meditation XP

Take Echur up on his intimate invitation(8h) (unlocked after "Practice reading each others' minds")

65 favor with Echur
400 Meditation XP
1 Ring of Telepathic Pestering (Level 30)
Recipe for Elven Infertility Cantrip


At [Comfortable] favor, Elahil begins to offer Hang Out opportunities.

Go bow-hunting for stags (4 hours)

35 favor
300 Archery XP

Help restring old bows (60 minutes)

Thanks! It's a lot easier to restring these with two people working on 'em.

12 favor
150 Archery XP

Test various arrowhead designs (2 hours) [Comfortable]

Most of these experimental arrows sucked, but the frog-crotch arrows were pretty good. Let me keep working on the design; I think it oculd be pretty useful against unarmored foes.

20 favor
150 Archery XP


Collect Mushrooms for stew (8h)

65 favor with Fainor
200 Mycology XP
20 Parasol Mushrrom
10 Mycena Mushroom

Help clean up the inn (3h)

You do good work. Thanks. Here, dinner's on the house.

27 favor with Fainor
1 BBQ Ribs

Cut deer carcasses for venison (2h)

Gods they stink inside! I'll take rotten fish any day over the smell of deer guts. You did good, though. Thanks.

20 favor with Fainor
200 Butchering XP
1 Vension

Watch potatoes bake (4h)

See? Wasn't that fun? Take these with you so you can have fun on your own later!

35 favor with Fainor
100 Cooking XP
5 Potato

Help butcher pigs to make steaks (60m)

12 favor with Fainor
100 Butchering XP
1 Pork Shoulder

Collect crabs by the river (60m)

You know what is more fun than that? Almost anything. But hey, thanks for keeping me company! Keep some crabs!

12 favor with Fainor
100 Fishing XP
5 Crab

Collect more crabs

Well, that was still pretty dull, but I appreciate your company. I'm gonna make some crab rolls with this batch. Oh, you don't know how? Let me teach you.

20 favor with Fainor
5 Crab
Recipe for Crab Roll

Taste-test new vegetarian recipes (60m)

So you like lentils in the salad but hate lentil soup. Got it.

12 favor with Fainor
100 Gourmand XP

Fitz the Boatman

What did you have in mind?

  • Scour the Woods Looking for Wounded Animals to Put Down (2h)

Well, we put one doe out of her misery, but that sickly wolf got away. Still, not that bad a job. Here, keep the deer parts, I don't want them.

20 favor with Fila
2 Vension

  • Hunt For Light Fey In The Woods and Nearby Hills (8h)

Nothing! I think I killed them all already, but you never know when one of those little milksops will come back! Thanks for helping me patrol. You can keep that collar in case you find one.

65 favor with Fila
1 Cold Iron Shackles

  • Discuss the Politics of Fey Courts (30min) [Neutral]

Are all dark fey "evil"? No! That's so racist!

Look, most dark fey just don't think the way you do, because they live forever in a dimension of pure hatred and pain. So it's hard to relate to you. But that doesn't make them evil!

I mean, compare them to mages who become undead so they can live forever. Would you call THEM evil?

What, really? I just don't get you.

5 Favor with Fila
25 Lore

  • Set Up Traps and Cull Excess Rabbits From the Forest (2h)

Thanks for your help, that would have really hurt to do on my own. The traps are made of cold iron, and they burn my flesh if I touch them! But since you set them for me, I guess I won't need these bandages. Maybe you can use them.

20 Favor with Fila
3 Simple First Aid Kits

  • Frolic in the Woods and Bury Gold for Mortals to Find (3h) - requires [Friends]
27 Favor with Fila
100 Coins


Milk the cows (30 minutes) [Neutral]

Thanks. With an extra pair of hands it goes a lot faster! I can groom them while you milk them. Hey, here, take this as thanks.

5 favor
Bottle of Milk

Help Gisli train a new animal (2 hours)

Well, that could have gone better. Blanche's new pet chicken is just not a smart bird. We can make her friendly to strangers, but Blanche wanted her to do tricks, and I just don't think that's happening. I'll break the news to Blanche -- don't worry about it. Thanks for your help today.

Must train Animal Handling
20 favor with Gisli
250 Animal Handling XP

Happy-Go-Lucky Bat
Harry the Wolf

Discuss the tax code(60m)

12 favor with Hulon
25 Lore XP

RepeatableCheck business receipts (4h)

These are dramatically low. Joeh's cheating the council again! He even admits it, says he doesn't have to pay the whole thing because the city doesn't have full council services. Well, they never will if he never pays his taxes! Why don't elves understand how important this is?

Well, you did well. Here's a fair wage.

35 favor with Hulon
400 Councils

RepeatableDouble-check the month's records (8h)

You found two errors! That's impressive. You know, the Council never finds any errors when I send the books in. Are they even overseeing me at all? Sometimes I wonder.

65 favor with Hulon
800 Councils


Explore nearby ruined tombs for ancient treasures (3 hours)

So... I owe you an apology for my reaction to that deer made of dark energy, or whatever the hell that was. I know my shrieking didn't make the fight any easier. But we got out alive! That's what counts, right?

27 favor with Ivyn
100 Unarmed XP

Talk about the Sampo legend over dinner (2 hours) [Friends]

20 Favor with Ivyn
25 Lore XP

Repeatable Help till the fields (8 hours)

It's pretty rare to find someone around town who's willing to work that hard! I'm impressed! Take these fresh vegetables as payment.

65 favor with Ivyn
200 Gardening XP

Repeatable Collect manure from the cow fields (4 hours) [Friends]

Quite a haul we got! Here's your share, thanks for the help!

37.8 Favor with Ivyn
50 Gardening XP

Have a beer and discuss how stupid the council is (60 minutes)

And that's not even the worst part! The worst part is that we no longer have any representation! It's practically a dictatorship! Ah, but listen to me. If those wizards were really dictators, I suppose I'd have been smote down for my complaints by now, eh?

12 favor with Ivyn
25 Lore XP


Talk about how stupid humans are(30m)

Ha ha, you know it! But that's enough slandering for a day. Back to work!

5 favor with Joeh

Participate in a leather party (8h) [Like Family]

Well, that was exhausting! And I had no idea you were so agile! Thank you for coming. Here's a token of my appreciation.

65 favor with Joeh
1 Joeh's Old Sword
Error: Item not foundRecipe: Elven Infertility Cantrip

Spar with padded swords(2h)

Quite a workout! Next time, I should show you my other sparring technique. It doesn't use swords. It uses... other pointy things. But until then, thank you.

20 favor with Joeh
200 Sword XP

Help refurbish some used swords(60m)

That tedium went by quicker than expected, eh?

12 favor with Joeh
100 Sword XP

Decorate for a leather party(60m)

12 favor with Joeh

Go hunt for pig together(3h)

Little oinky bastards never knew what hit 'em! Here's your share!

27 favor with Joeh

Jurl the Boatman

Help Larsan organize his inventory (2 hours)

No, no, the navel rings are stored back here, out of sight. Humans who come in are embarrassed and flustered by navel rings for some reason. Bad for business.

That was all of it. Thank you for your help! Here's some coin for your trouble.

20 [favor] with Larsan
250 coins

Help Larsan untangle knotted necklaces (3 hours)

These necklaces are such a mess, and it's my fault. When Dwyndarre was being bombarded, I grabbed all my jewelry and stuffed it in a sack. People were screaming and smoke was everywhere, but I couldn't leave my inventory! Then my tree fell, and everyone around me died, but somehow I survived. I wandered for days, shocked and wounded, until Marna found me. She brought a bunch of us survivors here -- she's sort of our spiritual mayor, even if that human is the real mayor. Oh, listen to me prattle on. Anyway, thank you for helping with these infernal knots! Take this!

27 [favor] with Larsan

Legacy Item Replacer
Leonard Allenson

Check Marna's spider traps (60 minutes)

Only 32 legs! Well, it sounds impressive when I say it that way. But what I mean is: only 4 spiders! But thanks for the company. Have a spider's-worth.

Fill out first aid kits (2 hours)

Whew! What a boring job! You really made the time fly, though. I thank you.

Take inventory of shop wares (4 hours) [Friends]

I'm so glad you helped me with this! I've been putting it off for months. So boring. But you really made the time fly by. Here, I want you to have these. We've got extras, so it's no big loss.

Research words of power

Hah, you found a nice one! Did I ever tell you about my favorite find? I found it years ago. It made my hair perpetually shiny and silky to the touch. Don't tell anybody! It drives Rita insane with jealousy.

Huh? Oh, no, I love Rita! It's just that she's beautiful enough without magic, you know? In fact, if I were a few hundred years younger, I'd be pawning all over Rita, but she just seems so... young. Oh no, am I getting old? Oh gods! Is this how it starts?!


Sit quietly and try to absorb power from the soil! (2h)

I suppose it was too much to hope for. You are a meatling, and cannot get your nutrients from the soil. Thank you for trying, though. I guess I must accept that you're a violent murderer: it's just your nature.

20 [favor] with Mu

Share a cranium powder and talk about interspecies problems (1h) [Comfortable]

I disagree with that idea. Myconians aren't "vegan hippies", it's just that our version of "meat" is dirt. Don't you see? No? Well, another time then!

12 [favor] with Mu

Mushroom Jack

RepeatablePrepare for the inevitable Myconian invasion (5h)

Requires going through dialogue with Mushroom Jack to gain access to this Hangout.

That should do it! Keep this hat on at all times; it's my best one yet! And remember, if anyone says anything suspicious, stab them to see if they bleed.

42 favor with Mushroom Jack

Hunt for Myconians down in the ravine (4h)

Nothing! Not even a track! They have to be on to us! Otherwise we'd surely have at least seen footprints. I just don't know how we're going to catch them.

35 favor with Mushroom Jack
100 Myconic XP

Discuss optimal fungal growth cycles (2h)

No, your opinion is stupid, and you have no idea what you're talking about! Why am I even wasting my breath? Get out! But come back later, because I like yelling at idiots.

20 favor with Mushroom Jack

Catch fish in the river (4h)

Well... we didn't catch many fish, and that's my fault. I'm sorry about the false alarm. I swear I thought she was a myconian. It's okay, though, Rita will forgive us eventually.

35 favor with Mushroom Jack
50 Fishing XP

Experiment with mushroom-based infusion recipes (10h)

You remember anything? Nope, me neither. I guess that concoction caused memory loss! But look at all this junk you're carrying. I bet we had fun.

80 favor

Experiment with mushroom-based infusion recipes (8h) (unlocked after 10h "Experiment with...")

That was perfect. Things were fuzzy and pleasant but not terrifying, and no vomit or memory loss. Can you read the formula back to me? It was two Blusher mushrooms and what else...

What? No! No, *you* were supposed to be writing it down, not me! Yes, I know I said I would, but that was *subterfuge* because someone was reading my mind at the time. You should have seen through that! Gah. Now we have to start over! You moron!

65 favor
250 Mycology XP

Hunt under the influence of mushroom-based infusions (8h) (unlocked after 10h "Experiment with...")[Close Friends]

So that could have gone better. I'm pretty sure those weren't really rhinos we were fighting. I have huge gashes in my abdomen, like tiger cuts. Let's not do that again, okay? Oh, no, you can keep that hat. I've got a bunch of better ones.

60 favor

Experiment with mushroom-based infusion recipes (6h) (unlocked after 8h "Experiment with...")

You know, I think it actually made us immune to mushrooms. Wait... that's grade-A myconian defense lager, that is! Ha ha ha! We win!

50 favor
Error: Item not foundRecipe: icon_5158.png Myconian Resistance Lager

Nelson Ballard
Norbert/Strange Pig

Help Rita braid her hair (60 min)

Ow! No! You're doing it wrong! Okay... stop! Okay, you get an 'A' for effort, but let's call it a day.

12 [favor] with Rita
x 2

Help Rita make navel rings (4 hours)

35 [favor]
(Max Cleanliness +1)

Take a hike through the woods and then have sex (12 hr)

That was fun! You were pretty good! But practice what I showed you for next time, okay?

95 [favor] with Rita
Error: Item not foundRecipe: Elven Sexual Energy Cantrip

Spy on Marna to discover her hair secrets (8 hr)

She must have known we were watching her! That's why she used that creepy cantrip: to throw us off the trail. Elves wouldn't use that, it's slummy Human magic. We need to spy on her again later.

65 [favor] with Rita
Error: Item not foundRecipe: Human Hair-Cleaning Cantrip

Help Rita make soap (5 hr)

It's a lot of work, I know! But don't let other races know. Elves take pride in making beauty look easy"

42 [favor] with Rita
50 Alchemy XP
Error: Item not foundRecipe: icon_5992.png Floral Soap

Play with the giant rats in town (2 hr)

Hah, did you see them eating flowers? Flowers! They eat anything! But we shouldn't overdo it. They might get sick or something, I dunno. Better keep these.

20 [favor] with Rita
x 3

Roshun the Traitor
Sentient Flame
Sir Arif
Sir Coth

Patrol the town perimeter (4h)

Quiet as usual. Well, aside from those tigers that tried to ambush us. Stupid tigers. Thanks for staying up with me!

35 [favor] with Sir Coth
x 10
Error: Item not foundRecipe: Human Anti-Drowsy Cantrip

Help polish Sir Coth's armor

Oh, it's beautiful now. Just lovely. Thank you.

12 [favor] with Sir Coth
200 Armor Patching XP
x 3

Talk about how beautiful Rita is (60m)

No, you're wrong. Anything she says can't be trusted because she's a minx. A minx, I say. If only she were a real person, like a Human or even a Rakky... but I guess then I wouldn't love her the same, eh? Well, thanks for lending your ear.

12 [favor] with Sir Coth

Argue about whether elves have souls (2h)

Look, I have to rest my case: no animal in nature has two penises. Except some lizards. And snakes. Those don't have souls, either! It's really that simple: two dicks, no soul. No, no, you've said your piece. We'll have to agree to disagree.

20 [favor] with Sir Coth
25 Lore XP

Spy on the elves in town to see what they're planning (5h)

Did you tip them off? No? Well how did they know to shut up about all their sneaking and backstabbing, then? I don't get it. Harumph. Well anyways, keep those potions I gave you. I'm sure an emergency will arise eventually. Just not today.

40 [favor] with Sir Coth
x 3

Strange Spider

Let Tadion model a new helmet design around your head (failure) (60 minutes)

Stand still. Stand still! It's not that hot, is it? Oh... oh dear.

Look I'm sorry I burned you. I was sure the metal was cool enough! I guess I just have really thick skin. But you'll heal! Don't worry!

12 [favor] with Tadion

Let Tadion model a new helmet design around your head (success) (60 minutes)

I made sure it's not too hot this time! Yep, it fits. And hey, you keep this, and let's call it even?

12 [favor] with Tadion

Help fix up the cow pasture outside of town (6 hours)

Nothing like a long hard day of work to build up a thirst, huh? Here. Drink!

50 [favor] with Tadion

Help Tadion make new horseshoes (2 hours)

Well, I can't say these are good horseshoes you've made here. But thanks for your help, I'll use these for decorations or something.

20 [favor] with Tadion
100 Blacksmithing XP

Teaching Golem

Help prepare Hard Cider (2 hours) [Close Friends] - Learn Brewing first.

This is applejack! Nelson Ballard taught me how to make it. He says lots of humans love it. Try it. You like it? Well, it's an 'acquired taste.' But you'll like it if you drink enough! I need to let this new stuff ferment, so I don't have a lot to share right now. But since you helped me, I'll teach you the recipes I use!

20 [favor] with Therese
Error: Item not foundRecipe: icon_5722.png Applejack (Un-Aged)
Error: Item not foundRecipe: icon_5722.png Applejack (Drinkable Cask)


Practice basic magic drills (3h) [Neutral]

No, no, no, the index finger goes up and down rhythmically while the middle finger goes side to side. This is not complicated! And the pinky rotates simultaneously... right.

Well, you at least understand the theory. Now just practice twenty thousand fireballs and you'll get the hang of it. Here. Velkort takes off his gloves. You need these more than I do. They'll smooth over all small errors in your prestidigitation.

27 favor with Velkort
50 Fire Magic XP

Help develop superior fire techniques (16h)

125 favor with Velkort
200 Fire Magic XP

Practice throwing and dodging fireballs (2h)

Hah! You're quite agile for a neophyte. I hope your eyebrows grow back quickly.

20 favor with Velkort
250 Fire Magic XP

Collect fire dust from the forest (4h)

A truly tedious task, I know. But your moderately tolerable company made it less annoying.

35 favor with Velkort
100 Fire Magic XP

Discuss magical theory (4h)

Well... you haven't convinced me that undead energy and elemental power come from the same source, but your theories are quite intriguing. Thank you for the discussion, it's far deeper than I had expected. Oh, no, take the leftover snacks with you. Otherwise I'd just feed them to Flamey.

35 favor with Velkort
50 Lore XP

Play with Velkort's sentient flame (60m)

No, I don't really know what he eats. He's not undead, and he's not really an Elemental. The reason I kept him around was because he was so mysterious... now, though, I keep him around because he's so cute. Aren't you, little guy? Yes you are! Ahem.

10 favor with Velkort
25 Lore XP


Experiment with toxic sludge recipes (60m)

Nothing. But we did get to play with slime. That's sort of a reward in itself.

12 [favor] with Zealo
50 Alchemy XP

Repeatable Help swap out mana sponges (30m)

Thanks! Here, keep a sponge for yourself.

5 [favor] with Zealo


Serbule Crypt

Name Hang Outs
Pulsing Crystal
Sir Arif
Strange Spider

Myconian Cave

Name Hang Outs

Sit quietly and try to absorb power from the soil! (2h)

I suppose it was too much to hope for. You are a meatling, and cannot get your nutrients from the soil. Thank you for trying, though. I guess I must accept that you're a violent murderer: it's just your nature.

20 [favor] with Mu

Share a cranium powder and talk about interspecies problems (1h) [Comfortable]

I disagree with that idea. Myconians aren't "vegan hippies", it's just that our version of "meat" is dirt. Don't you see? No? Well, another time then!

12 [favor] with Mu


Crystal Cavern

There are no NPCs in the Crystal Cavern at this time.

Serbule Sewers

There are no NPCs in the Serbule Sewers at this time.

Carpal Tunnels

Name Hang Outs

Experiment with toxic sludge recipes (60m)

Nothing. But we did get to play with slime. That's sort of a reward in itself.

12 [favor] with Zealo
50 Alchemy XP

Repeatable Help swap out mana sponges (30m)

Thanks! Here, keep a sponge for yourself.

5 [favor] with Zealo


There are no NPCs in Borghild at this time.

Serbule Hills

The South Serbule region.

Name Hang Outs
Baroness Marith Felgard
Brianna Willer

Weed the entire garden while Brianna watches and complains (3 hours) [Neutral]

You missed another one! There! No, smaller. See, under your thumb. Yes, it's small now, but in a few weeks it'd become a full-sized weed. You should take some pride in your work! Okay, fine! Thanks for your help. I'll do the rest later.

25 favor with Brianna Willer

Help Brianna prepare barley for beer (4 hours) [Comfortable] - Complete Earlier Hang Out'

How's the shucking coming along? Well, okay, that's enough for now. Hm? That barley over there? No, no, that's eatin' barley! I use the low-protein barley for brewing, and the high-protein barley for bread. I'm all out of bread or I'd let you taste some. But here: let me write down my recipe for you.

40 Favor
Error: Item not foundRecipe: icon_5111.png Barley Bread

Cleo Conyer

Cleo Conyer does not currently offer any Hang Outs.

Durstin Tallow

*Help Durstin prepare tomorrow's food (60 minutes)

Yep. Just scramble the eggs good. Now pepper 'em within an inch of their lives! Well, I guess technically they're already dead. 's just something the missus used to say. Anyway, thanks for your help.

15 Favor
Recipe for Scrambled Egg


Discuss Ranalon Culture (2h) [Neutral]

You almost understand it... you see, when the male fertilizes the eggs, only some of the male's memories are included. But all of the female's memories are included into the egg. For instance, I was the thirtieth egg my mother laid. I still have her memories of laying the 29 eggs before me. They are... horrible memories. More pickled fish? Oh, please, take it with you! You'll no doubt want to eat it later.

20 [favor] with Gershok

Help Gershok prepare a totemic infusion (1h) [Comfortable]

Good. The tusks are in place. Now just say whatever words come to mind. The actual phrases are not important -- only that the words are sincere. On the other hand, if you mis-align even a single tusk, you are quite likely to explode and die.

Hmm... perhaps you are not yet ready for this recipe. I will teach it to you in time. For now, you may keep the leftover teeth. Practice!

12 [favor] with Gershok
x 2

Jaime Fatholm
Julius Patton
Lana Songtree


Paul Vaughn

Have sex with Rappanel (4h)

Thank you. I do so enjoy the company of humans in the bedroom. You could have been a little more enthusiastic for round four, though. Just a bit of constructive criticism! On the whole, quite a nice time.

Human form

Ahh! It's been a while since I've had sex with an elf. I must say your attitude is quite refeshing: your#23 position was so enthusiastic, I almost believed you'd never had sex upside down before! Ha ha! Well, thank you, and let's do this again soon.

Elf form

Well. That was fun! But... how do I broach this subject? I don't have thick fur like you do. And... you see where this is going, don't you? Those horrific scratches you gave me really threw me off my game.

Now, that's as much my fault as yours, but in the future, try to contain your ... claws, okay?

Rakshasa form

I will admit it: that was quite fun. And that thing you do with your udder is exhilerating!

I didn't know what to expect, you see -- I've never had a talking cow proposition me before! And I'm glad I didn't turn down this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! But... I should stress the "once" part. I enjoyed myself, and I hope you did too, but let's never speak of this again, okay?

Cow form

35 [Favor] with Rappanel
Post-Coital Bliss buff

Sammie Grimspine
Stables Golem


Tyler Green

The Duchy of Eltibule

Eltibule Keep, Hogan's Keep, and surrounding region.

Name Hang Out
Easter Bunny
George Madler
Gretchen Salas
Helena Veilmoor
Percy Evans
Sie Antry
Suspicious Cow
The Errana Bunny
Thimble Pete

Eltibule Crypt

There are no NPCs in the Eltibule Crypt at this time.

Goblin Dungeon

Name Hang Out

Animal Nexus

There are no NPCs in the Animal Nexus at this time.

Boarded up Basement

There are no NPCs in the Boarded up Basement at this time.

Dark Chapel

Name Hang Out
Katarina Eltibule

The harsh land of Kur Mountains

NPCs encountered around Ukorga's Inn, and the rest of the region.

Name Hang Out
Altar of Norala
Broken Glowing Sphere
Completely Normal Fox
Gloria Stonecurl
Glowing Sphere
Jace Soral
Janet Lews
Landri the Cold
Laura Neth
Quest Hag
Ratuk the Thinker
Sugar (NPC)

Kur Tower

Name Hang Out

Wolf Cave

Name Hang Out
Altar of Norala
Completely Normal Fox

Yeti Cave

Name Hang Out
Broken Glowing Sphere
Glowing Sphere

The region of Sun Vale

NPCs encountered at the Gigantic Tree, and the Druid Groves.

Name Hang Out
Agrashab/Sun Vale
Cinnamon the rabbit
Corey The Croaker
Daisy (NPC)
Jake the Buckler
Message Starfish
Puffy Ben
The Wombat

Winter Nexus

Name Hang Out
Corey The Croaker

The deserts of Ilmari

The NPCs of Amulna and the surrounding wasteland

Name Hang Out
Alravesa the All-Hunter
Brandon Mellus
Falkrin Overstrike
Sir Johnson
The Sand Seer


The NPCs of Rahu

Name Hang Out
Ashk the Answerer
Chief Glortok
Daniel Murderdark
Hirochi the Booklord
Ichin the Ice Master
Lady Windsong
Sergeant Ultaka
Wintria Irasce

The region of Red Wing Casino

NPCs encountered at Casino.

Name Hang Out
Arianna Fangblade
Casino Greeter
Chaf Springfield
Dorimir Fangblade
Eveline Rastin
Kib the Unkillable
Lady Alethina
Teleportation Attendant
Willem Fangblade

The Fae Realm

NPCs encountered in the Fae Realm.

Name Hang Out
Agrashab/Fae Realm
Bendith the Banished
Ensign Cricket
Glowing Sphere
Midge the Apothecary
Noita the Green
Shovel Dispenser